The Guardian (USA)

From Atlanta to Zlatan: foreign players on the lure of MLS

- Ryan Baldi

Not every European import into Major League Soccer is greeted with the kind of fanfare and red-carpet treatment afforded to such brand-enhancing superstars as David Beckham, Wayne Rooney and Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c. For many, crossing the Atlantic to ply their trade in the US requires a leap of faith, with MLS, despite its steady growth in interest and viewership, still vying for recognitio­n among the elite leagues of Europe.

What is the perception of MLS in your home country?

Michael Mancienne (New England Revolution, English): “I feel like people think it’s not the best league – they underestim­ate it. I’ll be honest, I did as well before I came over. But the standard is really, really good. There are a lot of good players in the league and a lot of good teams.”

Nedum Onuoha (Real Salt Lake, English): “It’s quite a tricky thing to actually be able to see because of the time zones. You won’t get to see many games live, especially if they’re on the west coast. You get highlights but you can only really get a feel from that. I think the fact Rooney came over to the east meant there was more coverage of the highlights.”

Anton Tinnerholm (New York City FC, Swedish): “The popularity of the league is growing, thanks to Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c, of course. Now you can see every single game, either with Swedish

or American commentato­rs. But it’s hard to see normal people staying up until the middle of the night, watching games and then going to work the next day. That’s the biggest issue for the league, compared to European leagues you can watch in the evenings.”

How do you think MLS teams

would fare in your home country?

Mancienne: “I think some of the better teams could be in the Premier League but I don’t think they’d be a topsix team or anything like that. I think mid-to-bottom table. There is a lot of quality here. There are a lot of South American players I’d never even heard of before I came here who are really good players.”

Onuoha: “I think they’d do well. But to exist as a team within England and a lot of other European leagues, you have to be defensive first and attacking second. Over here, the emphasis is put on attacking.”

Reto Ziegler (FC Dallas, Swiss): “They would fight with Young Boys and Basel for the Championsh­ip, for sure. It’s not easy to play here. If you come here thinking you’re going on a vacation, you’re making a big mistake. You have to deserve your spot, week in, week out. There are a lot of young players [in MLS] and, physically, they are on top. Tactically, we can improve. They are doing really well now with the academies. It’s getting really tough to play here.”

Gary Mackay-Steven (New York City FC, Scottish): “I think they would do really well. There is such a wide range of styles and tactics different teams play; some are technical and some are physical. There are so many different strengths. Celtic have been playing to such a high standard over the last years, but I’m sure a lot of teams from over here would give Scottish teams a good game and do really well.”

Tinnerholm: “This is a step up from the Swedish league. The best teams here are better than the best teams in Sweden. It’s hard to compare but there are some players in this league who are so much better than the best players in Sweden. In Sweden, you don’t have players like Maxi Morales, Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c, Carlos Vela, Josef Martinez. We have bigger stars here. The gap between the best players and the players 17th, 18th [in the squad] is bigger here than back home in Sweden.”

How has your transition to life in North America been?

Onuoha: “It’s a foreign country but they speak the same language, that definitely goes a long way. The little things you have to learn – like how you file your taxes and other real-world issues – are made easier because you can look into it and understand it. It’s not really a harsh adjustment. My kids are loving it and it’s a great place to be. I didn’t know much about Salt Lake City, but I’ve been here just over a year now and it has ended up being the perfect place for me and my family. It’s a beautiful place, all geared around being outdoors, and the people are really friendly.”

Ziegler: “For me, the hardest thing is the traveling. We are lucky because Dallas is almost in the middle of the country, so it’s not too bad. There are a few flights that are close to four hours. This is the thing I’ve had to adapt to. You travel a lot and spend a lot of time in airports. An airport isn’t the best place to recover, but you get used to that.”

Mackay-Steven: “I must admit, it was quite tough to start with. I came over off the back of an offseason in Scotland when the team was in the middle of their season. I was trying to get fit while playing important games. Plus the weather is so warm, and travel to away games might see you go across a few different time zones and different climates. Certainly, it was a little bit tough to start with, before I felt fit and got my bearings. But it’s been enjoyable throughout.”

