The Guardian (USA)

Country diary: the power of water in the valley

- Virginia Spiers

The beat of a hydraulic ram reverberat­es along the deep ditch, running fast with spring water towards a little tributary originatin­g from beneath Viverdon Down. The water joinsother streams along the incised course through steep woods and pastures before meeting the tidal Tamar, more than two miles downstream. Last month’s exceptiona­l run-off along this network of streams contribute­d to the destructio­n of the National Trust’s weir, which channelled water along a leat to Morden Mill’s historic water wheel and the more recent hydroelect­ric plant.

Hydro-rams used to be common in the dissected hilly countrysid­e. They used the water’s momentum to pump a proportion of the flow uphill to storage tanks or reservoirs, which then gravity-fedfarmste­ads and field drinking troughs. Mains water supplies gradually ousted these slow, but low-maintenanc­e, machines.

But here, at the bottom of this former market garden, a pump has worked for more than 30 years, revamped by our brother-in-law after being relocated from its redundant situation near the River Lynher. The “beat valve” has been replaced a few times and the filter from the header pond is occasional­ly cleared of debris, but it continues to lift some 10% of the inflow 75 feet higher, along a buried pipe to a tank for watering vegetables in the polytunnel.

Midway up the slope, in regenerati­ng woodland, snowdrops used to bepicked and bunched as a source of income in winter, before the succession of varieties of narcissi. Daffodil leaves now emerge among seeded campion plants, frost-flattened dog’s mercury and ferns, all strewn with fallen ash twigs; the only hint of cheering yellow is on pollen-full hazel catkins.

On the highest ground, 16 rams, quartered away from their flocks, graze the field of rough grass, drab after last week’s sparkling frost. Rabbit runs wend their way from the eroded hedgebanks and, due to lockdown, our friend with ferrets is precluded from netting and dispatchin­g these burrowing pests – so no rabbit stew. Other fields in sight of home are empty of stock, but we hear that the parish’s largest flock of ewes is already scanned so that those with twins or triplets can be given extra attention.

• Country Diary is on Twitter at @gdncountry­diary

 ??  ?? A hydraulic ram above the ditch. Photograph: Jack Spiers
A hydraulic ram above the ditch. Photograph: Jack Spiers
 ??  ?? Morden Mill weir before it was destroyed by rain. Photograph: Jack Spiers
Morden Mill weir before it was destroyed by rain. Photograph: Jack Spiers

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