The Guardian (USA)

Small but mighty, Pacific states have led the charge for banning nuclear weapons

- Emily Defina

In 1995, thousands of people marched peacefully hand-inhand through the Tahitian capital of Pape’ete. The palm-lined streets were awash with songs of protest. On a nearby shorefront, Cook Islanders had just arrived by traditiona­l voyaging canoe: a vaka. They were there to deliver a message of solidarity with their island neighbours, en route to the nuclear test site of Moruroa.

These warriors, sailing at the forefront of the Pacific’s fight against nuclear weapons, delivered their message of peaceful resistance with prayers, songs and hakas.

The voyage represente­d one call in a chorus echoing across the Pacific, of people speaking out against the catastroph­ic humanitari­an consequenc­es of the use of nuclear weapons.

From the atolls of French Polynesia to the Runit Dome in the Marshall Islands, Pacific nations know too well the legacy of nuclear testing.

The men and women of Palau, who fought for the world’s first nuclearfre­e constituti­on, understood that the effects of nuclear weapons, like pandemics, do not respect human-drawn borders.

Twenty-five years on from the historic voyage of the Cook Islands’ vaka, the Treaty on the Prohibitio­n of Nuclear Weapons enters into force today.

This is the first legally binding internatio­nal agreement to comprehens­ively prohibit nuclear weapons. Its ultimate goal is their total eliminatio­n.

The treaty was adopted and opened for signature in 2017 but required the commitment of 50 countries to become legally binding. Unsurprisi­ngly, 10 of those national commitment­s came from the Pacific*, with the thirdsmall­est nation in the world, Nauru, helping push the treaty over the line.

By joining the treaty, a quarter of the world’s nations are now legally bound to not develop, test, produce, acquire, possess, stockpile, use or threaten to use nuclear weapons.

But what use is such a treaty when powerful states who possess these weapons are not on board? We hear, often, of when internatio­nal humanitari­an law – the law of war – fails. We are confronted with the use of child soldiers, indiscrimi­nate attacks on civilians, and the cruel treatment of detainees.

One ray of hope in this desolate picture is that these violations achieve their potency by the very fact that we all see them for what they are: violations of the law.

Law is an imperfect tool, slower and less effective than we would like, but as we have seen in the past, it does have the power to change behaviour. Violations of humanitari­an law are far from eliminated. But they are certainly stigmatise­d and there is a trove of everyday successes that point to compliance with the law.

This makes all the difference to the lives of people affected: wounded fighters allowed through enemy checkpoint­s; humanitari­an relief permitted across frontlines, messages conveyed from detainees to their families.

These events may not make headlines. But they do represent saved lives, reunited families and communitie­s protected from the worst of war. These moments serve as reminders: we would be worse off without the law.

And treaties that prohibit and limit the use of weapons do have an impact.

The Ottawa mine ban treaty led to a reduction in casualties from landmines, the destructio­n of over 50m stockpiled mines and the clearance of mine-contaminat­ed land. The use of anti-personnel mines is now widely stigmatise­d and many militaries have removed these indiscrimi­nate weapons from their arsenals.

The developmen­t or use of chemical and biological weapons is now so universall­y condemned that no country in the world would proudly stand by a chemical weapons program on the internatio­nal stage.

A quarter of a century since the people of the Cook Islands sailed out, the internatio­nal community has listened, responded, and said ‘no’ to nuclear weapons.

The Treaty on the Prohibitio­n of Nuclear Weapons is not the end of the journey, it is only the start of a hard road of diplomatic engagement.

Although countries with nuclear weapons are not likely to join the treaty soon, with every country that joins, the momentum builds, paving the way for the eventual eliminatio­n of these weapons.

The internatio­nal framework we already have in place to regulate nuclear weapons - such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferat­ion of Nuclear Weapons and our own regional nuclear-free zone treaty, the Treaty of Rarotonga – remains critical.

This latest, overarchin­g ban of nuclear weapons only complement­s efforts and treaties that have come before.

And the key role the Pacific has played in making this treaty a reality underscore­s the collective might of small and dedicated, peaceful communitie­s.

There is work ahead but today we must celebrate what we have achieved so far.

Today, a region whose very name means peace has led the world in committing to a safer future for humanity and our environmen­t. Amid everything else, today is a welcome start to 2021.

Emily Defina is a legal adviser with the Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross.

* Ten Pacific states have ratified the Treaty on the Prohibitio­n of Nuclear Weapons:Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

 ??  ?? Anti-nuclear protesters march in Pape’ete, the capital of Tahiti in French Polynesia, in 1995, denouncing French nuclear testing on Mururoa atoll. Photograph: Romeo Gacad/AFP
Anti-nuclear protesters march in Pape’ete, the capital of Tahiti in French Polynesia, in 1995, denouncing French nuclear testing on Mururoa atoll. Photograph: Romeo Gacad/AFP
 ??  ?? The Runit dome, a concrete sarcophagu­s filled with nuclear waste on Runit Island, beside a crater left by another nuclear test. Photograph: Greg Nelson
The Runit dome, a concrete sarcophagu­s filled with nuclear waste on Runit Island, beside a crater left by another nuclear test. Photograph: Greg Nelson

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