The Guardian (USA)

The US suffragett­e movement tried to leave out Black women. They showed up anyway

- Martha S Jones

Published in collaborat­ion with PBS for the documentar­yThe American Experience: The Votewhich explores thearduous­battlethat­finallyled to thepassage of the 19thamendm­ent. women might pull out, Paul recalculat­ed, and drew a line: the parade was to be “a purely suffrage demonstrat­ion entirely uncomplica­ted by any other problems such as racial ones”. Paul imagined she knew best: “Our winning suffrage will be the thing that will most raise the state of Negro women.”

Had she asked, Black suffragist­s would have advised Paul that there was nowhere for her committee to hide. Racism and sexism were bound together in the fight for women’s votes. When it came to suffrage politics, there was nothing pure about them.

On the morning of 3 March 1913, Black women rose early and joined the throng that assembled for the parade. Ida B Wells, the Chicagobas­ed anti-lynching and women’s suffrage activist, was at the center of a true dust-up when on the eve of the parade she was advised to march with other Black women rather than with her Illinois state delegation. It was a painful rebuke, but Wells refused defeat and ultimately marched with her state’s representa­tives, flanked by white women allied with Chicago’s Alpha Suffrage Club.

Mary Church Terrell was a former head of the National Associatio­n of Colored Women and a Washington DC powerbroke­r who traveled home from New York to march. Terrell had always kept one foot in suffrage associatio­n politics and knew its shortcomin­gs well. Neither Wells nor Terrell frequented Paul’s circles but they appeared on that day to make plain that Black women would never cede the question of their voting rights to others.

Wells and Terrell were not alone. Most of the two dozen or so Black women marchers were local residents of Washington, including the sculptor

May Howard Jackson; the director of the Washington Conservato­ry of Music, Harriet Gibbs Marshall; pharmacist­s and drugstore owners Dr Amanda Gray and Dr Eva Ross; and a contingent of socalled college women that included Oberlin College graduate and advocate for early childhood education Anna Evans Murray, M Street school French instructor Georgia Simpson and Smith College graduate Harriet Shadd. Howard University students joined the procession decked out in caps and gowns.

What had been Black women’s experience of the parade? Carrie Clifford, the poet and activist, boasted to readers of the NAACP’s magazine, the Crisis, that Black women should be “congratula­ted” for “taking part” and demonstrat­ing the “courage of their conviction­s”. They had not been encouraged to participat­e but once there they received “courteous treatment on the part of the marshals” and “no worse treatment from bystanders than was accorded white women”.

In the same issue, editor WEB DuBois detailed the strife that had surrounded Black women’s attempts to join the parade as equals and, like Clifford, he concluded that ultimately they had marched “according to their state and occupation without let or hindrance”. Editors at the Chicago Defender were not so understand­ing and insisted that Paul and her committee owed Black women marchers a “public apology” for “drawing the color line”.

Perhaps the best measure of how the 1913 parade mattered was what Black women did next. In the months that followed, they did not look to collaborat­e with Paul’s NAWSA. Nor did they pursue their grievances. Instead, Black women returned to their ongoing work, comminglin­g their commitment to the vote with concerns about racial justice. Carrie Clifford not only wrote for the Crisis, she raised funds to support the magazine, chairing a benefit along with suffragist­s Addie Hunton and Terrell. Terrell returned to the lecture circuit in Brooklyn, where she urged audiences to support anti-lynching legislatio­n. Wells headed home to Chicago, where she continued to build the influence of the Alpha Suffrage Club.

They were busy that spring, women’s suffrage was on the agenda in Illinois’s capital. But so was a cluster of Jim Crow laws that proposed to segregate transporta­tion, demote Black train workers, and bar interracia­l marriage. Whatever disappoint­ments Black women felt after the March 1913 parade, they quickly receded. There was too much work to do.

Martha S Jones is the author of Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All (Basic Books)

his holiness’s 85th birthday, though be warned that you will also get effusive greetings from celebrity backers Richard Gere, Joanna Lumley and Russell

Brand.This must be a departure for a globally recognised spiritual leader. Not entirely. On his 80th birthday, the Dalai Lama made a hugely popular appearance (in a non-singing capacity) at Glastonbur­y. And Pope Francis released a prog-rock album called Wake Up! in 2015. You’re pulling my leg. God moves (and records) in mysterious ways.Was the album the Dalai Lama’s idea? The inspiratio­n came from a New Zealandbas­ed couple, Junelle and Abraham

Kunin, but the Dalai Lama is hoping the album will soothe its listeners. “Music has the potential to transcend our difference­s,” he said in a statement. “The very purpose of my life is to serve as much as I can. Music can help people in a way that I can’t.” Most likely to say: “Love and compassion are necessitie­s, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”Least likely to say: “Where are the groupies?”

 ??  ?? Ida B Wells in Chicago circa 1893. Photograph: Sallie E Garrity/Reuters
Ida B Wells in Chicago circa 1893. Photograph: Sallie E Garrity/Reuters

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