The Guardian (USA)

Who might the government seek to blame for the UK's Covid-19 failings?

- Peter Walker Political correspond­ent

While ministers insist that it is too early to fully consider what lessons might be learned from the coronaviru­s outbreak, the UK’s death toll – the highest in Europe – is expected to prompt an inquiry into the handling of the pandemic.

In recent weeks, the government has been accused of seeking to preemptive­ly shift the narrative on responsibi­lity for the country’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak and blame others for what went wrong.

Care homes

Nearly 20,000 of the UK’s 44,000 confirmed coronaviru­s deaths have been in care homes, leading critics to claim that the government is more exposed over failures in this sector than any other area.

The most high-profile blame row came on Monday, when Boris Johnson prompted fury from care chiefs, charities, unions and MPs by saying that “too many care homes didn’t really follow the procedures in the way that they could have.”

No 10 swiftly backtracke­d, claiming Johnson was saying “nobody knew what the correct procedures were” at the start of the outbreak, because of the problem of asymptomat­ic people spreading the virus.

Care sector representa­tives, however, argue that this appears to be a further attempt to avoid official responsibi­lity. The head of one charity said Johnson was seeking to present “a Kafkaesque alternativ­e reality” and condemning care homes for abiding by the government’s own regulation­s.

At the height of the pandemic in April, public health officials proposed a lockdown of care homes, but it was rejected by the government. And while a pandemic planning exercise in 2018 warned about the risk of cross-infection by care staff, there were no measures in place to prevent this. A Public Health England study found that temporary care workers had transmitte­d Covid-19 between care homes.

Care operators also say they have struggled significan­tly with low supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff, and with an inadequate system of testing. They have also expressed concern at a policy that allowed 25,000 people to be discharged from hospital into care homes without tests to ensure they were virus-free.

Public Health England

During a speech last week, Johnson recounted the early weeks of the pandemic, when, as he put it, “parts of government … seemed to respond so sluggishly that sometimes it seemed like that recurring bad dream when you are telling your feet to run and your feet won’t move”.

Friendly newspapers were briefed that, by this, the prime minister meant Public Health England (PHE), and that the quango, establishe­d in 2013, could be cut back or axed.

Unnamed Whitehall sources told newspapers that PHE was to blame for the slow start to Covid-19 testing in the UK, and had made other mistakes, such as missing the start of a localised resurgence of the virus in Leicester.

As public health officials hit back, complainin­g this was deeply unfair, Downing Street declined to confirm that PHE will remain in its current form in the future.

The civil service

While the early departure of Sir Mark Sedwill, the cabinet secretary, appears part of a broader battle between officials and Dominic Cummings, Johnson’s chief adviser, among the many anonymous briefings against the UK’s most senior civil servant was the suggestion that he had botched the response to Covid-19.

As cabinet secretary, Sedwill coordinate­d the work of permanent secretarie­s as they grappled with the coronaviru­s lockdown, supplies of personal protective equipment, food supplies, prison releases and coronaviru­s tests.

In March, unnamed Downing Street sources told newspapers that Sedwill had failed to get a grip on the crisis. Another source was quoted as saying that he had fallen out with Johnson and his aides over their strategy. In April, Cabinet Office insiders told the Guardian

the claims were “shit-stirring” and “absolute crap”.

Responding to Sedwill’s departure, a former head of the civil service, Bob Kerslake, said the government seemed to be “attempting to lay the blame on civil servants and expert advisers” over coronaviru­s, calling this “deeply unfair and demoralisi­ng”.


While Johnson and other ministers stood side by side with assorted scientific advisers and medical officers at the daily No 10 press conference­s, it remains to be seen whether the united front will remain intact in a future inquiry.

The prime minister and others have accepted – and reiterated – that while experts can advise, it is ultimately up to politician­s to decide on what course of action to take.

But there have been some attempts to turn on the scientific advice. In May, Thérèse Coffey, the work and pensions secretary, said ministers could “only make judgments and decisions based on the informatio­n and advice that you have at the time”. She told Sky News: “If the science was wrong, advice at the time was wrong, I’m not surprised if people will then think we then made a wrong decision.”

Previous government­s

The lack of early mass testing for the spread of coronaviru­s is likely to be a key element of any future inquiry – it was halted on 12 March amid a lack of capacity – and Johnson has already signalled his intention to argue that his government is not entirely to blame for the slow start.

Speaking to the Commons liaison committee in May, Johnson said earlier administra­tions had not improved testing capacity after earlier virus outbreaks, which did not reach the UK. Johnson said: “The brutal reality is that this country did not learn the lessons of Sars or Mers, and we did not have a test operation ready to go on a scale that we needed.”

Global demand for PPE

One of the defining debates of the early weeks of the crisis was alarm at regular shortages of personal protective equipment, such as masks, gowns and visors, not just at care homes, but also in hospitals. At one point, NHS bosses advised staff to use plastic aprons if stocks of full-length protective gowns ran out.

In part, PPE shortages happened due to surging global demand, but a National Audit Office report concluded that officials had failed to stockpile supplies despite warnings.

There was also the confusion over a much hyped consignmen­t of gowns from Turkey, hailed by ministers as “very significan­t” when they eventually arrived on a delayed RAF plane – but later found to be of insufficie­nt quality for medical use.

In April, Matt Hancock, the health secretary, provoked anger from doctors’ and nurses’ organisati­ons by telling NHS staff they should “treat PPE like the precious resource it is”, saying: “Everyone should use the equipment they clinically need, in line with the guidelines: no more and no less.”

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson clapping for the NHS on Sunday to mark its 72nd anniversar­y. The UK’s coronaviru­s death toll is expected to prompt an inquiry into the handling of the pandemic. Photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty
Boris Johnson clapping for the NHS on Sunday to mark its 72nd anniversar­y. The UK’s coronaviru­s death toll is expected to prompt an inquiry into the handling of the pandemic. Photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty
 ??  ?? Mark Sedwill.
Mark Sedwill.

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