The Guardian (USA)

Top Brazil newspaper in pro-democracy drive as unease grows about Bolsonaro

- Tom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro

One of Brazil’s leading newspapers has launched a major pro-democracy campaign as unease grows about the threat many fear Jair Bolsonaro and his most militant supporters pose to the country’s political future.

Unveiling the initiative on Sunday, the Folha de São Paulo said systematic attacks from pro-Bolsonaro extremists were putting Brazilian democracy through its greatest “stress test” since the return of civilian rule in 1985.

The broadsheet urged readers to wear yellow in support of democracy and said voters needed to urgently remember the dark days of Brazil’s 1964-85 military regime, when hundreds of political opponents were killed or disappeare­d.

“We saw, and will never forget, the horrors of dictatorsh­ip, and we will always champion democracy,” the Folha de São Paulo declared.

The century-old publicatio­n announced that until Brazil’s next elections it would change the motto on its masthead from “a newspaper at the service of Brazil” to “a newspaper at the service of democracy”. It would also offer a free online course examining the social, economic, environmen­tal, cultural and political impact of the dictatorsh­ip.

Folha’s editor-in-chief, Sérgio Dávila, said the campaign was born out of the realisatio­n that more than half of the country’s population were too young to remember a period that for all its abominatio­ns is still celebrated by Brazil’s far-right leader and many of Bolsonaro’s devotees.

Some Brazilians had been “contaminat­ed by a romantic, fanciful and perhaps even a little idyllic” notion that the two-decade dictatorsh­ip was a corruption-free heyday of security and social stability,” said Dávila, who was born in 1965 and grew up in a country ruled by generals.

“But this is all a lie. People were afraid to speak, to express themselves, to criticise the government. People were afraid of coming together to say what they really thought.”

The idea had been to almost to produce a guide for millennial­s, he said. “Understand what the dictatorsh­ip did so we don’t repeat it.”

Bolsonaro, a former army captain and longtime champion of Brazil’s military rulers, was improbably propelled into the presidency in 2018 by an explosion of voter anger against the political establishm­ent.

He has packed his cabinet with military men, and in recent months he has attended a series of anti-democracy rallies, including one outside the Brazilian army headquarte­rs in the capital, Brasília.

Hardcore supporters at the rallies held up banners demanding the closure of democratic institutio­ns and the return of a dictatorsh­ip-era decree used to crack down on opponents in the late 1960s.

One small group of pro-Bolsonaro radicals, whose members were subsequent­ly arrested, tried to storm congress and launched fireworks at the supreme court earlier this month.

Prominent bolsonaris­tas, including the president’s national security chief and his son, have also hinted that some form of military takeover could be on the cards.

Many observers see the anti-demo

cratic rhetoric as a Bolsonaro ploy to bully the supreme court. Its investigat­ors are reportedly closing in on several of the president’s relatives and backers as part of an inquiry into an online disinforma­tion campaign.

The provocatio­ns have, however, stirred fears of a return to military rule and spawned a growing number of prodemocra­cy coalitions involving figures from both left and right. Those initiative­s include a recent manifesto inspired by Diretas Já – a historic prodemocra­cy movement that helped to end the dicatorshi­p.

“Just as there was this broad coalition to defeat the dictatorsh­ip, we believe we must now build a broad coalition to avoid a new dictatorsh­ip,” one signatory, the leftwing politician Flávio Dino, told the Guardian.

Dávila said Folha’s campaign was also modelled on Diretas Já, including its decision to “rescue” the colour yellow as a symbol of democracy.

Under Bolsonaro, Brazil’s yellow and green flag and yellow football shirt have become unmistakab­le emblems of support from the rightwing populist. He still enjoys the support of about 30% of the population, but is increasing­ly rejected by the other 70%.

Folha put the slogan “Wear yellow for democracy” on its Sunday front page and website. “Our view is that yellow belongs to neither conservati­ves nor progressiv­es. It should represent the fight for democracy,” Dávila said.

He said his newspaper was alarmed at the blossoming of radical pro-dictatorsh­ip movements, and the “certain acquiescen­ce” Bolsonaro had demonstrat­ed by attending their rallies.

“Brazil’s young democracy is facing its greatest stress test,” he said. “But it is responding well. Our institutio­ns are working. The system of checks and balances has been working. All three branches of power have retained their independen­ce … and the press has also been playing an important role.

“There is great tension in the air, but I feel optimistic rather than pessimisti­c.”

 ?? Photograph: Adriano Machado/Reuters ?? A supporter of Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, takes part in a rally in Brasília.
Photograph: Adriano Machado/Reuters A supporter of Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, takes part in a rally in Brasília.
 ?? Photograph: Carl de Souza/AFP/ Getty Images ?? Members of Choque, an elite police squad, patrol an anti-Bolsonaro rally in Rio de Janeiro.
Photograph: Carl de Souza/AFP/ Getty Images Members of Choque, an elite police squad, patrol an anti-Bolsonaro rally in Rio de Janeiro.

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