The Guardian (USA)

‘I know what's at stake’: can Biden win over skeptical Sanders supporters?

- Lauren Gambino and Emily Holden in Washington

Joe Biden was not their first choice. In some cases, he wasn’t even their second or third. Now, as the all-but-certain nominee, Biden is aggressive­ly courting a critical constituen­cy of younger and leftwing Democrats who have so far rejected his presidenti­al bid.

Last month, Biden stitched together a wide range of support from African Americans, suburbanit­es and working-class white voters to rack up wins across the country and amass an almost indomitabl­e lead over his rival, democratic socialist senator Bernie Sanders. Yet missing from that coalition is the young and more liberal voters who overwhelmi­ngly prefer Sanders’ call for political revolution to Biden’s promise of a return to “normalcy”.

Determined not to repeat the mistakes of 2016, when the party struggled to unify after a divisive primary battle that stretched into the summer convention, Biden is now amplifying his appeals to the party’s left.

According to campaign officials, his team has for weeks quietly engaged top progressiv­e organizati­ons and movement leaders representi­ng a range of Democratic causes from climate change to racial justice. The effort, spearheade­d by senior Biden advisers, includes outreach to legacy organizati­ons such as Planned Parenthood as well as newer, youth-led groups like the Sunrise Movement.

Biden has also made overt gestures. He recently adopted a plan by his former rival, Elizabeth Warren, to overhaul the consumer bankruptcy system and embraced elements of Sanders’ tuition-free college proposal.

“Let me say, especially to the young voters who have been inspired by senator Sanders: I hear you,” Biden said after sweeping three major primary contests last month. “I know what is at stake. And I know what we have to do.”

There is a delicacy around the engagement, especially with Sanders still claiming his campaign has a “narrow path” to the nomination despite calls to bow out of the race. The left came tantalizin­g close to nominating a presidenti­al candidate they hold up as a progressiv­e champion only to watch in dismay as Biden, who is unquestion­ably more moderate, all-but vanquished those hopes, and with startling speed.

There is a mutual understand­ing that the party must unify to defeat Donald Trump in November. But progressiv­es also believe they have built sufficient leverage to press for sweeping policy concession­s from Biden, particular­ly given the potentiall­y worrisome lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy.

“Joe Biden, as the moderate frontrunne­r, has to convince progressiv­es to support him,” said Julian Brave NoiseCat, who directs Green New Deal strategy at the progressiv­e think tank Data for Progress. “He needs more enthusiasm behind his campaign, and it’s been a bruising campaign cycle.”

In interviews with progressiv­e organizers, climate change has emerged as a key area where activists believe they can “push” the former vicepresid­ent, in part because combatting global warming draws broad support from every corner of the party. Several polls this cycle have found that Democratic voters rank climate change among their top three issues, often second only to healthcare.

Data for Progress, along with climate staff from Washington governor Jay Inslee’s former presidenti­al campaign, are among those urging the Biden team to prioritize climate change.

In a recent six-page memo, the group laid out five policy areas where he could issue new proposals or emphasize existing ones. They are: stronger clean energy standards with clearer targets, investment­s in green infrastruc­ture, a dedicated 40% of climate money going to disadvanta­ged communitie­s, restrictio­ns on Wall Street financing of fossil fuels and a commitment to high-quality union jobs. NoiseCat said the Biden campaign is engaging the authors at a high level.

Some progressiv­es believe Biden, who spent decades in the Senate before serving as vice president, would have a better shot at moving climate legislatio­n through Congress because of his longstandi­ng relationsh­ips and pragmatic approach. Biden also has strong ties to labor unions that are skeptical of ambitious proposals to tackle climate change.

Already Biden has suggested Democrats should push for “Green Deal” spending in the next aid package responding to the economic downturn spurred by the coronaviru­s pandemic. Though he is unlikely to endorse policies to significan­tly curb drilling for oil and natural gas – like a fracking ban – which could alienate supporters in swing states like Pennsylvan­ia.

“There’s a lot more that can be done to have the full-scale mobilizati­on of the federal government that is needed to defeat climate change,” said Jamal Raad, former aide to Inslee’s 2020 presidenti­al campaign. “That’s the task at hand here for the next president.”

Progressiv­e activists say their overriding priority in 2020 is to defeat Trump. But they warn that antipathy for the president is not enough to win in November. And how Biden engages the left and what concession­s he is willing to make could determine the nature of their electoral efforts on his behalf.

“Will enough people be willing to volunteer for the nominee? Or send text messages for the nominee? Or overcome the barriers of voter suppressio­n that we know are coming to vote for the nominee,” said Jennifer Epps-Addison, the network director at the Center for Popular Democracy, which endorsed Sanders. “That’s what’s at stake.”

