The Guardian (USA)

The Beach Bum review – Harmony Korine reaches a Zen state of unfunny

- Peter Bradshaw

If you can imagine Matthew McConaughe­y doing a very, very creepy and rubbish version of the Dude from The Big Lebowski … well go ahead and imagine it if you want. However disagreeab­le an experience that would be, it could at least be over in a few seconds – less painful than seeing him do it for real over 97 minutes in this terrible film.

Writer-director Harmony Korine achieves a Zen state of unfunny with this pointless non-comedy, featuring McConaughe­y on insufferab­le form as a stoner and wild-man force of nature named Moondog who has neglected his vocation as a poet and is now just coasting on his charisma and big-dick energy – and the fact that he doesn’t need to worry about money because his wife Minnie (Isla Fisher) is very rich.

She’s having an affair with his best friend, Lingerie (Snoop Dogg), though that doesn’t seem to affect McConaughe­y’s permanent grin of self-satisfacti­on. Nothing does, in fact. Then something bad happens and – although this, too, doesn’t affect McConaughe­y’s unbearable one-note performanc­e – Moondog has to shape up and write the sub-Ginsberg masterpiec­e all his friends know he’s got in him.

There are cameos for Jonah Hill, Zac Efron and Martin Lawrence. (Only an appearance from James Franco would have put the lid on it.)

Korine demonstrat­ed some blackcomic style with Spring Breakers (2012), where the pornificat­ion of everything at least had some point, and his bizarre, lo-fi video-fetish comedy Trash Humpers (2009) will probably achieve cult status. But this can only provoke something like awe that something so awful can still get made.

 ??  ?? Wild man … Matthew McConaughe­y as Moondog in Harmony Korine’s The Beach Bum. Photograph: Atsushi Nishijima/Allstar/VICE FILMS
Wild man … Matthew McConaughe­y as Moondog in Harmony Korine’s The Beach Bum. Photograph: Atsushi Nishijima/Allstar/VICE FILMS

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