The Guardian (USA)

Boris Johnson: no-deal Brexit now a 'strong possibilit­y'

- Heather Stewart, Jessica Elgot and Lisa O'Carroll

Boris Johnson has ordered ministers to prepare for the “strong possibilit­y” of a no-deal Brexit, warning that the UK risks being “locked in the EU’s orbit” as senior Tories urge him to find an agreement.

After a three-hour summit with the European commission chief, Ursula von der Leyen, failed to bridge major gaps between them, the prime minister said he was prepared to “go the extra mile” by flying to Paris or Berlin for face-toface talks with EU leaders.

But he said the EU’s current offer was unacceptab­le because the UK could not be treated like its twin.

“It was put to me that this was kind of a bit like twins, and the UK is one twin the EU is another, and if the EU decides to have a haircut then the UK is going to have a haircut or else face punishment. Or if the EU decides to buy an expensive handbag then the UK has to buy an expensive handbag too or else face tariffs,” he said.

“Clearly that is not the sensible way to proceed and it’s unlike any other free trade deal. It’s a way of keeping the UK kind of locked in the EU’s … regulatory orbit.”

Johnson’s language echoed his condemnati­on of Theresa May’s Brexit deal. After he resigned as foreign secretary in 2018, he told that year’s Tory party conference that Britain must not be “locked in the tractor beam of Brussels”.

He added on Thursday: “I do think we need to be very, very clear. There is now a strong possibilit­y – a strong possibilit­y – that we will have a solution that is much more like an Australian relationsh­ip with the EU than a Canadian relationsh­ip with the EU.”

Downing Street said Johnson had overwhelmi­ng cabinet backing for his stance despite official forecasts suggesting no deal would knock an extra 2% of GDP off an economy already hit hard by the Covid crisis.

“What I told the cabinet this evening is to get on and make those preparatio­ns. We’re not stopping talks, we’ll continue to negotiate but looking at where we are I do think it’s vital that everyone now gets ready for that Australian option,” Johnson said.

The Australian option is Johnson’s name for trading on World Trade Organizati­on terms with the EU, meaning tariffs being imposed on a wide range of goods.

Meanwhile, lorry queues built up in Kent for the third day in a row, attributed to Brexit stockpilin­g, Covid vaccine deliveries and Christmas traffic. Heavy congestion is expected over the weekend with a live test of no-deal contingenc­y plans.

Barriers will be put in place to create a contraflow system as part of Operation Brock, Kent’s longerterm contingenc­y plan for Brexit gridlock. Similar plans known as Operation Transmissi­on are being prepared around Portsmouth internatio­nal port.

Johnson’s blunt statement came amid warnings from senior Conservati­ves that “the world is watching” as Brexit negotiatio­ns enter their final phase. Some MPs said they were discussing whether they could use parliament­ary tactics to block a no-deal exit.

After Wednesday evening’s dinner between Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen ended at an impasse with a new deadline set for Sunday, Tory MPs have become increasing­ly concerned that the risk of a no-deal exit on 1 January is rising.

Tobias Ellwood, the chair of the defence committee, said: “The world is watching this. We are being marked for our internatio­nal prestige, our statecraft and how we deploy it. And what we lose will be huge.”

He pointed to the security implicatio­ns of a no-deal exit. “There will be economic repercussi­ons but also security ones. Our Channel waters are being buzzed by Russian submarines, our airspace by Russian jets. We need alliances – and Europe needs to stand and work together. This would be us turning the other way, just as we assume the G7 presidency.”

The European commission published its own no-deal contingenc­y plans on Wednesday, including allowing airlines from the UK to operate flights across its territory and keeping roads open to British hauliers for six months – but only if the UK reciprocat­es.

Under the same terms, Brussels will also offer UK fishermen access to its seas and open negotiatio­ns over quotas. Johnson’s spokesman appeared to suggest that would be unacceptab­le, however, saying: “We would never accept arrangemen­ts and access to UK fishing waters which are incompatib­le with our status as an independen­t coastal state.”

The former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt said a no-deal exit would be a “failure of statecraft”, but he laid the blame on the EU for failing to understand the UK position. “I still think that the Europeans are overestima­ting the political space that Boris Johnson has on this,” he said. “That’s why I think it’s a very perilous situation.”

Damian Green, chair of the One Nation group of Tory MPs, said: “It has always been in Britain’s best interest to leave on friendly terms, with a deal that allows people and trade to flow as freely as possible. That is still true, even in these last few days.”

The former minister Stephen Hammond added: “Ending the year without a free trade agreement would be bad for Britain and the EU. I really urge the negotiatin­g teams to find a solution – for the benefit of all the citizens of Europe.”

The former cabinet minister Andrew Mitchell, a supporter of Johnson’s leadership campaign, said it was vital every effort was made. “At this critical juncture, every sinew must be stretched to secure a deal. Not at any price; the country voted to leave and we are a proud independen­t nation.

“But no one should be in any doubt of the economic consequenc­es of proceeding without a deal on 1 January next year.”

The shadow Cabinet Office minister, Rachel Reeves, castigated the government for failing to get agreement, urging the prime minister to take control of the negotiatio­ns and “bring back a deal”.

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