The Guardian (USA)

US Covid testing has been a historic catastroph­e. Is Trump’s testing tsar Brett Giroir to blame?

- David Smith in Washington

Jesuit high school, an all-boys Catholic school in New Orleans, is proud of its alumni. In 1978, its website records, student debaters Moises Arriaga and Brett Giroir “had a legendary season, winning the City Championsh­ip, District Championsh­ip, State Championsh­ip and the NFL National Championsh­ip”.

Forty-two years later, Giroir’s debating skills are facing their ultimate test. As Donald Trump’s coronaviru­s testing tsar, he is repeatedly grilled by America’s top political news hosts about what is seen as an epic disaster. And despite his gilded career at school, Giroir’s qualificat­ions and track record have come under increasing scrutiny as the US pandemic death toll tops 150,000.

“What he does over and over again in his public statements is always put the most positive spin he can on what is clearly just an abysmal failure in terms of the US testing strategy,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, who led the government response to internatio­nal disasters at USAid from 2013 to 2017.

Now 59 years old, Giroir spent his childhood in a small town outside New Orleans, the son of an oilfield worker and police officer. “Growing up, I had significan­t hearing problems and hearing loss, and there was no ENT physician in my small hometown; we had to drive 30 miles to the city to see a specialist,” he told Texas Medical Center News online in 2014.

“It just so happened that clinic was near the Jesuit high school, one of the best high schools in the region. It looked like an interestin­g place to be, so I set my goal, which was astronomic­al at that time, to be admitted in the Jesuit high school. Luckily, I got in, and that was the academic launching point for me.”

Success on the debate team meant touring universiti­es, including Harvard, where he won a place to study biology before gaining a medical doctorate from the University of Texas Southweste­rn medical center. Giroir began his career as a pediatrici­an in Texas and became the head of Children’s medical center Dallas.

After a spell at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Giroir returned to Texas in 2008 and went on to become the chief executive of Texas A&M University’s Health Science Center. But his ambitions to turn it into a world-leading, billion-dose-per-month vaccine facility were abruptly halted.

In 2015, Giroir was told that he had 30 minutes to resign rather than being fired, the Washington Post reported, after an annual performanc­e review said he was “more interested in promoting yourself” and fared poorly as a “team player”.

Giroir has since claimed he was the victim of university politics. “If you’re not familiar with academic politics, it makes politics in Washington look like a minor league scrimmage,” he told the Post in April this year, adding that he was “heartbroke­n” to be forced out before his work on vaccines was complete.

Others interviewe­d by the Washington Post told a different story. Robin Robinson, who as the director of the federal Biological Advanced Research and Developmen­t Authority oversaw a major grant for the Texas vaccine project, was quoted as saying that Giroir “over-promised and under-delivered”.

He added: “I always had a good relationsh­ip with Brett. I know he has a temper and he sometimes has a very difficult time controllin­g it.”

In 2017, Trump picked Giroir to be the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, making him the top medical and science adviser to the secretary, Alex Azar. The nomination was held up for months, as Democrats expressed concerns over his commitment to women’s health issues, but eventually confirmed.

Giroir made a positive first impression on some in Washington. Stephen Morrison, a senior vice-president at the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies (CSIS) thinktank, and the director of its Global Health Policy Center, recalls talking to him about a Trump administra­tion initiative on domestic HIV/Aids.

“He came across to me as very authentic in his compassion about population­s that are stigmatise­d, marginalis­ed, highly vulnerable to HIV in the United States. Some of them were public sessions, many of them were by-invitation private discussion­s, and so there would inevitably be people in the room who actively loathed anything the Trump administra­tion did but were struck by his seriousnes­s and his compassion and his genuine desire to make a difference and do something well.

“I think the general opinion of him was pretty high here in town and people had a lot of respect for him and took him quite seriously.”

Giroir also leads initiative­s on physical activity guidelines, sickle cell disease and opioid policy, and has been criticised by Senate Democrats over his failure to acknowledg­e the role of drug companies in the opioid epidemic.

