The Guardian (USA)

Trump finds unlikely backers in prominent pro-democracy Asian figures

- Emma Graham-Harrison

Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong media tycoon and one of the most prominent prodemocra­cy figures in the city, waded into the US election in its final days, with an enthusiast­ic endorsemen­t of the incumbent in his Apple Daily newspaper.

“I find a stronger sense of security in [Donald] Trump,” he wrote in an editorial that praised the US president for his “hardline” approach to Beijing.

His position is echoed by many in Hong Kong’s increasing­ly battered prodemocra­cy movement, across Taiwan and among many exiled Chinese dissidents living in America, including blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng, who endorsed Trump at the Republican national convention.

The US president might not seem like a natural ally for pro-democracy campaigner­s after years of public support for strongmen and dictators, underminin­g the press at home, and even attacking domestic protesters as “rioters”.

At a time of increased hate attacks on Asian Americans he has also used racist rhetoric about Covid-19, describing it as “kung flu” and the “China virus”. Advocacy groups have warned Trump’s language could have dangerous consequenc­es.

But Lai and others who want democracy for China see in Trump’s unpredicta­ble approach to foreign policy, and his escalating confrontat­ions with Beijing, their greatest hope of challengin­g Chinese Communist party rule.

“The Trump administra­tion might be the hand that eventually pushes China to democracy,” dissident Wang Juntao, who fled into exile after the crackdown in Tiananmen Square in 1989, told local New York paper The City.

In Taiwan a recent poll found that independen­ce-leaning Taiwanese back Trump strongly. 80% of Democratic Progressiv­e party supporters wanted US voters to return him to office, the Taiwan Times reported.

These enthusiast­ic Trump supporters are motivated by the president’s turn away from decades of US engagement with Beijing, rather than his personal politics, said Steve Tsang, director of the SOAS China Institute in London.

“They are focusing much more on confrontin­g the challenges posed by the Communist party of China than they are focusing on the principles of democracy and human rights,” Tsang said.

Since Nixon, US presidents had all “to slightly different extents, belonged to the school of engagement with China”, Tsang added. Trump began his presidency with a similar approach, so keen to strike a trade deal that he held off taking action over human rights abuses in Xinjiang to smooth negotiatio­ns.

But amid escalating tensions over everything from the coronaviru­s to the economy and allegation­s of industrial espionage, he has broken definitive­ly with that tradition, deploying the strongest rhetoric on China since the early days of the cold war.

Trump has also brought in a series of sanctions over alleged abuses in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, boosted diplomatic and military support for selfruled Taiwan, and challenged Chineseown­ed tech firms operating in the US.

For prominent figures like Lai, that has meant support for both his cause, and him personally. When the tycoon was arrested by Hong Kong authoritie­s in August, Trump denounced the detention as “a terrible thing”.

Lai’s media empire has even been accused of trying to actively meddle in the US election. He recently apologised for the role the Apple Daily played in a report on Hunter Biden’s alleged Chinese business links.

He admitted funds from his private firm had been used to pay for it, but said he personally had “nothing to do” with its commission­ing or disseminat­ion.

Support for Trump is far from universal among critics of China, however. Kevin Yam, a Hong Kong-based lawyer, is among those who argue that the lure of a hardline stance against Beijing is superficia­l, and the president’s position on other issues will ultimately undermine everything they are fighting for.

“I dispute the very idea that Trump is ‘ tough on China’ given his record, and his words and deeds make it hard for him to have credibilit­y when pushing a human rights agenda around the world,” said Yam who laid out his concerns in an editorial for Ming Pao and said he was showered with abuse when it came out.

“If an anti-universal values power ‘beats’ another, that’s not a triumph for freedom, it’s just Orwellian Nineteen Eighty-Four-style endless mutual destructio­n as between hegemons,” he wrote in an English language summary of his argument on Twitter.

In the US, another Tiananmen Square dissident, Wan Yanhai is campaignin­g hard against the incumbent, and says he too has faced verbal abuse and even a death threat, but is determined to continue.

“Trump has inflicted major damage on democracy,” he told The City. “You want to fight against the CCP [Chinese Communist party], but you shouldn’t expect one monster to eat another monster.”

 ??  ?? Media mogul Jimmy Lai praised Donald Trump in an editorial of his Apple Daily newspaper. Photograph: Tyrone Siu/Reuters
Media mogul Jimmy Lai praised Donald Trump in an editorial of his Apple Daily newspaper. Photograph: Tyrone Siu/Reuters

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