The Guardian (USA)

Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter activists helped you win Wisconsin. Don't forget us

- Justin Blake

Three months ago, a Kenosha police officer shot my nephew, Jacob Blake, seven times in the back in front of his children. Jacob was rushed to the hospital, where for days he was shackled to his bed, only to find he’d been paralyzed from the waist down. The officer who shot him, Rusten Sheskey, has yet to be charged with a crime and is currently on paid administra­tive leave.

Days after the shooting, Donald Trump came and went, showing little empathy for our family, and calling for a violent crackdown on protests for racial justice. The press, too, came and went, as the drama of uprising transition­ed into the long, slow work of healing and change. But even after the cameras left, after the president ignored our pain and took off in his motorcade, Kenoshans kept organizing.

In close concert with the Blake family, grassroots organizati­ons in Kenosha began turning protest power into electoral power in one of the most competitiv­e swing states in the country. From the start, our goal was to counteract voter suppressio­n and make sure everyone in our community had their voice heard at the ballot box.

On 20 October, our family joined hundreds of activists and community members in a peaceful march from Kenosha to Milwaukee, receiving support along the way from luminaries like the former Ohio state senator Nina Turner and the Rev Jesse Jackson. The march took over 14 hours, ending in Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park, where Dontre Hamilton was killed by a police officer in 2014. The message of the marchers was simple: southeaste­rn Wisconsin has seen too much violence at the hands of the police. It’s time for Wisconsini­tes to vote out the politician­s who have allowed, and often encouraged, this violence in our communitie­s.

For many of the activists in Kenosha, including Jacob’s family, this meant voting Trump out of office. In the last two weeks before the election, we took this message door to door in a canvassing sprint across Kenosha, a city where the Joe Biden campaign itself had very little presence on the ground. But for the thousands of low-propensity voters we spoke to oneon-one in the city of Kenosha, Biden’s 20,000 statewide vote margin might

have looked a lot smaller.

Mainstream Democrats often invoke “loyalty” as the quality they hope to inspire in their voters. But “loyalty” is a two-way street: party leaders shouldn’t expect it if they can’t deliver for the voters who put them in office. And on this front, particular­ly with Black voters, Biden is far from perfect. He spearheade­d the 1994 crime bill, for instance, which expanded mass incarcerat­ion and hurt Black communitie­s across the country.

Kenosha’s community leaders are taking a chance on Biden, believing that this turning point will push him to learn from past mistakes and take a moral stance in this moment of national division. And we are tired of Trump’s hateful racism and the increasing­ly explicit imprimatur he’s given to violent white supremacis­ts. But make no mistake: now that Biden’s won the election, he owes this country real racial justice reform.

He must start with the most obvious steps: executive orders that address the immediate need for federal remedies to protect Black and Brown citizens from police brutality; appointing a special prosecutor to investigat­e both criminal and civil rights violations in the Floyd, Taylor, Blake, Cole and Anderson cases. More broadly, Biden must recognize that poverty and racism are pandemics in their own right, each of which has been exacerbate­d by Covid-19. Beginning to remedy them will require not just an emergency economic stabilizat­ion package, but a national moratorium on foreclosur­es and evictions for the next 12 months, and a prioritiza­tion of funding for the communitie­s of color hit hardest by the virus.

These demands are not coming from Kenosha alone, but from all across the country, where the Black Lives Matter movement – the largest social uprising in our nation’s history – has inspired a new generation of voters and activists. So while racial justice leaders may have helped Biden take back the White House, come January 2021, we’ll be reminding him exactly who got him there.

Make no mistake: now that Biden’s won the election, he owes this country real racial justice reform

 ?? Photograph: Mark Hertzberg/Zuma/Rex/Shuttersto­ck ?? ‘Racial justice leaders helped Biden take the White House – and, come January 2021, we’ll be reminding him exactly who got him there.’
Photograph: Mark Hertzberg/Zuma/Rex/Shuttersto­ck ‘Racial justice leaders helped Biden take the White House – and, come January 2021, we’ll be reminding him exactly who got him there.’

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