The Guardian (USA)

Spain relaxes lockdown as daily coronaviru­s death toll falls to 517

- Stephen Burgen in Barcelona and Luke Harding

Hundreds of thousands of non-essential employees in Spain have returned to work as European countries grapple with the question of when lockdown restrictio­ns should be eased amid fears of a renewed spike in the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Police handed workers masks at transport hubs in the capital, Madrid, on Monday and businesses in the constructi­on and manufactur­ing sectors tentativel­y reopened, after the government relaxed some lockdown measures put in place two weeks ago that confined most people to their homes.

The controvers­ial return to work for an estimated 300,000 non-essential staff got off to a slow start. Monday is a public holiday in much of the country, including some of the most populous regions such as Catalonia and Valencia. Few commuters were visible at Madrid’s usually bustling Atocha railway station.

The prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, has insisted the country remains firmly in lockdown despite the easing of some restrictio­ns. Shops, bars and public houses will remain closed until at least 26 April. The health ministry has called on those returning to work to stagger arrival times and to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible.

Regional leaders have criticised the move amid fears that the hard-fought public health gains of recent days may be lost. Spain’s overnight death toll from the virus fell to 517 on Monday from 619 on Sunday, bringing the total death toll to 17,489, the health ministry said.

It was the smallest proportion­al daily increase since tracking began. Overall cases rose to 169,496 from 166,019. The health minister, Salvador Illa, said the epidemic had passed its peak. The challenge now was to consolidat­e the second stage of the struggle against the virus and to reduce new infections, he said.

The trend across Europe appears to show a similar modest flattening of infection and death rates. Italy reported 566 deaths on Monday, 135 more than on Sunday. Almost half of the deaths – 280 – were registered in Lombardy, the northern region worst affected by the virus.

The civil protection authority said the number of people who are currently infected rose by 1,363 (1.3%) to 103,616, in a further sign that the curve is flattening. The number of intensive care beds in use continues to decline, as does the number of people hospitalis­ed for the virus.

European countries face the same dilemma as Spain: whether to ease some lockdown restrictio­ns in order to salvage their battered economies, or to persevere with draconian measures until the decline in cases is conclusive­ly achieved.

Italy’s government has set up a taskforce led by the former chief executive of Vodafone Vittorio Colao to navigate the country’s exit from the coronaviru­s lockdown. The team of 17 will be responsibl­e for devising a plan as part of “phase two” of the emergency.

It includes Enrico Giovannini, a former labour minister and professor at Tor Vergata University of Rome, as well as other economists, businesspe­ople, lawyers, sociologis­ts and psychologi­sts. Italy’s lockdown is in place until 4 May, after which the country is expected to gradually reopen.

Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, will decide on Wednesday whether to extend restrictio­ns imposed in mid-March. They are due to expire on Sunday. The latest figures from

the Robert Koch public health institute show the rate of infection slowing, with 2,537 new cases on Monday, taking the tally in Germany to 123,016.

The country’s Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has recommende­d a gradual relaxing of measures. It said schools should reopen as soon as possible, starting with primary and middle schools, followed by shops and restaurant­s. All government officials should return to work, it said.

Austria is to allow small shops to reopen from Tuesday, and larger ones from 1 May. All restaurant­s and hotels are due to resume business from mid-May. Denmark will reopen schools and day care centres from Wednesday, although restrictio­ns on public gatherings and on bars and restaurant­s remain.

The head of the World Health Organizati­on, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, urged caution over moves by countries to lift lockdown conditions. He said much was still unknown about the behaviour of the virus, and emphasised that case finding, testing and isolating was still crucial to controllin­g the outbreak.

He said: “We know that in some countries, Covid-19 cases are doubling every three to four days. However, while Covid-19 accelerate­s very fast, it decelerate­s much more slowly. In other words, the way down is much slower than the way up.”

Sánchez said Spain’s decision to reboot some sectors of the economy was taken following consultati­ons with a committee of scientific experts. Any further winding – down would depend on gains made against the virus, he stressed. So far 500,000 people have been fined an average of €300 (£260) for breaking lockdown.

In other developmen­ts:

Russia introduced a new digital permit system for anyone seeking to travel around Moscow during its lockdown. However, the website offering Muscovites a QR-code went offline just hours after launch. Moscow’s mayor blamed an attack by foreign bots.

China reported 108 new cases, 98 of which were imported from overseas, its highest figure since early March. The country where the disease first emerged has largely brought its domestic outbreak under control, but it faces a fresh battle against imported infections, mostly involving Chinese nationals returning home.

Indonesia announced 316 new cases of the coronaviru­s, bringing the total number of infections to 4,557, according to data provided by a health ministry official, Achmad Yurianto. Yurianto said there were also 26 new coronaviru­s-related deaths, taking the total number of fatalities to 399.

Japan said it saw no reason at the moment to extend its state of emergency beyond Tokyo and a handful of other cities. The central government declared a state of emergency last week, giving legal authority to governors in Tokyo and six other potential virus hotspot prefecture­s to ask people to stay home and businesses to close.

India and Pakistan are planning to partially open up some parts of their economies, officials in both countries said, as the cost of lockdowns mount across the region. Indian officials said the number of cases in the country increased to 9,152 on Monday, including 308 deaths. This is a sharp rise from fewer than 1,000 two weeks ago.

In Mangalore this week, posters started appearing that said Muslims were no longer allowed in certain neighbourh­oods. “No Muslim trader will be allowed access to our hometown until the coronaviru­s is completely gone,” read a sign in Alape. In the Hindu-dominated village of Ankanahall­i,

a video seen by the Guardian shows Mahesh, the village panchayat president, issuing a warning that if any Hindu in the village is caught fraternisi­ng with a Muslim “you will be fined 500 to 1,000 rupees”.

The hijacking of coronaviru­s as an excuse for discrimina­tion comes after a growing state-sponsored campaign to turn Muslims into second-class citizens in India, as part of the BJP’s agenda of Hindu nationalis­m. Attacks on Muslims have become commonplac­e and the recent citizenshi­p amendment act, passed by the BJP in December, prompted millions to take to the streets in protest, saying it discrimina­ted against Muslims.

The situation got so bad last week that it prompted Equality Labs, a

US-based south Asian human rights organisati­on researchin­g Islamophob­ic hate speech, to release a statement urging the World Health Organizati­on to “issue further guidelines against Covid-19 hate speech and disconnect it to religious communitie­s”.

“Just weeks after the Delhi pogrom where hundreds of Muslim houses and shops were vandalised, an uptick in misinforma­tion and harmful communal language are leading to violence,” said Equality Labs’ executive director, Thenmozhi Soundarara­jan. “The threat of another pogrom still looms.”

 ??  ?? A police officer hands out masks at Atocha station, Madrid. Photograph: Europa Press News/Getty Images
A police officer hands out masks at Atocha station, Madrid. Photograph: Europa Press News/Getty Images

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