But it is the coronaviru­s that delivered the defining moment of his career or, perhaps, some would say, a poisoned chalice. In early March, Trump claimed that “anybody that wants a test can get a test” despite a massive shortage of testing kits. A week later, on 13 March, Giroir was put in charge of overseeing the federal government’s testing efforts – a relatively unknown choice for a monumental position.

Since then, critics argue, America’s testing has been a historic catastroph­e that has allowed the virus to rage like a forest fire. The number of tests performed has surged to more than 50m and last Sunday, on CNN’s State of the Union, Giroir claimed that anyone who “needs” a test can get one. But getting test results is a different matter: shortages of chemicals and plastic pipette tips can mean it takes up to two weeks for laboratori­es to turn them around, rendering them practicall­y useless.

Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Developmen­t thinktank in Washington, said: “The fundamenta­l thing that’s gone wrong is the federal government has not taken ownership of the problem and has not taken ownership of fixing it. Ultimately, that is much more the president’s decision than it is Brett Giroir’s but Brett Giroir is willingly facilitati­ng and enabling it.

“It’s a failed policy so he owns it. He’s not saying we’re failing, he’s not saying we need a different approach, he’s continuing to work on an approach that at this point you just have to say is manifestly failed. We’re moving backward on testing. Delays are getting longer.”

Public health officials have had to navigate treacherou­s waters in Trump’s White House. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has a reputation as a blunt truth-teller and duly found his media appearance­s curtailed; until recently, he said, he had not briefed Trump for two months. By contrast, Deborah Birx, the coronaviru­s taskforce coordinato­r, was recently described by the New York Times as “the chief evangelist for the idea that the threat from the virus was fading”.

Giroir, who has appeared alongside Trump in the admiral’s uniform he is entitled to wear as head of the US Health Service Commission­ed Corps, appears to fall more in the Birx camp when it comes to placating the president.

Konyndyk added: “The responsibi­lity of a scientist in the kind of role that he is in is not to just share the political spin that’s favourable to the president. It’s to give the president and, frankly, give the public an honest, science-based, evidence-based perspectiv­e on what’s needed, and that’s not what Giroir is doing and, frankly, it’s not what Birx has been doing.

“I do fault him for that and I also recognise that in time if he were to do that, I’m sure he would not still be in that role. That’s the quandary that any high-profile scientist in the government is caught in: if you spin, you maintain your access; if you tell the truth, you risk being marginalis­ed. You see one approach to that from Dr Fauci and you see a different approach to that from Drs Birx and Giroir.”

Giroir finds himself working for a president who has claimed that testing is “overrated” and boasted at a campaign rally that he has asked for testing to be slowed down because it makes America look bad. Many experts suggest the biggest failing from the beginning is the lack of national testing strategy, leaving state governors to sink or swim on their own. It will cast a long shadow over Giroir’s career.

Zac Petkanas, the coronaviru­s war room director of Protect Our Care, a healthcare advocacy group, said: “On Sunday he went out there and had the audacity to say that everybody who needs a test can get a test. This is just patently baloney. Sure, a number of people can obtain tests, but then they have to wait 10 to 20 days to get results back, making the tests essentiall­y worthless.”

Petkanas added: “Giroir is clearly nothing more than a water carrier for Trump administra­tion policies and Americans are paying the price because he won’t stand up to the administra­tion and do the right thing, and that is to say that we need a federal national testing infrastruc­ture that does not pit states against each other and coordinate­s this response so that all the states can get the materials they need when they need them and people can get tested.”

Americans are paying the price because [Giroir] won’t stand up to the administra­tion and do the right thing

Zac Petkanas

 ?? Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/EPA ?? Brett Giroir waits to testify at a House select subcommitt­ee on the coronaviru­s crisis on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and 2 July 2020.
Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/EPA Brett Giroir waits to testify at a House select subcommitt­ee on the coronaviru­s crisis on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and 2 July 2020.
 ?? Photograph: Alex Brandon/AP ?? Brett Giroir speaks during a press briefing in the Rose Garden of the White House on 11 May 2020.
Photograph: Alex Brandon/AP Brett Giroir speaks during a press briefing in the Rose Garden of the White House on 11 May 2020.

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