The Guardian (USA)

'No more broken treaties': indigenous leaders urge Biden to shut down Dakota Access pipeline

- Nina Lakhani

Indigenous leaders and environmen­talists are urging Joe Biden to shutdown some of America’s most controvers­ial fossil fuel pipelines, after welcoming his executive order cancelling the Keystone XL (KXL) project.

Activists praised the president’s decision to stop constructi­on of the transnatio­nal KXL oil pipeline on his first day in the White House, but they stressed that he must cancel similar polluting fossil fuel projects, including the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL), to stand any chance of meeting his bold climate action goals.

The KXL order was issued on Wednesday as part of the first wave of Biden’s promised environmen­tal justice and climate action policies, which include rejoining the Paris agreement and halting constructi­on of the southern border wall.

Rescinding the Canadian-owned KXL pipeline permit, issued by Donald Trump, fulfills a campaign promise Biden made in May 2020 and comes after more than a decade of organizing and resistance by indigenous activists, landowners and environmen­tal groups.

“The victory ending the KXL pipeline is an act of courage and restorativ­e justice by the Biden administra­tion. It gives tribes and Mother Earth a serious message of hope for future generation­s as we face the threat of climate change. It aligns Indigenous environmen­tal knowledge with presidenti­al priorities that benefit everyone,” said Faith Spotted Eagle, founder of Brave Heart Society and a member of the Ihanktonwa­n Dakota nation.

“This is a vindicatio­n of 10 years defending our waters and treaty rights from this tar sands carbon bomb. I applaud President Biden for recognizin­g how dangerous KXL is for our communitie­s and climate and I look forward to similar executive action to stop DAPL and Line 3 based on those very same dangers,” said Dallas Goldtooth, a member of the Mdewakanto­n Dakota and Dine nations and the Keep It In The Ground campaign organizer for the Indigenous Environmen­tal Network.

Donald Trump sanctioned the KXL and DAPL pipelines soon after taking office – which paved the way for scores of executive actions and rollbacks favoring fossil fuel allies while violating indigenous rights and environmen­tal standards.

The KXL pipeline was set to go through the heart of the Oceti Sakowin territory. It was the final section of a vast pipeline network transporti­ng tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada, to ports on the US Gulf Coast. Most of the network was built during the Obama administra­tion and is already operationa­l.

The 2020 elections saw a historic turnout of Native Americans, who helped deliver victory for Biden in key states including Arizona and Wisconsin.

The new president has so far been praised for assembling a top team of climate and environmen­tal justice experts to lead his government’s efforts and undo some of the damage inflicted over the past four years – and during previous administra­tions.

But pressure is already mounting on Biden to take action on similar pipelines that campaigner­s say were sanctioned without conducting legally required consultati­ons with Native communitie­s, and which threaten to pollute land and water and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions that cause global heating.

Last week, 75 indigenous female leaders from across the country sent a letter to the incoming administra­tion calling on it to immediatel­y halt fossil fuel projects which threaten their land, water, health, culture and security. They wrote: “No more broken promises, no more broken Treaties … We urge you to fulfill the United States promise of sovereign relations with Tribes, and your commitment to robust climate action.”

On Tuesday, tribal leaders wrote to Biden urging him to shut down the DAPL. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe and the legal non-profit Earthjusti­ce released a video message to Biden voiced in the Lakota language called TԿokáta Hé Miyé /My Name Is Future.

Biden has not spoken publicly about DAPL, but last May Kamala Harris signed an amicus brief and joined tribes in calling on a judge to shut it down while an environmen­tal impact study is conducted.

Shutting down DAPL, which crosses through communitie­s, farms, tribal land, sensitive natural areas and wildlife habitat across North Dakota to Illi

nois, would be more complicate­d than canceling KXL as it is already been built and is transporti­ng about 500,000 barrels of crude oil each day.

“It is a more complex legal scenario, but they could do it tomorrow as it’s operating without a permit and has been declared illegal by federal courts,” said Jan Hasselman, a lawyer at Earthjusti­ce, which represents the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in ongoing legal action. “It’s crazy to continue investing in new fossil fuel infrastruc­ture when we need to be abandoning it.”

The proposed expansion of another huge Canadian-owned tar sands oil pipeline crossing indigenous lands, Line 3, is also under the microscope. In Minnesota, police have arrested scores of peaceful protesters trying to stop constructi­on.

At the heart of Biden’s climate plan is ensuring the US achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches netzero emissions no later than 2050 – which experts say is not possible if investment in oil and gas continues.

“[Today’s] great win comes after a decade of organizing – and since the scientific and human rights principles are exactly the same for DAPL and Line 3, we assume we’ll hear similar good news on them soon.” said Bill McKibben, co-founder of the environmen­tal group

Nick Estes, a member of the Lower Brule Sioux nation and assistant professor of American Studies at the

University of New Mexico, said: “Biden has the right people in his team, but we don’t know yet if he’s going to break from Obama’s policy of domestic energy production. If he’s genuine about climate action, it makes no sense not to cancel the Dakota Access and Line 3 pipelines, even if it’s harder to do. We need to see bold maneuvers.”

 ?? Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters ?? Indigenous leaders participat­e in a protest march and rally in opposition to the Dakota Accessand Keystone XL pipelines in Washington in 2017.
Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Indigenous leaders participat­e in a protest march and rally in opposition to the Dakota Accessand Keystone XL pipelines in Washington in 2017.

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