The Guardian (USA)

Anger over Dominic Cummings’ actions has ‘encouraged lockdown rule-breaking’

- Ian Sample Science editor

A scientific adviser to the government has warned that public anger over the conduct of Dominic Cummings has encouraged some people to break lockdown rules, raising the risk of a resurgence in coronaviru­s infections.

Anger over Cummings’ actions and the prime minister’s defence of them had led some to reject the official guidance on containing the virus, amid perception­s that those in power are failing to make the same sacrifices as the public, the adviser said.

“We know that there is understand­able public anger over the Dominic Cummings incident and Boris Johnson’s defence of it, and that this anger is the basis of some people now rejecting the guidance on staying at home,” said Prof John Drury, a social psychologi­st at the University of Sussex.

Speaking in a personal capacity, Drury, who sits on the behavioura­l science subgroup of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencie­s (Sage), said: “The starting point for the sacrifices people made was the assumption that we all have to make the same sacrifices. So to perceive that those in power, who supposedly embody the lockdown strategy, are not doing so is toxic.”

Drury’s interventi­on came as the row over the prime minister’s senior aide continued to grow after he refused to apologise for breaking lockdown regulation­s and claimed his actions in driving across the country with his family were justified.

The incident has left some scientific advisers wondering how they can undo the damage to public trust as the country moves into a critical phase of carefully easing restrictio­ns on movement without risking a second wave of infections and further shutdowns. Many researcher­s see the coming weeks as the most delicate yet, as the official guidance will become more complex and will only work if the public remain onboard.

“Despite the understand­able anger, I would urge people to continue to maintain physical distancing and the other regulation­s, for their families, their neighbours, and their community,”

Drury said. “In an emergency, no matter what we think of the incumbent government politicall­y, it’s crucially important that people listen and adhere to the guidance the authoritie­s provide on the public health measures necessary to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. This includes the instructio­ns to physically distance and to stay at home.”

Beyond the concern that some now perceived an “us and them” situation with those in power exempt from the restrictio­ns, Drury warned of a shift away from a sense of shared rules towards one of personal judgments taking precedence.

Another adviser on the same subgroup, Prof Stephen Reicher at the University of St Andrews, said public solidarity had been fundamenta­l to the success of the lockdown so far and would be as crucial in the weeks and months ahead as ministers looked for the safest route to reopening the country without an upsurge in infections.

Speaking in a personal capacity, Reicher said: “What is absolutely undeniable is that the unity, the sense that we were all pulling together for the common good, has been broken. They have driven a wedge between themselves and at least a proportion of the public who feel alienated and feel there’s one law for us and another for them.

“If people are acting out of individual interest, you can have huge difficulti­es in securing adherence to the advice, because for quite a lot of people, the risks for going out are relatively low. If you’re young, if you’re healthy, there aren’t that many risks. So you might say: well, I’m thinking about myself, I might as well go out. It’s no problem for me.”

Reicher added: “The thing that really concerns me is that Cummings’ defence compounds the problem, because the problem is a lack of an understand­ing of the importance of thinking and acting in terms of the communal good. It shows that they don’t even understand what the problem is.

“Going forward, our ability to deal with the pandemic depends upon adherence and compliance as much as ever. That needs to be understood. it’s important that people understand that we’re still in the middle of this pandemic. The situation is as dangerous as ever and if we stop being vigilant we are in danger.”

 ?? Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images ?? Dominic Cummings. Prof John Drury, a social psychologi­st at the University of Sussex, said: ‘To perceive that those in power, who supposedly embody the lockdown strategy, are not doing so is toxic.”
Photograph: Peter Summers/Getty Images Dominic Cummings. Prof John Drury, a social psychologi­st at the University of Sussex, said: ‘To perceive that those in power, who supposedly embody the lockdown strategy, are not doing so is toxic.”

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