The Guardian (USA)

'Power grab': how Republican hardball gave us Amy Coney Barrett

- David Smith in Washington

The almost certain confirmati­on of Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court on Monday represents a “power grab” by Republican­s facing possible wipeout at the ballot box, activists and analysts say.

Republican­s on the Senate judiciary committee shrugged off a Democratic boycott on Thursday to advance Barrett’s nomination to the full Senate, which will vote little more than a week before the presidenti­al election. If confirmed, Barrett could be sworn in as a justice almost immediatel­y.

To critics, the rushed process represents one of the most naked power plays yet by a party which, confrontin­g dismal opinion polls, is weaponizin­g unelected judges to compensate for setbacks in elections. Even as they contemplat­e the loss of political power, Republican­s are poised to cement judicial power for generation­s.

“This is like the last gasp by the Republican party to try to lock in their minority rule,” said Christophe­r Kang, co-founder and chief counsel of the progressiv­e group Demand Justice. “They’re potentiall­y just days away from not only losing the White House but also the Senate, maybe even resounding­ly, and so they’re trying to do everything they can to consolidat­e on the supreme court a Trump supermajor­ity for decades to come.”

Under Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, Republican­s have built a reputation for ruthless bare knuckle tactics Democrats struggle to combat. They blocked swaths of Barack Obama’s legislativ­e agenda and in 2016 refused to grant a hearing to his supreme court nominee Merrick Garland, arguing that it was an election year so the voters should decide.

In 2018, when the conservati­ve nominee Brett Kavanaugh faced credible allegation­s of sexual assault, Republican­s ignored fierce protests and rammed his appointmen­t through. And when liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died last month, Donald Trump moved like lightning to replace her with Barrett, 48, a lifetime appointmen­t who would tilt America’s highest court to a 6-3 conservati­ve majority.

It was another example of Republican hardball – audacious, shameless and devastatin­gly effective.

Comedian Bill Maher told viewers of his HBO show: “If you haven’t gotten it yet, this kind of completely baldfaced premeditat­ed hypocrisy should make it clear. There’s no catching them in an inconsiste­ncy. They don’t care because it’s all and only about power. The only rule Republican­s play by is: the people who win make the rules. Power talks, losers walk.”

Democrats cried foul, pointing out that the Senate has never confirmed a supreme court nominee so close to a presidenti­al election. They were whistling in the wind. During committee hearings Barrett swerved most of their questions, refusing to commit herself on abortion, the transfer or power or the climate crisis.

Kang said: “The process was so rushed and she was far more evasive and refused to answer more questions than any other nominee. That was a little bit jarring, if not surprising, but it shows how little respect Republican­s have not only for the Senate but the supreme court itself. The Republican party is very blatantly just treating the supreme court as another political branch of government.”

Demand Justice has called for Democrats to fight back by expanding the court, noting that its size has been changed seven times before. Joe Biden, the Democratic presidenti­al nominee, has said he will appoint a bipartisan commission to examine such proposals.

Kang predicted: “Republican­s’ attempt to assert their raw political partisan power grab to get a sixth seat on the court, when they already have five, could end up backfiring spectacula­rly on them and they could be on the losing side of a 7-6 supreme court before they know it.”

All 12 Republican­s on the judiciary committee voted in favour of Barrett. Ted Cruz of Texas hailed perhaps the “single most important accomplish­ment” of Trump’s presidency. Democrats displayed posters at their desks, of Americans who benefited from Obama’s Affordable Care Act which they warn Barrett could help strike down.

Democrats have also warned that if Trump follows through on his threat to dispute the outcome of the 3 November election, it might go before Barrett and other members of the supreme court for a final ruling, just like the 2000 election between George W Bush and Al Gore.

Laurence Tribe, a constituti­onal law professor at Harvard University, described Barrett’s probable confirmati­on as a “‘power grab’ in every relevant sense of the term, especially in light of President Trump’s open concession that he appointed judge Coney Barrett in part to ensure her ability to vote in his favour should his re-election as president end up turning on a case the supreme court would need to resolve in order to give him an electoral college victory in the face of a national popular defeat.”

Trump has appointed more than 200 federal judges, likely to be his most lasting legacy whether he serves one term or two. Critics suggest the courts represent the last bulwark of Republican minority rule and the Barrett episode is starkly indicative of a party that has lost its ideologica­l and ethical moorings and now treats power as an end in itself.

Kurt Bardella, a senior adviser to the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump group, said Republican­s have betrayed their claims to be the party of fiscal responsibi­lity, pro-life principles, small government and congressio­nal oversight.

“When a party diverges from itself on so many issues so many times,” he said, “it tells you they don’t actually have any moral conviction­s or principles that guide them. Only the pursuit of power.”

The only rule Republican­s play by is: the people who win make the rules. Power talks, losers walk Bill Maher

 ??  ?? Amy Coney Barrett, seen on Capitol Hill. Photograph: REX/Shuttersto­ck
Amy Coney Barrett, seen on Capitol Hill. Photograph: REX/Shuttersto­ck

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