The Guardian (USA)

US to resume deporting asylum seekers after judge rejects Biden order

- Julian Borger in Washington

US Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t (Ice) is preparing to resume deportatio­ns of asylum seekers after a Trump-appointed Texas judge ruled against a 100-day suspension ordered by Joe Biden.

The ruling, in response to a challenge from a leading figure in the Republican effort to overturn the election result, marks the first shot in a legal rearguard action by Trump loyalists intended to stymie the Biden administra­tion’s agenda.

Human rights activists said the resumption of flights also raised the question of whether Ice agents, who have been accused of systemic abuse of migrants and detainees, might seek to resist the new administra­tion’s efforts to reform the agency.

An Ice plane left San Antonio for Port-au-Prince on Monday morning carrying Haitians detained on the US-Mexican border and expelled under a highly controvers­ial Ice interpreta­tion of public health laws.

“Deportatio­n flight to Haiti on the first day of Black history month,” Guerline Jozef, co-founder of the Haitian Bridge Alliance, wrote in a text to the Guardian. “What a slap in the face.”

According to activists, there are also 23 Africans facing deportatio­n from an Ice holding facility in Alexandria, Louisiana, as early as Tuesday, including 11 Angolans, seven Cameroonia­ns, two Congolese, and three others of unknown nationalit­ies.

Although the Haitian flight would probably have gone ahead even under the Biden moratorium, the expected African flight defies that order, as well as guidelines laid down by the acting homeland security secretary, David Pekoske, that came into effect on Monday. Pekoske called for deportatio­ns to be limited to suspected terrorists, convicted felons deemed a threat to public security, and undocument­ed people caught on the border after 1 November.

At least some of the potential deportees have legal cases pending, and one of them was granted an emergency stay by an appeals court on Sunday evening. Others expected to be deported on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Ice appears to be pushing ahead with the deportatio­n flight despite reports that Cameroonia­ns deported to their home country last October and November in the midst of a bloody civil conflict had been imprisoned, beaten, gone into hiding – or in some cases simply disappeare­d.

“A lot of them were locked up in military prison, which is where they took a whole bunch of people that are arrested by the army,” said Mambo Tse, a Cameroonia­n community activist in the US. “It’s not safe.”

Lauren Seibert, a Human Rights Watch researcher and advocate, said: “After scores of Cameroonia­ns were denied asylum in the US and deported in recent months, Human Rights Watch has documented multiple cases of deportees facing imprisonme­nt, abuse, criminal prosecutio­n and threats by the Cameroonia­n authoritie­s after their return. Some of their families have also been threatened and harassed.”

On taking office on 20 January, the Biden administra­tion ordered a 100-day halt to deportatio­n flights, with certain limited exceptions, while Ice procedures were reviewed to “enable focusing the Department’s resources where they are most needed”.

However, a federal judge in Texas, Drew Tipton, appointed by Donald Trump last June, ordered a stay, blocking the suspension, but not the new guidelines. Tipton’s nomination was opposed by Democrats over concerns over his lack of judicial experience and his support for the reinstatem­ent of a Texas social worker fired for using a racial slur against a black colleague. He argued: “It certainly does not evidence a pattern of hostility against anyone or any people who are of a particular race.”

The case against the moratorium was brought by the Texas attorney general, Ken Paxton, who played a leading role in the effort to overturn the 2020 election result.

Paxton addressed Trump supporters in Washington on 6 January shortly before the storming of the Capitol.

“We will not quit fighting. We’re Texans, we’re Americans, and the fight will go on,” he told the crowd, according to the Houston Chronicle.

Paxton has been indicted for securities fraud allegedly committed before he took office. He has also been accused of abuse of office by seven whistleblo­wers and is being sued for retaliatio­n after having the whistleblo­wers fired. He is reported to be under FBI investigat­ion for the abuse of office allegation­s.

Paxton’s lawyer, Philip Hilder, declined to comment on the reports of an FBI investigat­ion.

After Tipton’s ruling on deportatio­ns, Paxton declared “Victory” on his official Twitter account.

“Texas is the FIRST state in the nation to bring a lawsuit against the Biden Admin,” he wrote. “AND WE WON.”

Echoing the language widely used to denounce the ransacking of the Capitol, Paxton described the 100-day deportatio­ns moratorium as “a seditious left-wing insurrecti­on” which he had stopped.

In a statement to the Guardian on Monday, an Ice spokespers­on said the agency “is in compliance with the temporary restrainin­g order” issued by the Texas court.

Justice department lawyers argued against the stay in Tipton’s court, the southern district of Texas, but it was unclear when or whether they would appeal against the ruling. A department spokespers­on declined to comment.

The American Civil Liberties Union is seeking to challenge the Texan ruling on behalf of immigrant rights groups.

“There’s a legal aspect to it and there’s a practical aspect,” Cody Wofsy, an ACLU attorney, said. “Are individual Ice officers who may disagree with the new policies of the new administra­tion going to carry out those policies, or are they going to attempt to carry out a more unforgivin­g immigratio­n policy that they might prefer?”

 ?? Photograph: Gregory Bull/AP ?? An Ice plane left Texas for Haiti on Monday morning, carrying people expelled under a controvers­ial Ice interpreta­tion of health laws.
Photograph: Gregory Bull/AP An Ice plane left Texas for Haiti on Monday morning, carrying people expelled under a controvers­ial Ice interpreta­tion of health laws.

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