The Guardian (USA)

'Flying blind': US failure to report vital coronaviru­s data is hobbling response

- Ed Pilkington in New York

The United States is failing to report vital informatio­n on Covid-19 that could help track the spread of the disease and prevent the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans, according to the first comprehens­ive review of the nation’s coronaviru­s data.

The report, Tracking Covid-19 in the United States, paints a bleak picture of the country’s response to the disease. Five months into the pandemic, the essential intelligen­ce that would allow public health authoritie­s to get to grips with the virus is still not being compiled in usable form.

That includes critical data on testing, contact tracing, new cases and deaths.

What the authors call “life-anddeath informatio­n” is being pulled together haphazardl­y by individual states in a way that is “inconsiste­nt, incomplete and inaccessib­le in most locations”. Without such intelligen­ce the country is effectivel­y walking blind, with very little chance of getting “our children to school in the fall, ourselves back to work, our economy restarted, and preventing tens of thousands of deaths”.

The review has been carried out by Resolve to Save Lives, a part of the global health group Vital Strategies. It is led by Tom Frieden, the former director of the main US public health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Frieden lays the blame for the parlous and deadly state of data-keeping squarely on Donald Trump. Presenting the report, he said that the chaotic picture was the product of “the failure of national leadership. The US is flying blind in our effort to curb the spread of Covid-19.”

He added that the “lack of common standards, definition­s, and accountabi­lity reflects the absence of national strategy, plan, leadership, communicat­ion or organizati­on and results in a cacophony of confusing data”.

Resolve to Save Lives collaborat­ed with leading US health organisati­ons, including the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the American Public Health Associatio­n, to produce a checklist of 15 essential data points in the fight against Covid-19. Among the categories that must be recorded if the disease is to be contained are real-time reporting of people presenting with Covid-like symptoms, new confirmed cases, hospitalis­ations, deaths and contact tracing.

What the authors discovered makes shocking reading, even for a country that has repeatedly generated grim headlines since the pandemic began. Across all states, only 40% of the essential data points are being monitored and reported to the public.

More than half of the critical informatio­n is still going entirely unreported – depriving political leaders of the weapons they need to fight the virus. In the case of 11 out of the 15 essential data points, not a single state was reporting them correctly; and in a further nine of the categories more than half of the states are failing to report any informatio­n on them at all.

Most alarming is contact tracing, a technique for isolating infected individual­s that most experts agree is central to any attempt to control the pandemic. The report found that the informatio­n shared on contact tracing was “abysmal”, with not a single state reporting the turnaround time for diagnostic test results and only two states recording how long it took contact tracers to interview people who tested positive to identify others they may have infected.

The lack of a federal strategy to fight Covid-19 has been evident in the US from early on. The authors point out that many countries such as Germany, Senegal and South Korea have introduced national Covid-19 dashboards that standardiz­e data and make it easy for health experts to track and combat the virus.

By contrast, Trump has encouraged the proliferat­ion of chaos and confusion at state level by barring aggressive federal action. Since the first case of coronaviru­s was reported in Washington state on 20 January, the US president has used his considerab­le powers to undermine a science and data-driven fight against the disease.

He has frequently predicted the virus would “disappear” of its own accord, most recently in his Fox News Sunday interview with Chris Wallace this weekend.

Under his anti-scientific approach, Trump has tried to block new funding for the CDC and for coronaviru­s testing which he claims falsely is responsibl­e for the huge increase in cases across many states. He has also presided over a smear campaign against Anthony Fauci, the top infectious diseases expert in the US.

By consistent­ly resisting an aggressive federal attack on the virus, and offloading responsibi­lity – and he hopes, political accountabi­lity – for the unfolding calamity on to the states, Trump has created the conditions for the current surge of infection across huge swaths of the country.

The impact in terms of lives lost or

disrupted is plainly cast in the latest atrocious figures that show the number of confirmed cases at 3.8m nationwide and rising in 40 out of 50 states. More than 140,000 Americans have died so far – almost twice the number recorded

by the next most affected country, Brazil.

Ultimately, the lack of consistent nationwide intelligen­ce matters for two reasons – it makes the job of isolating and controllin­g the disease more difficult, and it leaves the public clueless as to the severity of the threat that surrounds them. Two groups of citizens are put especially at risk as a result of the dearth of data – older people in nursing homes and African Americans.

The report notes that a third of states are still not reporting any data on outbreaks of Covid-19 in facilities with contained population­s such as nursing homes, homeless shelters, and prisons and jails. That poses a major risk to life as more than 40% of deaths in the US have been in long-term care facilities including nursing homes.

States are also failing to report realtime data on the demographi­c breakdown of the disease, notably for race and ethnicity. Black Americans have borne the brunt of the pandemic, dying at almost three times the rate of white Americans.

 ??  ?? Donald Trump at a White House coronaviru­s briefing on 31 March. Since the first US case in January the president has undermined a science and data-driven fight against Covid-19. Photograph: Tom Brenner/Reuters
Donald Trump at a White House coronaviru­s briefing on 31 March. Since the first US case in January the president has undermined a science and data-driven fight against Covid-19. Photograph: Tom Brenner/Reuters

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