The Guardian (USA)

Yuri Orlov obituary

- Jonathan Steele

The outstandin­g Russian physicist Yuri Orlov, who has died aged 96, became one of the bravest champions of human rights in the final period of the Soviet Union. He suffered years of hardship in prison, labour camps and exile to Siberia before having his citizenshi­p withdrawn in 1986 and being sent to the US as part of a spy swap.

Born in Moscow, Yuri came from a working-class family. His father, Fyodor Orlov, was a lorry driver who died when Yuri was eight. His mother, Klavdiya Lebedeva, brought him up in a village near Moscow. In 1944 he joined the Soviet army and served for two years before entering Moscow State University. In 1952 he joined the Institute for Theoretica­l and Experiment­al Physics, first as a postgradua­te student and then as a researcher into quantum physics, concentrat­ing on particle motion in accelerato­rs.

His first clash with the authoritie­s came at a meeting of the Communist party at the institute, where members were discussing the dramatic speech that Nikita Khrushchev had made in February 1956 to denounce crimes committed by Joseph Stalin. Although the focus of the meeting was critical of Stalin three years after the dictator had died, Orlov apparently went too far by describing Stalin and his security chief Lavrenti Beria as “murderers in power” and calling for the Soviet Union to practise “democracy on the basis of socialism”.

Orlov later recalled that he had two motives: one was to stop Soviet-style civilisati­on taking over the world, and the other was “my damn patriotism; I loved Russia and wanted her to be better”. He was sacked from the institute and expelled from the Communist party, but was lucky to be allowed to move to the Soviet republic of Armenia, where he was given a research post at the Yerevan Physics Institute. For the next 16 years he lived there, earning a doctorate, designing an electron-synchrotro­n (accelerati­ng electrons and producing X-rays), becoming head of a laboratory and a professor, and being elected to the Armenian Academy of Sciences.

When pressures mounted on the dissident movement in Moscow in 1973 and particular­ly on the illustriou­s nuclear physicist Andrei Sakharov and the writer Aleksandr Solzhenits­yn, Orlov once again could not restrain himself. He returned to Moscow and wrote an open pro-democracy letter to the then Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, titled

Thirteen Questions to Brezhnev. The letter was distribute­d through dissident circles as samizdat (self-published) material typed in multiple copies and passed around by hand. It called for major reforms in Soviet governance, including a lifting of censorship, known as glasnost (openness, which Mikhail Gorbachev would bring in a little more than a decade later).

In 1975, after Brezhnev, along with 34 other European heads of government plus the US, signed the Helsinki accords that committed them to respect freedom of speech, assembly and informatio­n, it was Orlov who had the idea of creating a citizens’ group in

Moscow to monitor how the promises were fulfilled in the USSR.

He and his friends acted on the basis that the Soviet Union had probably only made a paper concession in the Helsinki documents, which also ratified the postwar borders of European states and promoted detente between east and west. It was important and lawful, the dissidents argued, to keep an account of human rights violations and press the Helsinki signatorie­s and internatio­nal advocacy groups to call out government­s that committed abuses.

Orlov founded a Soviet chapter of Amnesty Internatio­nal and asked Sakharov to head a parallel organisati­on, the Moscow Group to Promote the

Implementa­tion of the Helsinki Accords. When Sakharov declined on the grounds that he preferred to act alone, it was inevitable that Orlov would be the leader. It was a risky assignment since the dissidents had decided to give their findings to western embassies and correspond­ents in Moscow.

To try to avoid inevitable arrest, Orlov lived virtually undergroun­d for several weeks in various empty flats. In 1977, after nine months in hiding, he was found by the authoritie­s and convicted of “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda”. He was sentenced to seven years of hard labour followed by five years of internal exile. In a camp in Perm in the Urals he was brutally treated, with periods of solitary confinemen­t, before being moved to exile in Siberia in 1984 where he was allowed to live in a normal house.

In 1986 Orlov was released from exile, stripped of his citizenshi­p, and put on a plane to the US as part of a complicate­d swap that also saw an American journalist released from prison in Moscow and a Soviet military officer released from prison in the US.

Orlov moved to Cornell University, where he remained for the next three decades apart from a brief stint at the European Organisati­on for Nuclear Research (Cern, 1988-89), where he helped to develop the idea of ion “shaking”, with consequent doubling of the number of accumulate­d anti-protons. At Cornell he worked on a physics megaprojec­t to explore the origins of matter.

He continued teaching student seminars on physics and human rights until the age of 90. He was the author of 240 scientific papers as well as a memoir, Dangerous Thoughts: Memoirs of a Russian Life (1991).

Orlov’s first three marriages ended in divorce. He is survived by his fourth wife, Sidney, by three sons, Dmitry, Aleksander and Lev, from an earlier marriage, and by eight grandchild­ren and two great-grandchild­ren.

• Yuri Fyodorovic­h Orlov, scientist and human rights activist, born 13 August 1924; died 27 September 2020

 ??  ?? Yuri Orlov arriving at JFK airport, New York, after his expulsion from the Soviet Union in 1986. Photograph: Allan Tannenbaum/Getty Images
Yuri Orlov arriving at JFK airport, New York, after his expulsion from the Soviet Union in 1986. Photograph: Allan Tannenbaum/Getty Images

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