Mancienne: “When I was by myself it was tough because I didn’t have any family or friends over here. Now that they’re over here it’s helped me adjust and we love life here. I’m not going to lie, I’m not the biggest American sports fan. We’ve always got American football on in the changing room and I haven’t got a clue what’s going on.”

Tinnerholm: “The away games in Sweden are mostly a three- or fourhour bus ride, then we go home after the game. Here, every away game is like an adventure. I do like it; either you dislike everything or you treat it like an adventure.”

What’s the best thing about playing in MLS?

Onuoha: “I always enjoy traveling. In the time I spend here, I’ll get to travel to all the different cities in America which have MLS teams, which is a lot of places I wouldn’t usually go if I had a one-week or two-week holiday – going to Houston or Cincinnati, places like this. Most of the trips for away games will take up two or three days, so there’s a lot of time to go and see the city you’re in. I’m at a stage in my life where I want to go and see things.”

Ziegler: “The best thing, for me, is the stadiums they are building or they have already built. I’m not a big fan of artificial turf, the synthetic grass. But when you can play in Atlanta, in these amazing stadiums full of fans, it’s something special. It reminds me of big games in England or in Italy. They have a few teams building stadiums right now. I think Miami, Austin and St Louis are all building, they want to invest. Maybe I’m in MLS too early, I don’t know, but in the future it’s going to be a great, great league.”

Mackay-Steven: “The best thing, personally, is playing in New York and playing at Yankee Stadium, and living in New York. We’ve got a great team – we won the Eastern Conference – so confidence is high. And playing home games in front of our crowds, that are very passionate, it’s great. That’s the highlight for me.”

Mancienne: “For me, I’d say it’s the lifestyle. I’ve been on holiday to America, to places like LA, Miami and Las Vegas, but now I’ve been to places I probably never would have gone to. I’m getting to see the country a little bit more.”

Tinnerholm: “You’ve got the quality of the players you’re facing every day – it’s top quality, especially with the designated player rule [which allows each MLS franchise to sign up to three players that are considered outside the team’s salary cap]. As a right-back, I mostly face a striker or a winger, and most teams’ DPs are strikers or wingers, so I face a lot of good players.”

Could you see yourself staying in North America when you retire?

Onuoha: “I have a contract here and I want to finish my career here. But having kids, I want to go back home and share those kids with family. I will go back regardless of how much fun we’re having here; that was always my plan. But I know people who, if they were living the life I’m living here, would have no desire to go back whatsoever. The experience has been absolutely incredible. It has been one of the best years of my life and career so far.”

Ziegler: “It’s hard for me now to think about that. Right now, I have one more year left in MLS – my contract ends December 2020. I have to deserve another contract and I have to talk with my wife, but why not?”

Mackay-Steven: “I’d definitely be open to it. I’m loving every minute now. I’m settled and happy here, especially the place I’m at [in New York]. There’s everything I want on my doorstep, and I’m just embracing it all. I certainly could see myself living here, for sure.”

Mancienne: “No, I don’t think so. I do love it over here but I feel like my home is back in England. That’s where all my family and friends are. I know my partner misses her family and friends, so we’ll definitely be back in England.”

Tinnerholm: “When I moved here, my first thought was moving back to Sweden. Now, I’m not too sure what will happen. I recently signed a multi-year extension, so I’m going to be here for a couple of years. And we’re expecting a daughter in November; she’s going to be born and raised here. I don’t have any problem staying here. I miss my family and friends a lot but they come and visit us here. It’s also up to my wife – she has sacrificed a lot – but we’re open to staying.”

 ?? Photograph: Andrew Katsampes/ISI Photos/Getty Images ?? Michael Mancienne: ‘I think some of the better MLS teams could be in the Premier League’.
Photograph: Andrew Katsampes/ISI Photos/Getty Images Michael Mancienne: ‘I think some of the better MLS teams could be in the Premier League’.
 ?? Photograph: David Berding/Getty Images ?? Nedum Onuoha: ‘I’m at a stage in my life where I want to go and see things.’
Photograph: David Berding/Getty Images Nedum Onuoha: ‘I’m at a stage in my life where I want to go and see things.’

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