The Guardian (USA)

When will Britain's Covid lockdown be lifted? Three scenarios

- Robin McKie

Hopes are rising that Britain may soon put the worst of Covid-19 behind it. After a year in which the disease has paralysed the nation, killed more than 100,000 people, closed schools and universiti­es, and brought the NHS to its knees, there are now signs of hope emerging.

Most optimism stems from Britain’s vaccinatio­n programme, which has resulted in the inoculatio­n of more than 10 million people in the past two months alone, and which aims to have vaccinated the entire adult population later this year.

The nation’s lockdown nightmare may be ending. But exactly when? And what are the pitfalls that lie ahead? We look at three scenarios that focus on the possible state of the nation in early May.

The optimist’s view

In the wake of the national lockdown and a successful vaccine programme, most scientists believe that Covid deaths, hospitalis­ations and daily cases will have plummeted by the end of April. Schools and universiti­es will have reopened, non-essential shops will back in business, and there will be much more flexibilit­y for travel within the UK.

However, such a scenario will only come about if Britain continues vaccinatin­g at its current impressive rate of 2.5 million to 3 million inoculatio­ns a week.

“To maintain a campaign like that you have to need venues where you can vaccinate thousands every day; have a population willing to be vaccinated; have trained individual­s who can carry out inoculatio­ns; and have assured supplies of vaccine,” said Prof Linda Bauld of Edinburgh University.

“The first three factors will be fine, but the fourth – the supply of vaccines – is a concern. We will have to be very sure of our supply lines though I am generally confident.”

Another key concern will be the reopening of schools. This is very likely to trigger a rise in case numbers and scientists will be closely monitoring infection rates. Some fear reopening will push up the infection rate – the R number – by as much as 0.5. So will there be enough people who have received first doses of the vaccine and whose protected state will counteract the rise and keep R down? Most scientists believe that the prospect of improving the lives of schoolchil­dren is worth the risk.

The middle ground

Prime minister Boris Johnson is now under intense pressure from the right wing of the Tory party to lift all Covid restrictio­ns in order to open up the economy in time for the local and Scottish elections on 6 May. Scientists warn against such a move because they say it will leave millions of older and vulnerable people still vulnerable to catching severe cases of Covid.

Last summer Johnson released the country too early from lockdown, a move that resulted in the rapid arrival of the disease’s second wave. If he repeats this mistake, we could, by May this year, see numbers of cases of Covid-19 – having dropped spectacula­rly in March and April – to start to rise again as pubs, restaurant­s and other public venues open for businessan­d the virus starts to spread again.

“I think there’s is a real danger that we will ease restrictio­ns too early and we will return to putting quite severe pressure on the health service once more,” said Prof John Edmunds of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. A return to lockdowns and increased social distancing­would then be necessary, he added.

“The problem is that by May we will still have vaccinated only those at highest risk of getting serious illness but not those who are responsibl­e for the bulk of transmissi­on of the virus. For good measure, we still do not know just how effective vaccines are at limiting transmissi­on of the virus. That will also be a key factor in determinin­g how summer in Britain unfolds.”

The worst case

By far the greatest worry for most scientists is the creation and spread of new variants of the Covid-19 virus – in particular, mutations that could evade the protection provided by the current vaccines on offer.

“It’s the nightmare scenario,” said Edmunds. “And I don’t think it’s unrealisti­c.”

Major travel restrictio­ns are now being imposed in a bid to prevent the arrival of mutated viruses such as the South African variant, which many researcher­s fear could evade the protection provided by current vaccines. Crucially, these will have to be imposed for a long period, which suggests foreign holidays are unlikely to be commonplac­e this year. However, the UK will also have to monitor and scrutinise its own population to detect new variants that might appear within our own population. The result will be the return of national lockdowns if a new, worrying strain is uncovered.

According to this bleak scenario, life will have changed very little in three months’ time if new, alarming variants continue to appear.

That point was stressed by Prof Martin Hibberd, also of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “My main worry is that there will be a new strain of virus that will overcome the protective effects of previous infections and vaccines, meaning that we will have to develop new vaccines and then re-vaccinate everybody again. In the longer term, Covid-19 could have a similar impact on society that influenza has, with annual vaccinatio­ns, stay home if you are ill, and an acceptance that this will be a deadly disease for many years into the future.”

 ??  ?? Durdle Door, Dorset. If all goes well, UK travel should be easier this summer.
Durdle Door, Dorset. If all goes well, UK travel should be easier this summer.
 ??  ?? Children in the classroom last September: the timing of the reopening of schools will be critical to moderate new spread of the disease.
Children in the classroom last September: the timing of the reopening of schools will be critical to moderate new spread of the disease.

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