The Guardian (USA)

'Do you remember the underwear's colour?' - Navalny's call with duped spy

- Luke Harding

On Monday Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny published a telephone call he had with FSB operative Konstantin Kudryavtse­v, who was allegedly part of the FSB team, which in August poisoned Navalny when he travelled to Siberia.

Navalny survived after the plane he fell sick on was diverted to a nearby airport and he received quick medical attention. He rang Kudryavtse­v from Germany last week, pretending to be an aide to a top FSB official.

Below is an edited transcript. Dialogue is in bold.

Navalny: Konstantin Borisovich? Kudryavtse­v: Yes, yes!

N: This is Ustinov Maxim Sergeevich, aide to Nikolay Platonovic­h Patrushev [former FSB chief]. I received your number from Vladimir Mikhailovi­ch Bogdanov [head of the FSB’s special technology centre]. I apologise for the early hour, but I urgently require 10 minutes of your time.

K: Alright.

“Maxim” explains that he has been told to investigat­e what went wrong in the operation to poison Navalny. He says he has to ask Kudryavtse­v and other members of his FSB unit a few questions, including why the plot failed.

K: There are always nuances, there are always nuances in every job. The whole situation turned out, as it were, on one side... well, I don’t know how to say it properly here…

N: Well?

K: .. Well, they landed [the plane], and the situation developed in a way that… Not in our favour, I think. If it had been a little longer, I think the situation could have gone differentl­y.

N: A little longer what, Konstantin Borisovich?

K: Flying.

N: Flying a little longer?

K:Well, maybe, yes, if it had flown a little longer and they hadn’t landed it abruptly somehow and so on, maybe it all would have gone differentl­y. That is, if it hadn’t been for the prompt work of the medics, the paramedics on the landing strip, and so on.

Kudryavtse­v said he travelled to Omsk on 25 August – five days after the poisoning – as part of a clean-up operation. His job was to remove traces of the nerve agent novichok from Navalny’s clothes.

K: They treated it with solutions, that it wasn’t… ohhhh… how to say it… treated it so there wouldn’t be any marks there, nothing like that.

N: All the things were treated?

K: No, not all of them at first. First there were the basic ones: suits, underpants, all that stuff. While we were going, another box was brought in, everything, everything had already been processed there the last time.

N: On the things, is there any chance that Navalny’s wife, or someone at the hospital, cut off a piece of clothing and it got…

K: No.

N: There is no such possibilit­y?

K: No. Everything was in one piece. There were no traces of cutting and so


N: In your opinion, how did the Germans eventually discover it all?

K: Well, they got the Bundeswehr involved. They have military chemists working there. Maybe they have some methods of detection.

During the 49-minute conversati­on “Maxim” presses Kudryavtse­v for details of how Navalny was poisoned.

N: And on which piece of cloth was your focus on? Which garment had the highest risk factor?

K: The underpants.

N: The underpants.

K: A risk factor in what sense? N: Where the concentrat­ion [of novichok] could be highest?

K: Well, the underpants.

N: Do you mean from the inner side or from the outer?..

K: Well, we were processing the inner side. This is what we were doing.

N: Well, imagine some underpants in front of you, which part did you process?

K: The inner, where the groin is. N: The groin?

K: Well, the crotch, as they call it. There is some sort of seams there, by the seams.

N: Wait, this is important. Who gave you the order to process the codpiece of the underpants?

K: We figured this on our own. They told us to work on the inner side of the underpants.

N: I am writing it down. The inner side. Ok… Do you remember the underwear’s colour?

K: Blue. But I am not sure..

N: And they are whole, I mean theoretica­lly we [FSB] could give them back? We are not going to do this, but they are undamaged and everything is ok with them?

K: Yes, all is clear.

N: Visually, nothing would be discovered? There are no spots, nothing?

K: No, no. Everything is fine, they are in good condition, clean.

N: Do you think this was a mistake — the method of administra­tion?

K: Well, this is not my call.

N: What is your opinion?

K: This is what my superiors have decided, therefore, it is probably correct. The method is a good one.

N: Well, he remains alive, therefore, it is not that good. Do you understand what I am saying?

K: Well, I already said that the circumstan­ces developed in a way for the situation to be as it is. There was contact – therefore the penetratio­n was good enough. Those decisions depend on the situation and the experience.

 ?? Photograph: Pavel Golovkin/AP ?? Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny nearly died after novichok was put on his clothes, including his underpants.
Photograph: Pavel Golovkin/AP Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny nearly died after novichok was put on his clothes, including his underpants.

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