The Guardian (USA)

Women as likely to be turned on by sexual images as men – study

- Nicola Davis

The belief that men are more likely to get turned on by sexual images than women may be something of a fantasy, according to a study suggesting brains respond to such images the same way regardless of biological sex.

The idea that, when it comes to sex, men are more “visual creatures” than women has often been used to explain why men appear to be so much keener on pornograph­y.

But the study casts doubt on the notion.

“We are challengin­g that idea with this paper,” said Hamid Noori, co-author of the research from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetic­s in Germany. “At least at the level of neural activity … the brains of men and women respond the same way to porn.”

Writing in the Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences, Noori and his colleagues report how they came to their conclusion­s by analysing the results of 61 published studies involving adults of different biological sex and sexual orientatio­n. The subjects were shown everyday images of people as well as erotic images while they lay inside a brain-scanning machine. Noori said all participan­ts rated the sexual images as arousing before being scanned.

Previously studies based on self-reporting have suggested men are more aroused by images than women, and it has been proposed that these difference­s could be down to the way the brain processes the stimuli – but studies have returned different results.

Now, looking at the whole body of research, Noori and his colleagues say they have found little sign of functional difference­s. For both biological sexes, a change in activity was seen in the same brain regions including the amygdala, insula and striatum when sexual images were shown.

“A lot of these regions are associated also with emotional informatio­n processing and part of it is also connected to the reward processing circuitry,” said Noori.

However, activity was more widespread in the case of explicit pictures than video, and there were some small difference­s in the regions activated linked to sexual orientatio­n.

The team also analysed more than 30 published studies to explore whether there were difference­s between the biological sexes in the volume of grey matter in the insula and anterior cingulate – a previous study had suggested this may be linked to levels of sexual arousal. However, the vast majority of the studies considered did not find any difference in the volume of grey matter in such regions between the sexes. The few that did suggested women have a greater volume of grey matter in these regions than men.

The authors say difference­s in the way the brains of men and women respond to erotic images may have been overstated, with previous research possibly affected by small sample sizes or different attitudes to the material among participan­ts.

But questions remain. The latest study was not able to look at whether the magnitude of the changes of brain activity were the same for both biological sexes.

What’s more, there could be other, social, reasons that one sex might be more likely to seek out pornograph­y, or to report doing so. “Female sexuality has quite a lot of stigma around it,” said Noori, suggesting it may not be that women do not like pornograph­y or are not as visual as men.

“Maybe the main reason is that for the woman there are secondary inhibitory effects that keep them away from expressing what they really feel,” he said. “At least at this moment, our study indicates that men and women are not that much different.”

 ??  ?? The research casts doubt on the idea men are more ‘visual creatures’, a common explanatio­n as to why they are keener on pornograph­y. Photograph: Thomas_EyeDesign/Getty Images/Vetta
The research casts doubt on the idea men are more ‘visual creatures’, a common explanatio­n as to why they are keener on pornograph­y. Photograph: Thomas_EyeDesign/Getty Images/Vetta

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