The Guardian (USA)

Join our happy thread: things that bring a smile in these hellish times

- Poppy Noor

We are all feeling anxious. Worried for loved ones, learning to cope with social distancing and beginning to consider how this pandemic will change our lives.

But while there is a temptation to stay glued to the news as each new update is rolled out, there is no doubt that we’re all in need of – and deserve – some joy.

Look no further: here are all of the things this week that have made us smile in these gloomy times. (Do the right thing and add yours in the comment thread, please!)

Penguins’ day out

In times of great need, animal videos should be state-mandated selfcare. This video of penguins exploring a Chicago aquarium after it closed to the public is exactly that.

If you think that’s cute, wait until you see them walking down stairs

Kudos to anyone who knew that a penguin would approach the stairs in this way.

A guy trying to escape quarantine this week came up with an unusual disguise

On Friday, Spain imposed a 15-day state of alarm that restricted free movement except for those traveling to work, to get food or health medication or for caregiving. This guy sneaking out of the house in a disguise may be irresponsi­ble, but you have to applaud the effort.

There is solidarity in isolation

This week two siblings from Columbus,

Ohio, aged six and nine, decided to hold a spontaneou­s porch concert for their 78-year-old neighbor, after hearing she was voluntaril­y self-quarantini­ng due to the pandemic.

We might get a new Cardi B song at the end of this

When Cardi B shared her fears over the coronaviru­s to Instagram last week, the clip immediatel­y went viral . But she couldn’t have predicted that she’d end up charting on iTunes because of it. That’s exactly what happened, after an artist remixed her screeching: “Coronaviru­s! Coronaviru­s! Shit is getting real.” The result turned out to be pretty catchy.

This writer is risking it all just to make you laugh

“As a public service in these stressful times I’d like to offer, as a palate cleanser, the most embarrassi­ng moment of my life,” began a 15-tweet thread by writer Anbara Salam this week.

We’ll leave you to follow the detail.

For all the parents dealing with home-schooling right now

This video showcases just a few of the questions you might get from your children this week.

Italy’s balcony banter

As the rest of the world increasing­ly looks to Italy to understand what life under government-mandated quarantine might look like, there have been some unexpected revelation­s.

The first is that Italians are very good at singing and very good at balconies, but when you combine the two, it is magical.

A new meaning to working from home

But the prize from the category of “things we learnt about Italians in quarantine” this week has to go to this Italian DJ, who really gave a new meaning to “working from home” for those in quarantine.

Please send us in all the things you’ve found funny this week – we all need it.

 ??  ?? Wellington, a rockhopper penguin, meets other animals as exploring the aquarium’s Amazon Rising exhibit at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Photograph: Shedd Aquarium/Reuters
Wellington, a rockhopper penguin, meets other animals as exploring the aquarium’s Amazon Rising exhibit at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Photograph: Shedd Aquarium/Reuters

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