The Guardian (USA)

Dutch government under growing pressure to take in child refugees

- Jennifer Rankin in Brussels

They have gathered in city squares, parks and on piers with the water lapping at their feet. In silent, physically distanced protests, demonstrat­ors stand 1.5 metres apart, some holding signs saying “WeesWelkom” (be welcome – the word “Wees” also meaning orphan) and “500 Kinderen” (500 children).

Since April, protests have taken place across the Netherland­s to lobby the Dutch government to take in 500 unaccompan­ied children living in squalid camps on the Greek islands.

Last October, the Greek government asked EU member states to shelter 2,500 lone children – about half the total on the Greek mainland and islands. After months of inaction, 11 EU member states, plus Norway and Switzerlan­d, have promised a home for at least 1,600 young asylum seekers, who are mostly from Afghanista­n, Pakistan and Syria. The Dutch government is not among them.

Now the fragile, four-party, liberalcen­tre-right coalition led by Mark Rutte is coming under growing public pressure.

One third of Dutch municipali­ties – 119 local authoritie­s representi­ng 9 million people – have said they are in favour of bringing 500 children to the Netherland­s, according to the University of Utrecht. Big cities, such as Amsterdam, Arnhem and Utrecht, have offered to take in some children.

About 100 prominent figures signed an open letter calling on the Dutch government to answer Greece’s “cry for help”. The campaign has drawn figures from all walks of life, ranging from the two-time Dutch EU commission­er Neelie Kroes to the indie music star

Joshua Nolet.

For several Mondays running, Nolet, who visited Greek island camps in 2016 and 2017, has filmed himself staging a one-man protest and encouraged his 32,000 followers to do the same.

“There are 20,000 people living in a camp that has space for 3,000 asylum seekers,” he said, referring to the infamous Moria camp on Lesbos, where people queue for hours for food, water and to wash. “This is insane that we are letting this happen and it does not reflect the country that I grew up in.”

For Rutte, the situation would be easier to dismiss if it didn’t chime with views of coalition partners. Two of four governing parties, the liberal D66 and the Christian Union, support the campaign, while a third, the Christian Democrat Alliance, is under pressure from its grassroots.

Klaas Valkering, a CDA councillor in Bergen, North Holland, said 80 local CDA chapters supported his campaign to bring children to the Netherland­s. “There are 500 children in a Greek refugee camp, all of them without any parents and that is why we need to help them.”

Some local chapters are motivated by pure compassion, he said, while others also want to take a stand against the perceived rightward drift of the CDA. The debate has also played into what it means to be an EU member during a time of crisis.

“European solidarity is not only Dutch intensive care patients using German intensive care-units,” Valkering told Trouw last month.

The government argues there is a better way and last month pledged €3.5m-€4m to help children in Greece.

Some of the money will help set up a guardiansh­ip scheme to represent the legal interests of unaccompan­ied children in Greece. The government has also promised to fund places in reception centres on the Greek mainland – although Greek officials have raised questions over when shelters would be up and running.

A Dutch justice ministry spokespers­on said a memorandum of understand­ing signed with the Greek government on 18 June included agreement on sheltering 48 children on the Greek mainland “as soon as possible, with a total capacity of 500 over three years”.

“It is a more humane solution,” said Bente Becker, an MP and spokespers­on on migration for Rutte’s VVD party. She said this “structural solution” would dissuade families from putting their lives in the hands of people smugglers, citing the model of the EU’s 2016 deal with Turkey.

“It should not be a ticket to the Netherland­s when you go to a Greek island,” she said. “What I don’t want to happen is that parents decide their children should be sent in a rubber boat in the Mediterran­ean sea, perhaps endangerin­g their own lives.”

Critics say the government is mistaken if it thinks it can fix Greece’s asylum system, riddled by accusation­s of misspent funds and inadequate processes.

“The Greeks are ‘not able to solve’ the issue, said Sander Schaap at the Dutch Refugee Council. He described the plan to shelter children in Greece as “naive”. The government plan, Schaap contended, is “mostly an attempt to find a political solution to a political problem in the governing coalition”.

Dutch politician­s have been taking more restrictiv­e positions on migration since the 1990s, said Saskia Bonjour, a political scientist at the University of Amsterdam. That tendency was reinforced by the country’s “strong radical right presence”, from Pim Fortuyn to Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet. “There is a strong tendency in Dutch politics in general and on the mainstream right in particular to interpret the potential electoral success of the radical right as [meaning] general concerns aren’t being heard.”

• This article was amended on 21 June 2020. An earlier version correctly translated “WeesWelkom” as “be welcome” but this was expanded to acknowledg­e the word play with “Wees” also meaning “orphan”.

 ??  ?? Activists protests in Amsterdam on Saturday. One third of Dutch municipali­ties have said they are in favour of bringing 500 children to the Netherland­s, according to the University of Utrecht. Photograph: Paulo Amorim/VW Pics/Zuma Wire/Rex/Shuttersto­ck
Activists protests in Amsterdam on Saturday. One third of Dutch municipali­ties have said they are in favour of bringing 500 children to the Netherland­s, according to the University of Utrecht. Photograph: Paulo Amorim/VW Pics/Zuma Wire/Rex/Shuttersto­ck

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