The Guardian (USA)

Biden dominated again – is it time for Sanders to quit? Our panelists' verdict

- Art Cullen, Benjamin Dixon, Jessa Crispin, Andrew Gawthorpe andLloyd Green

Art Cullen: ‘Sanders must do the right thing and drop out’

This has to end. The coronaviru­s has ravaged the primary voting process. Turnout was stunted, but Joe Biden won big again Tuesday on mail-in ballots. Ohio’s primary was postponed.

The only way to run an election amid a pandemic is through mail-in ballots, which probably can’t be managed by the June national party deadline. It has to end. Bernie Sanders must drop out and clear the mess. The Trump presidency, and its lies and incompeten­ce, must end. We can barely take another minute. We need competency now.

Biden will need all the help he can get to heal the nation physically and politicall­y, rebuild an economy mired in recession, and restore confidence in our future. He got a great start with the best speech of his career Tuesday. Sanders could do nothing more patriotic than embrace the cause and endorse Biden with a full throat. Biden has won across the country and holds an insurmount­able lead with future primaries in doubt because of the pandemic. It’s time to move forward, and start making plans for all-mail balloting for the November general election.

Art Cullen is editor of the Storm Lake Times in north-west Iowa, where he won the Pulitzer prize for editorial writing. He is a Guardian US columnist and author of the book, Storm Lake: Change, Resilience, and Hope in America’s Heartland

Benjamin Dixon: ‘Voting during a pandemic doesn’t feel fair’

What we are seeing unfold before us is a political establishm­ent so determined to maintain its grip on power that it would insist on holding an election during a pandemic that targets the older voters who showed up to the polls today. The results from today’s election would never be considered legitimate under normal circumstan­ces with poll locations closing with no notificati­on, poll workers not showing up for fear of their lives, and other locations being consolidat­ed which all but ensures that voters in those locations will be gathered in groups larger than the 50 maximum limit suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

But here we are, with a party that is so desperate to put the progressiv­e movement down that it would risk the lives of their voters to go to the polls during a national emergency. There will be a rush to “validate” this election, but any reasonable observer engaging in good faith would confess that not postponing the primaries or, at a minimum, extending the primaries and allowing the voter to continue voting by mail constitute­s voter suppressio­n.

Benjamin Dixon is the host of the

Benjamin Dixon podcast

Jessa Crispin: ‘Welcome to voting in time of social distancing’

All day, there were reports of primaryvot­ingmishaps. Polling places were not open, workers and volunteers did not show up, and there did not seem to be safety precaution­s in place in several locations to help prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s. Talking heads were saying how important it was to continue the primary process, but meanwhile, newspapers and politician­s implored the citizenry to STAY HOME. Kind of getting some mixed messages here, guys. I don’t know if Chicago should have forced everyone who showed up to the St Patrick’s Day pub crawls to man the polls, but probably we should have had some sort of Plan B procedure for voting during a national state of emergency.

So basically, why are we doing this? And why are we pretending the results today are real and full?

But even before the pandemic, we saw terrible voting conditions for months. States like Texas closed hundreds of polling stations, making voters wait for hours in line. We saw ballots go uncounted. And that’s bad enough without talking about mass disenfranc­hisement and the purging of voter registrati­on rolls.

As I watched CNN for the primary results, I saw more outrage about roller-bladers in San Francisco breaking the call for social distancing – I really thought Jake Tapper might break down weeping when a kid walking around what should have been empty streets gave a thumbs up to the camera – than I saw about the difficulti­es people have had voting today. Then Biden gave some victory speech with all the vim and vigor of a man shuffling to the refrigerat­or in the middle of the night to see if there’s any pudding left, and I really felt, you know, the healing of the nation or whatever.

I’m worried Sanders supporters will use these voting difficulti­es only to question the legitimacy of the results. What it should do instead is invigorate the left vote to organize around massive voting reform. Democracy should not be this difficult to participat­e in.

Jessa Crispin is a Guardian US columnist. She is the host of the Public Intellectu­al podcast

Lloyd Green: ‘This primary is over’

On Tuesday, Joe Biden delivered a crushing blow to Bernie Sanders’ already dimming chances. The former vice-president scored imposing wins in Arizona, Florida and Illinois.

Pro tip: turning a race into a referendum on Fidel Castro as Sanders did is a bad idea. In the Sunshine state, Biden’s margin was nearly 40 points. Looking back, the Vermont senator’s 2016 performanc­e was more a function of disdain for Hillary Clinton than his call to revolution.

Biden has built a rainbow coalition that cuts across class. Indeed, the Delaware Democrat captured the votes of white people without college degrees, a prize that eluded Clinton and a bloc Donald Trump calls his own. A global pandemic and a market crash will sorely test the president’s hold.

As for Sanders, his quest has morphed into the quixotic, an exercise in rule or ruin, or all of the above. Reportedly, he will continue to tilt at windmills into late April, waging war in Pennsylvan­ia and New York. But he lost both states four years ago and there is no reason to assume this time will be different.

Biden has now amassed more than 1,000 delegates, more than half way to clinching the nomination. The primary battle is over in all but name. November looms.

Lloyd Green was opposition research counsel to George HW Bush’s

 ??  ?? ‘The Democratic party has shown that it can play machiavell­ian hardball politics as well as Republican­s. To be honest, I’m actually impressed.’ Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images
‘The Democratic party has shown that it can play machiavell­ian hardball politics as well as Republican­s. To be honest, I’m actually impressed.’ Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

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