The Guardian (USA)

Tyrants gaze with glee at what Trump has done to American democracy

- Andrew Rawnsley

Ever since he lost last November’s election, there have been entirely believeabl­e reports that Donald Trump is toying with issuing a presidenti­al pardon to himself. What he will never secure is a reprieve from history’s verdict on his wretched presidency. It will be a defining image and an enduring epitaph: the invasion and ransacking of the US Capitol by a mob he incited to prevent Congress certifying that Joe Biden had won a free and fair election. It is highly moot whether the use of the 25th amendment or a second impeachmen­t will now bring a slightly earlier conclusion to America’s long national nightmare by removing him before the official end of his term on 20 January. However that turns out, posterity will condemn him as the president who conspired to subvert the constituti­on that he was solemnly sworn to preserve and protect.

Historians will also dwell on some of the other actors in play, including those Republican senators and congressme­n who indulged or stoked his plot to overturn the election result by peddling claims of fraud that were themselves fraudulent and have been investigat­ed and rejected at every level of government. None of that, nor questions about the role played by social media and why the security around Congress was so easily breached, should distract us from the fundamenta­l point. Culpabilit­y for the violent assault on the heart of American democracy lies squarely with him, as even some who were his most ardent apologists have acknowledg­ed.

An event can be shocking and at the same time not at all surprising. The dark hours when the Capitol was overrun by a pro-Trump horde, some of the invaders emblazoned with Nazi slogans, were the product of the four dark years of vandalism he has unleashed on America’s body politic. The assault on Capitol Hill was the savage consummati­on of a presidency founded, fuelled and feeding on division; a presidency that has stamped on democratic norms, fomented lunatic conspiracy theories and made lies the chief currency of its public discourse since the very beginning.

It was a grimly appropriat­e finale that he employed demagoguer­y powered by falsehoods to invite the assault on lawmakers, inflaming a socalled “Save America” rally by declaring: “You’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength.” His personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was even more explicitly insurrecti­onist when he told the crowd: “Let’s have trial by combat.” The horde, some of them armed, then overran the Capitol screaming Mr Trump’s mendacious mantra: “Stop the steal!” The mobster-in-chief, the capo of chaos, then released a pre-recorded video expressing his “love” for the “very special” people who were menacing elected representa­tives and rampaging in the most hallowed chambers of America’s democracy while regurgitat­ing the lie that he won the election. Liz Cheney, the third highest-ranking Republican in the House of Representa­tives, offered a quote for the history books when she said: “There is no question that the president formed the mob, the president incited the mob, the president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.” She is right. Mitt Romney, the Utah senator and former presidenti­al candidate, had something to say to those in his party who colluded with the scheme to delegitimi­se the election result. He yelled in their direction: “This is what you’ve gotten.” He is right.

“This is banana republic crap,” said Mike Gallagher, a Republican congressma­n, before making this plea to its author. “Mr President, you have got to stop this. Call it off! The election is over. Call it off! This is bigger than you.” He was also right, but hopelessly naive to think that Mr Trump can ever conceive of anything bigger than himself.

Only much later did he seek to distance himself from the mob that he had instigated and ignited. In a robotic statement that some likened to a hostage video, he redefined his “very special” people as the perpetrato­rs of a “heinous act”. This volte face came only after the insurrecti­on had failed, when even some previously diehard loyalists had deserted him in disgust and advisers were warning he had exposed himself to a prosecutio­n for sedition. An enforced climbdown that reeked of insincerit­y does nothing to alleviate the most damnatory verdict against this president. You can argue that there are slivers of encouragem­ent to be extracted from the day of infamy. Once the rioters had been cleared from the Capitol, Congress reconvened in the early hours to certify Joe Biden as the next president. Shockingly, more than a hundred Republican­s in Congress continued to collude with Mr Trump even after the storming of the building, but it should be noted that others have shown a commendabl­e dedication to democracy.

The ugly events on Capitol Hill overshadow­ed a revelation earlier in the week that the president had unsuccessf­ully sought to bully Brad Raffensper­ger, a Republican and the senior election official in Georgia, into “finding” enough votes to flip the result in that state. Judges have thrown out more than 60 Trumpian gambits to discredit the election. The conservati­ve-dominated supreme court, three of whose justices are Trump appointmen­ts, rejected his attempts to block ballots in a number of key states that voted for Mr Biden. So you can make a case that the constituti­on and the republic’s attachment to democratic values have ultimately proved sufficient­ly robust to meet the severe stress test inflicted by this disgraced president.

There is a terrible cost, though, to America’s experiment with Trumpism and the price will still be being paid after he has been removed. The catastroph­ic wreckage left by his presidency is not just to be reckoned in the broken glass, trashed offices and fatalities on Capitol Hill. The cost of Trumpism is also to be counted in a poisoning of American politics. He is an electoral failure. Never forget that he lost the popular vote in both the contests he fought, defeated by a thumping margin of more than 7m votes last November. Yet he has been horribly successful in underminin­g faith in American democracy and corroding respect for it abroad. Once, you would have assumed that the spectacle of rioters desecratin­g the national legislatur­e would repel Republican voters. They usually like to think they belong to the party of law and order. So it is testimony to the scale of his malignant achievemen­t that polling of Trump voters suggests that two-thirds buy his big lie that the election was stolen and as many approved as deplored the mayhem unleashed at the citadel of their country’s democracy. Mr Trump has done far more damage to trust in America’s system of government than Vladimir Putin’s battalions of cyber-agents have ever managed.

By despoiling his high office so basely, he has also made it that much harder for the values of liberty to prevail in the vital global contest to combat resurgent despotism. The latest audit of pluralism and democracy from Freedom House comes to the baleful conclusion that the world is becoming less free as dictators tighten their grip in some regions, while elsewhere wannabe despots stretch and unravel the fabric of democracy. Mr Trump is not solely responsibl­e for this dismal trend, but he has helped to exaggerate it by demoralisi­ng those struggling for civil liberties and fair elections while emboldenin­g their opponents. America’s claim to be a “beacon of liberty” has always been contestabl­e. Under him, the idea became risible.

The violence on Capitol Hill was watched with horror in the capitals of liberal democracie­s and with glee among the rulers of Russia, China and Iran. Many of the world’s most unsavoury regimes seized on the grisly finale to the Trump presidency to justify their own autocracie­s. Beijing was gifted another opportunit­y to depict democracy as a recipe for anarchy. Tehran gloatingly took it as evidence of “how vulnerable and fragile western democracy is”. From Moscow came the snickering contention that “American democracy is obviously limping on both feet”.

We must hope that this is the final service that Mr Trump will render to the world’s autocracie­s after four years of offering them encouragem­ent. From Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil to Viktor Orbán in Hungary to Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippine­s, authoritar­ians recognised themselves in his behaviour and from that drew strength. The Trump presidency has emboldened autocrats the world over to believe that liberal democracy is in decline and tomorrow belongs to them. It is not just America that has suffered a terrible price for the Trump presidency. The cost is being paid in lost liberty around the planet.

• Andrew Rawnsley is Chief Political Commentato­r of the Observer

An enforced climbdown which reeked of insincerit­y does nothing to alleviate the most damnatory verdict against this president

 ?? Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AP ?? ‘It was a grimly appropriat­e finale that he employed demagoguer­y powered by falsehoods to invite the assault on lawmakers.’
Photograph: Jacquelyn Martin/AP ‘It was a grimly appropriat­e finale that he employed demagoguer­y powered by falsehoods to invite the assault on lawmakers.’

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