The Guardian (USA)

Manchester United and Liverpool forced into Project Big Picture climbdown

- David Hytner and Paul MacInnes

Liverpool and Manchester United have been forced into an embarrassi­ng climbdown over their push to reform English football after a tense meeting of the Premier League’s 20 clubs on Wednesday.

Project Big Picture was left dead in the water, with clubs agreeing unanimousl­y to engage in a new “strategic plan” for the future of English football. Proponents of the proposal were still claiming something like victory, however, insisting their ideas for reform remained on the table.

Liverpool and United, together with the Football League chairman, Rick Parry, have pushed Project Big Picture – which proposed a £250m bailout for the EFL and a more equitable share of the game’s broadcast money in exchange for the Premier League’s big six clubs being granted overwhelmi­ng voting control on a number of important points.

The idea has divided the top division, with the 14 other clubs believed to be strongly against the change in governance – with the league and the Football Associatio­n sharing their view. At Wednesday’s virtual conference call, the Premier League chairman, Gary Hoffman, called for unity after an unedifying week and the Everton chief executive, Denise Barrett-Baxendale, demanded an apology from Liverpool and United, who were represente­d by Tom Werner and Ed Woodward, club chairman and executive vice-chairman, respective­ly.

Werner and Woodward refused, feeling they had nothing to apologise for. They claimed to have merely been discussing a list of ideas, which would eventually have been put forward for debate. This led to incredulit­y in some quarters.

The FA chairman, Greg Clarke, also spoke out strongly at the meeting, this time against Parry. Significan­tly, the other members of the big six – Tottenham, Manchester City, Chelsea and Arsenal – are understood to have stayed silent, which was surprising to some clubs on the call.

The major conclusion of the gettogethe­r, which had been convened at short notice, was that the 20 clubs agreed to work on a reform programme and, significan­tly, not to endorse Project Big Picture. In other words, Liverpool and United had to give their blessing to work as a part of the existing collective and to say that PBP was not something that could be construed as coming from the league or its clubs.

The review, however, will focus on “competitio­n structure, calendar, governance and financial sustainabi­lity”, three central components of the PBP plan. The process will also consult all major stakeholde­rs in the game, including the EFL. According to the Premier League chief executive, Richard Masters, the aim is to complete the “main components” of the review by the end of 2020.

“All 20 Premier League clubs today unanimousl­y agreed that Project Big Picture will not be endorsed or pursued by the Premier League, or the FA,” the league said in a statement.

The clubs agreed to offer the EFL a bailout too, but on far less generous terms than the £250m that has long been requested. A combined £50m, including £20m in grants, will be offered to League One and Two clubs, with almost two-thirds of that for teams in League One in line with solidarity payment distributi­on. Championsh­ip clubs will be offered access to loans on a means-tested basis.

“This offer will consist of grants and interest-free loans totalling a further £50m on top of the £27.2m solidarity payments already advanced to League One and League Two this year, making a total of £77.2m. Discussion­s will also continue with the EFL regarding Championsh­ip clubs’ financial needs. This addresses government concerns about lower league clubs’ financial fragility.”

Top-flight teams do not believe the vast majority of those in the Championsh­ip are in immediate danger of going to the wall. They have discussed how some Championsh­ip clubs have wealthy owners while others have collected huge transfer fees this summer or rejected large offers for players. As such, the Premier League’s members do not want to advance significan­t money, partly because they know these are rivals who aim to replace them in the top division.

The £50m offer has been arrived at on the basis that League One and Two clubs receive 13% and 7% respective­ly of the solidarity payments. The Premier League is aware the EFL has demanded £250m and its offer constitute­s 20% of that.

The bailout proposal was made on the same day as the Culture Secretary called on the EFL and Premier League to agree a deal that “is there to be done”. Parry will present this proposal to the EFL’s clubs on Thursday, but Masters would not comment on whether this was the league’s final offer. “We’ve obviously got the mandate to put it to them”, he said, “and we’ll keep those conversati­ons going.”

The EFL said in a statement: “The EFL welcomes the opportunit­y to contribute to any wider debate with colleagues across the game as we seek to finally address impossible economic pressures and deliver on the objective of having a sustainabl­e EFL in the longterm.”

Despite the humbling nature of the meeting, the architects of Project Big Picture remain confident that events are now moving in the way they want. Sources close to John W Henry said that none of the ideas contained with PBP have been dismissed. “We put forward proposals and they’re now being considered,” they said.

Masters said the meeting had been “candid, constructi­ve” and “positive” in its outcome. “There’s been a lot of speculatio­n over the last four days”, he said, “but I don’t think it’s irreparabl­y damaged the Premier League.

As for the league’s relationsh­ip with the EFL and Parry, Masters said: “Clearly there’s some frustratio­n … but we don’t have a beef with the EFL, certainly not with its clubs. We want to have a good relationsh­ip with them.”

 ??  ?? Liverpool and Manchester United were behind Project Big Picture, which most Premier League clubs did not support and which was criticised by the culture secretary. Photograph: Simon Stacpoole/Offside via Getty Images
Liverpool and Manchester United were behind Project Big Picture, which most Premier League clubs did not support and which was criticised by the culture secretary. Photograph: Simon Stacpoole/Offside via Getty Images

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