The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on Britain and China: fasten your seatbelts


Five years ago George Osborne, then chancellor, promised a golden decade for Sino-British relations. The sheen was always deceptive, and the decade has ended prematurel­y. In April, Dominic Raab remarked that there could be no return to business as usual. Now the foreign secretary’s rhetoric is translatin­g into reality, with indication­s that the government is preparing to turn its back on Huawei as a 5G supplier.

The fundamenta­l reassessme­nt of relations with China by western countries is becoming more explicit. That Beijing will retaliate to such shifts is equally evident. On Thursday it warned Australia of unspecifie­d consequenc­es for offering Hongkonger­s a pathway to permanent residence; Canberra’s latest travel advice for China cautions its citizens that they could be arbitraril­y detained. But Britain is also taking the heat over Huawei’s future and the offer of potential citizenshi­p to Hong Kong residents. This week, Beijing’s ambassador to London, Liu Xiaoming, warned: “China wants to be UK’s friend and partner. But if you treat China as a hostile country, you would have to bear the consequenc­es.”

The internatio­nal change has been driven to some degree by the US turn against China, and its keenness to make others pick a side. But it is above all the result of Beijing’s own actions.

Its handling of the coronaviru­s outbreak, its crackdown in Hong Kong, the deadly clash on the India-China border and confrontat­ional “wolf warrior” diplomacy have all forced other countries to think again: “The last six months have revealed more about China under President Xi Jinping than the previous six years,” the former MI6 chief Sir John Sawers wrote recently.

This is not convincing. Beijing has gone further, faster, than anyone expected. But it is over a year since the extraditio­n bill sparked protests in Hong Kong, while 2018 saw reports of up to a million Muslim Uighurs being held in camps in Xinjiang, the abolition of presidenti­al term limits, and the detention of two Canadians, effectivel­y taken hostage over their country’s arrest (on a US extraditio­n request) of a top Huawei executive. China took a clear turn towards increasing internal repression and external forcefulne­ss well before Mr Osborne’s declaratio­n of a golden era.

Britain and others decided this was not a priority when there was Chinese wealth to be pursued, and their citizens appeared unaffected. To acknowledg­e this is not about idle retrospect­ion, or attributin­g blame, but about avoiding the mistakes of the past.

Those include a lack of solidarity as well as wishful thinking. China has played other nations off against each other. It looks increasing­ly ruthless in exploiting weakness and isolation. The inconsiste­nt and trade-determined approach of the Trump administra­tion is exacerbati­ng the problem. There is a bumpy road ahead, and post-Brexit Britain will struggle to traverse it alone.

 ?? Photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP via Getty Images ?? Beijing’s ambassador to London, Liu Xiaoming has warned: ‘If you treat China as a hostile country, you would have to bear the consequenc­es.’
Photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP via Getty Images Beijing’s ambassador to London, Liu Xiaoming has warned: ‘If you treat China as a hostile country, you would have to bear the consequenc­es.’

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