The Guardian (USA)

Trump tweets as gun violence and white nationalis­t terrorism stalk America

- David Smith in Washington

Two menaces have stalked America throughout its history. One is gun violence. The other is white supremacy. In El Paso, Texas, on Saturday they collided.

A 21-year-old gunman with a hatred of Hispanic immigrants killed 20people in a shopping mall in the eighth deadliest mass shooting in American history. The suspect is believed to have posted online an anti-immigrant screed that praised the killing of 51 people in Christchur­ch mosques in New Zealand in March.

Less than 13 hours later, nine people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, in a second mass shooting.

The chilling reality of domestic terrorism – which now results in far more deaths than foreign terrorism – was acknowledg­ed by political analysts, Democratic candidates for president and George P Bush, nephew of former president George W Bush.

But there was no televised appearance from President Donald Trump, who attempted to wash his hands of the hate crime in a few tweets. His acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, toured TV studios on Sunday expressing righteous indignatio­n. “I blame the people who pull the trigger,” Mulvaney told NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. “Goodness gracious, is someone really blaming the president? People are sick, until we address why people think this way.”

There is a need for caution when drawing a direct line between politician­s and heinous acts: the Columbine high school massacre happened under President Bill Clinton, the Orlando nightclub shooting under Barack Obama. But the lone gunman theory is often a way of refusing to grapple with underlying motives. For those who live with violence and its consquence­s in their communitie­s every day, context matters.

Trump has spent the past month stoking racial resentment­s, tweeting that four US congresswo­men of colour should “go back” to their countries, holding a rally where the crowd chanted “send her back!” and deriding the majority African American district that contains part of Baltimore as “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess”.

Inflammato­ry words matter in a country that has more guns than people. Tragically, shootings have become as American as apple pie. Dayton was the 22nd mass killing in America this year, according to an AP/USA Today/Northeaste­rn University mass murder database, which tracks all attacks involving four or more people killed. America has by far the highest gun ownership rate in the world.

Time and again Congress refuses to act. Not even the shooting that killed 20 students and six teachers at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticu­t, in 2012 led to meaningful reforms, even though a sympatheti­c president, Barack Obama, was in the White House.

Then came Trump. The National Rifle Associatio­n (NRA) was a key part of his coalition, spending $30m to help him beat Hillary Clinton. He has resisted basic measures such as signing background checks for gun sales into law. A promise to defend the second amendment, the right to bear arms, always rouses one of the biggest cheers at his campaign ralles. Trump wildly exaggerate­s Democrats’ plans for gun control.

In addition, Trump has fomented

a toxic discourse around immigratio­n and race. He questioned Obama’s birthplace, launched his election campaign with talk of Mexican “criminals” and “rapists” and drew moral equivalenc­e between white supremacis­ts and antifascis­t protesters in Charlottes­ville, Virginia. He has used the word “invasion” numerous times when tweeting about the US-Mexico border; the gunman in El Paso, in a “manifesto” being linked to him, complained of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas”.

White nationalis­t terrorism is now a real danger, yet it receives a fraction of the attention of Islamist extremism. The FBI director, Christophe­r Wray, testified last month that the bureau has recorded about 100 arrests of domestic terrorism suspects in the past nine months; many were linked to white supremacis­t violence. Trump’s critics say he is fanning the flames of bigotry.

Presidenti­al candidate Cory Booker told CNN’s State of the Union: “I want to say with more moral clarity that Donald Trump is responsibl­e for this. He is responsibl­e because he is stoking fears and hatred and bigotry. He is responsibl­e because he is failing to condemn white supremacy, and seeing it as it is.

Trump believes the rhetoric worked for him in 2016, not with a majority of Americans (he lost the popular vote), but with the white-majority states that were crucial to his victory in the electoral college. The past month – where has doubled down on race baiting and launched unpreceden­ted racist attacks on Democrat politician­s of color – strongly implies he will try the same approach in 2020 but perhaps go even further. The election looks set to be the most explosive in living memory.

But, gun control activists say, this is no time for despair or surrender. The NRA is currently in a state of disarray, plagued by internal feuding and financial strife. House Republican­s suffered a hammering in last year’s midterm elections, driven by an anti-Trump backlash. Voters can make a difference in 2020, not only in the White House but, crucially, in the Senate. As Nelson Mandela once observed, it always seems impossible until it is done.

 ??  ?? Donald Trump takes part in a listening session on 21 February 2018 on gun violence with teachers and students after the mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida, high school. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images
Donald Trump takes part in a listening session on 21 February 2018 on gun violence with teachers and students after the mass shooting at a Parkland, Florida, high school. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

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