The Guardian (USA)

Attorney general will defend aggressive US response to Portland protests

- Guardian staff and agencies

The US attorney general, William Barr, will defend the aggressive federal law enforcemen­t response to civil unrest in America in a highly anticipate­d hearing on Tuesday, arguing that “violent rioters and anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests” sparked by George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapoli­s police.

Barr will tell members of the House judiciary committee that the violence taking place in Portland, Oregon, and other cities is disconnect­ed from the death of Floyd, which he described as a “horrible“event that prompted a necessary national reckoning on the relationsh­ip between Black men and law enforcemen­t.

“Largely absent from these scenes of destructio­n are even superficia­l attempts by the rioters to connect their actions to George Floyd’s death or any legitimate call for reform,” Barr will say of the Portland protests, according to a copy of his prepared remarks released by the justice department on Monday.

Barr will also touch on other controvers­ies that have shadowed his tenure, including his handling of the investigat­ion into Trump campaign ties to

Russia, which he derisively refers to as “the bogus ‘Russiagate’ scandal”.

According to his prepared remarks, Barr will try to differenti­ate recent protests in cities like Portland and Seattle and the demonstrat­ions that erupted following the death of George Floyd in May.

The attorney general will acknowledg­e to lawmakers that Floyd’s death struck a chord in the Black community because it reinforced concerns that African Americans are treated differentl­y by police. But he will also condemn Americans who he says have responded inappropri­ately to Floyd’s death through what he said was rioting and anarchy.

Civil unrest escalated in Portland after federal agents were accused of whisking people away in unmarked cars without probable cause. The US agents, drawn mainly from border patrol, were dispatched to the city by Donald Trump ostensibly to protect the

courthouse. But they have succeeded in inflaming the situation.

Washington DC was stunned in June when peaceful protesters were violently cleared from the streets by federal officers using teargas ahead of a photo op by Trump in front of a church, where Barr had accompanie­d him.

The attorney general has defended as necessary the broad use of law enforcemen­t power to deal with the situation, but the department’s internal watchdog has opened investigat­ions into use of force and other tactics by agents in both cities.

The hearing on Tuesday marks Barr’s first appearance before the House judiciary committee, bringing him face-to-face with a panel that voted last year to hold him in contempt and is holding hearings on what Democrats allege is politiciza­tion of the justice department under his watch. It comes during a tumultuous stretch in which Barr has taken a series of actions cheered by Trump but condemned by Democrats and other critics.

Barr makes reference in his prepared statement to that antagonist­ic relationsh­ip, saying that “many of the Democrats on this committee have attempted to discredit me by conjuring up a narrative that I am simply the president’s factotum who disposes of criminal cases according to his instructio­ns. Judging from the letter inviting me to this hearing, that appears to be your agenda today.”

Beyond the federal response to the demonstrat­ions, Barr is also expected to be pressed in detail about his interventi­on in criminal cases arising from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigat­ion.

The hearing will provide Barr with a forum to offer his most detailed account to date for his actions in the criminal cases, which he has said were taken in the interests of justice and without political pressure.

Those include the justice department’s decision to drop the prosecutio­n of former Trump administra­tion national security adviser Michael Flynn (a request now tied up in court) and his firing last month of the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, whose office oversaw investigat­ions into allies of the president.

Barr also pushed for a more lenient sentence for Trump’s ally Roger Stone, prompting the entire trial team’s departure. That decision was at the center of a separate hearing before the same committee last month, when one of the prosecutor­s alleged that politics from justice department leadership had influenced the handling of the sentence.

In the past, Barr has said that Flynn, who pleaded guilty as part of Mueller’s investigat­ion into lying to the FBI, should never have been charged and that the original sentencing recommenda­tion for Stone – also charged in the Mueller investigat­ion – was excessive. Barr’s opening statement does not delve into the details of the case, though he will insist that Trump has not attempted to interfere in those decisions and has “played a role properly and traditiona­lly played by presidents”.

 ??  ?? Federal police confront protesters in downtown Portland, Oregon. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Federal police confront protesters in downtown Portland, Oregon. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

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