Epps-Addison echoed many Democratic activists in urging Biden to put a progressiv­e standard-bearer on the ticket with him. Biden has said he would choose a woman as his running mate, an overture to Democrats deeply disappoint­ed that two white men in their 70s emerged from a historical­ly diverse and female presidenti­al field.

Both Democratic contenders have vowed to actively support whoever becomes the party’s nominee.

Yet Biden, confined to his home in Delaware amid the coronaviru­s outbreak, has so far struggled to re-create the grassroots excitement that has powered Sanders’ presidenti­al bid, with packed rallies and an endless stream of small-dollar donations. Meanwhile, Sanders has continued to criticize his opponent’s record.

Asked during the last Democratic debate how he might appeal to Sanders’ supporters if he became the nominee, Biden quipped: “He’s making it hard for me right now.”

Though Sanders’ chances of clinching the nomination have faded, the progressiv­e proposals he championed on healthcare, climate change and student debt remain widely popular among Democratic voters – a point the senator has made explicitly as he defends his continued presence in the primary race. His ideas, the senator has asserted, are winning the “ideologica­l” and “generation­al” debate” – even if he is not.

Biden may be the eventual nominee, said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressiv­e Change Campaign Committee, which endorsed Warren, but “tens of millions of people who supported Warren and Sanders nonetheles­s wanted a president who advocated for bold, progressiv­e policy ideas.”

Alexis Confer, executive director of March For Our Lives, which was founded by survivors of the Parkland high school shooting in Florida, said the best way for Biden to reach young voters is to address their priorities with a shared sense of urgency.

“We see our daily work as fighting the largest epidemic in our country,” Confer said, referring to the scourge of gun violence that claims more than 36,000 American lives each year. But they also view their activism as part of a wider movement for social, racial and economic justice, she added, emphasizin­g that “people don’t live singleissu­e lives.”

In discussion­s with Biden’s team, March for Our Lives is advocating for a 10-day waiting period on all firearm purchases, a federal gun licensing program and the creation of an administra­tion role dedicated to combating gun violence.

Pro-choice organizati­ons are also eager to see Biden elevate his support for reproducti­ve rights, especially in light of efforts in conservati­ve states to restrict abortions during the pandemic.Early in the primary season, Biden abandoned his support for the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortion with some exceptions. But he has a shifting voting record on the issue and some advocates have called on him to release a standalone plan outlining his commitment to defending reproducti­ve rights. “Voters need to know that addressing this crisis is top of mind for our next president and that our nominee understand­s that reproducti­ve freedom is fundamenta­l to achieving meaningful equity in society,” NARAL President Ilyse Hogue said in a statement.

Immigratio­n is a particular­ly thorny issue for Biden. Throughout the primary season, he has faced fierce criticism from immigratio­n activists over the Obama administra­tion’s deportatio­n policy, which resulted in the removal of roughly three million people. At campaign events and even during Democratic debates, Biden was met with protests and interrupti­ons from activists shouting: “Not one more deportatio­n.”

Cristina Jiménez, executive director of United We Dream Action, a youth-led immigrant rights network, said Biden has work to do to “bridge the trust gap” with Latino voters, a powerful Democratic constituen­cy that tends to be younger. In the primary, many of these voters flocked to Sanders, who proposed a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s immigratio­n system.

Her group, which jointly endorsed Sanders and Warren, expects to meet with Biden’s team in the coming weeks. In those discussion­s, they intend to press him to commit to using executive authority to expand programs like Daca, which shields certain immigrants from deportatio­n and to repeal a 1996 law that increased penalties for crossing the border illegally.

Biden has acknowledg­ed the “incredible pain” caused by deportatio­n and recently pledged to halt nearly all removals in the first 100 days of his administra­tion, a move activists believes is a testament to their advocacy.

Still, many progressiv­es remain skeptical.

“Right now it still feels like more of the same,” said Erika Andiola, chief advocacy officer at the immigratio­n services organizati­on RAICES and a former staffer on Sanders’ 2016 campaign. “That’s why we have to keep pushing him.”

In a virtual fundraiser on Friday, Biden was optimistic that he could find common ground with the Democrats most leery of his campaign in time to bring the party together in November.

“There’s a lot of good ideas they have – I disagree with many of them,” Biden said. But he continued: “There’s lot of significan­t change that can take place – both structural­ly and practicall­y – that can bring everybody along.”

 ?? Photograph: Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden during a campaign rally at Renaissanc­e High School in Detroit, Michigan, on 9 March.
Photograph: Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden during a campaign rally at Renaissanc­e High School in Detroit, Michigan, on 9 March.
 ?? Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters ?? Democratic US presidenti­al candidates Senator Bernie Sanders and former vicepresid­ent Joe Biden at the 11th Democratic candidates debate in Washington on 15 March.
Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Democratic US presidenti­al candidates Senator Bernie Sanders and former vicepresid­ent Joe Biden at the 11th Democratic candidates debate in Washington on 15 March.

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