The Guardian (USA)

Will coronaviru­s mean the demise of banknotes?

- Howard Davies

Four years ago Kenneth Rogoff, a former chief economist of the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, made a powerful case for phasing out paper money. In his book The Curse of Cash, Rogoff argued that much paper money, especially high-denominati­on banknotes, facilitate­d tax evasion and fuelled the drug trade, all the way down the supply chain: a British study in 1999 found that only four of 500 notes tested in London had no traces of cocaine.

Furthermor­e, the existence of cash constrains monetary policy. It is harder for central banks to implement negative interest rates when investors have the alternativ­e of keeping a safe full of $100 bills. That seemed an abstruse point to some at the time, but the Covid-19 crisis has placed negative rates firmly on the policy agenda in several countries, albeit not yet in the US.

Since Rogoff wrote, cash has been in retreat as a payment mechanism. In Sweden, for example, the demise of the paper krona seems within sight. The mobile payment system Swish dominates the small-denominati­on landscape. As anyone who has recently tried to buy a beer in Stockholm knows, you will remain thirsty if all you have is a wallet full of cash.

And the Covid-19 crisis has given people another reason to steer away from banknotes. It was widely reported that the virus could be transmitte­d through handling them, prompting many outlets to put up “no cash” signs. In my village, even the mobile fish and chip van will now accept only a contactles­s card. In fact, there is little or no validity in that scare story. The World Health Organizati­on has said there is no evidence that currency notes transmit coronaviru­s. The virus lasts just as long on plastic cards, and Christine Tait-Burkard, an infectious disease expert at the University of Edinburgh, said that cash is not a vector of disease “unless someone is using a banknote to sneeze in”.

But the damage was done, and in the first month of the crisis cash usage in the UK fell by more than 60%. Transactio­n volumes halved. In a survey, nearly 75% of respondent­s said they ex

pected to use cash less in the future.

That trend, which has been replicated across the developed world, has given a further boost to digital banking and non-bank payment system providers. Apple Pay and PayPal are doing well. Digital-only challenger banks have continued to expand their user base, though many question whether they have yet found a sustainabl­e business model. Facebook’s Libra currency is waiting in the wings, with its backers trying to persuade regulators that its model is safe and compliant with antimoney laundering protocols.

The further decline of cash has also given greater impetus to central banks’ own work on digital currencies. Through banknotes, citizens and businesses have for centuries been able to hold a direct claim on the central bank. If cash were to disappear, is there not an argument for a central bank digital currency, whether wholesale, retail, or both? The Bank for Internatio­nal Settlement­s reports that several central banks are actively considerin­g introducin­g one, though none has yet taken the plunge. The Swedish Riksbank may well be the first, with an e-krona ready to roll.

So, is a farewell to cash at hand? Will even the greenback go the way of all flesh?

The answer is not so clear. In the first place, while the number of transactio­ns fulfilled through cash transfers has indeed been falling, even at the bottom end of the range, the volume of cash in circulatio­n has in fact continued to rise in many countries. Since the end of last year, according to the BIS, the value of currency in circulatio­n has increased by 8% in Italy and 7% in the US. Precaution­ary holdings of cash have risen. It is not only drug dealers and tax evaders who see the attraction of cash as a store of value and who value privacy. Of the largest economies, only China has begun to see an absolute decline in the ratio of physical currency to GDP.

There are also signs of a political backlash against the withdrawal of cash handling facilities. The Bank of Canada has asked retailers to continue to accept cash, citing concerns about financial exclusion, as people without access to bank accounts and cards find themselves unable to shop. New York City, San Francisco and the state of New Jersey have barred retailers from refusing cash. Even in Sweden, the Swishers are not having it all their way. An activist group called Kontantup proret (Cash Rebellion) is now campaignin­g to sustain poorer consumers’ ability to use paper money. In the UK, the government has published an “access to cash” review, which recommends the mandatory maintenanc­e of a large national fleet of ATMs, even though use is falling fast.

In sum, it may be too soon to write the Dollar Bill’s obituary. Demand for its services remains strong. It may make sense for central banks to offer digital services to “non-banks”, perhaps partly to avoid the loss of lending income, which would enrich Facebook, rather than government­s, in a Libra-dominated world. But unless central banks wish also to enter the credit allocation business, they will want to avoid largescale disinterme­diation of the banking system.

I suspect that, for the foreseeabl­e future, we will live in a kind of mixed economy payment system. Cash will continue to play a role, albeit a more modest one than in the past, alongside a variety of cards and direct digital transfers.

• Sir Howard Davies, the first chairman of the UK’s Financial Services Authority, is chairman of RBS. He was director of the LSE and served as deputy governor of the Bank of England and CBI director general.

 ?? Photograph: John Keeble/Getty Images ?? A sign stating that a local shop will only be accepting card payments during the coronaviru­s crisis in Leigh-on-Sea, UK.
Photograph: John Keeble/Getty Images A sign stating that a local shop will only be accepting card payments during the coronaviru­s crisis in Leigh-on-Sea, UK.

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