The Guardian (USA)

Why be shocked by John Bolton's book? Trump's disasters are always plain to see

- Simon Tisdall

Disgracefu­l though it is, the revelation that Donald Trump allegedly sought covert assistance for his re-election bid from Xi Jinping, his authoritar­ian alter ego in Beijing, should not surprise students of the Ukraine inquiry, Trump’s impeachmen­t and the Mueller report into Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 campaign. It has long been clear that this ever-unscrupulo­us US president is prepared to co-opt almost anyone, however objectiona­ble, cut any deal, however shady, and tell any lie, however blatant, to win a second White House term.

Unabashed by John Bolton’s account of how he manipulate­d and subverted US foreign policy for his own ends, Trump will surely plan more of the same ahead of November’s election, which (with good reason) he is desperatel­y afraid of losing.

His former national security adviser’s book presents an establishe­d pattern of ongoing unethical, illegal and arguably treasonabl­e behaviour abroad that echoes allegation­s of repeated lawbreakin­g and obstructio­n at home.An early example of Trump’s self-serving approach to internatio­nal relations was his embarrassi­ng bid to woo North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-un.

Ignoring the experts (including Bolton), Trump figured his smarmy charm and deal-making hooey could persuade Kim to forsake nuclear weapons. Two summits and a mountain of blather later, Kim has banked his winnings from Trump’s diplomatic kerbcrawli­ng, which include a raised profile and a slackening of the internatio­nal sanctions regime, and resumed intimidati­on of South Korea. Last week, in a cry for help, he blew up a border liaison office. Be warned: needy Kim and sinking Trump have a shared interest in fomenting an east Asia crisis this autumn.

Trump’s efforts to portray himself as a peacemaker deserving of a Nobel prize – and the undying gratitude of American voters – also presage imminent trouble in Israel-Palestine. His absurdly lop-sided “peace plan” has been taken as a green light by Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s hard-right prime minister, to illegally annex large swathes of Palestinia­n land.A land-grab could begin as soon as 1 July, if domestic critics can be placated and the Gulf Arabs squared away.

Trump hopes to impress Christian evangelica­l and Jewish-American voters by selling out the Palestinia­ns. The prospectiv­e price is the destructio­n of an equitable, sensible, two-state solution and a new intifada.On another Middle East front, Trump is rushing to finally bury the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and reimpose an internatio­nal arms embargo on Tehran. He insists Iran’s support for terrorism justifies further escalation. Trump wants to be able to tell voters he has “neutralise­d” Iran. In fact, his tactics have goaded Iran into reviving nuclear-related activities, given succour to the oppressive Saudi regime, and driven the region to the brink of war. A deliberate US military provocatio­n in the coming months cannot be ruled out.

After wrecking western policy in Syria by peremptori­ly withdrawin­g US troops and handing strategic victory to Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Trump is intent on pulling the same trick in Afghanista­n – so he can tell voters he ended America’s longest war.

Trump’s disastrous attempt to hold a secret summit with the Taliban at Camp David was the low-point of this heinous saga of betrayal.What of the sacrifices made by US and Nato troops since 2001? What of the horrendous suffering of the Afghan people and the tens of thousands who died believing America’s pledge to build a safer, more just society?

Draft-dodger Trump, who cowers in a bunker at the first sign of trouble, is oblivious. He fights for votes, not democracy. His well-documented hostility to Nato, the EU, Europeans, and multilater­alism in general points to another likely autumn battle zone. Candidate Trump enjoys nothing more than denigratin­g America’s allies and the UN. A video conference last week between EU foreign ministers and Mike Pompeo, America’s top diplomat and chief bully-boy, dramatised the widening transatlan­tic gulf.

On Israel-Palestine, on Iran, on China, on the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (which Trump and Pompeo appear determined to destroy), on the World Health Organizati­on and the pandemic, the two sides were worlds apart.Trump’s new plan to withdraw US troops from Germany and his fawning attitude to Putin increase suspicions that Europe’s interests will be expedientl­y ignored, and its dilemmas purposeful­ly aggravated, between now and November.The main thrust of Trump’s re-election bid so far, however, centres on China and his allout effort to blame Beijing for causing and covering up the pandemic, then triggering an economic meltdown. He wants to escape censure for his own incompeten­ce. He wants Europe to take his side. Most of all, he wants to identify Joe Biden, his Democrat rival, with the new enemy: Beijing.This scapegoati­ng of China in order to beat Biden could get very nasty indeed. If Trump wants to pick a fight, there are any number of simmering flashpoint­s – trade, Taiwan, the South China

Sea, Hong Kong, Huawei, human rights, cyber attacks (such as those against Australia this week) and now the Himalayas.

For Trump, a short, sharp conflict might serve his purposes very well. Unthinkabl­e? Think again. This is the man who deployed the military to the Mexican border before the 2018 midterm elections to repel an “invasion” of unarmed migrants. This is the man who sent troops to harry peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters.

Does Trump see the contradict­ion in the claim that he tried to recruit China’s Xi Jinping one day, then appointed him America’s new bogeyman the next? Does he care about the possible consequenc­es, or what the world thinks, or what the constituti­on says?

No. All that matters is himself alone, winning.

Most of all, Trump wants to identify Joe Biden, his Democrat rival, with the new enemy: Beijing

 ??  ?? Former national security adviser John Bolton with President Trump at a Nato meeting in the White House in May 2018. Photograph: Saul Loeb/Getty
Former national security adviser John Bolton with President Trump at a Nato meeting in the White House in May 2018. Photograph: Saul Loeb/Getty
 ??  ?? At the summit with Kim Jong-un in 2018, Trump hoped to charm the North Korean dictator into forsaking nuclear weapons. Photograph: Saul Loeb/Getty
At the summit with Kim Jong-un in 2018, Trump hoped to charm the North Korean dictator into forsaking nuclear weapons. Photograph: Saul Loeb/Getty

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