The Guardian (USA)

Pandemic 2020 review – a masterly mapping of the Covid outbreak

- Lucy Mangan

Like the virus itself, the programmes about it have moved from localised subjects to a slightly wider field and now have expanded to take in a global view. It hasn’t been a perfectly linear progressio­n, of course, but most of the first documentar­ies were composed largely of footage recorded by medical profession­als themselves, at work and then – exhausted and tearful – at home.

After that came socially distanced films recording the impact on local communitie­s and bereaved families, the experience­s of survivors and the long-term consequenc­es for those who do not make a full recovery. Alongside that have come considerat­ions and critiques of the UK response to the crisis and comparison­s – not generally favourable – with that of other countries.

Now, from the director James Bluemel and the team behind the collage of stories and footage that comprised Once Upon a Time in Iraq, we have the three-part Pandemic 2020 (BBC Two). I watched the first episode, a collection of first-hand accounts, from Wuhan, Washington, Italy, Iceland and all points in between, putting together a picture of how the pandemic initially played out around the world.

The UK representa­tive is Dr Amie Burbridge from Leamington Spa. Home footage shows her doing karaoke on the night of her 40th birthday. Interviews now – perched, like the other subjects, on a stool against a grey backdrop – show her struggling with the memories of what came next. “A lot of stuff we tried in the early stages turned out to be wrong – because we didn’t know,” she says, desperatel­y. A voice message left for an unknown recipient by a counterpar­t in Italy reflects and reinforces the sense of medical workers’ disorienta­tion and impotence. “I’m too messed up to write,” the message says. “I just can’t cope … I feel like a terrible nurse and a terrible person. There are people dying. And there’s nothing you can do, nothing anyone can do.”

The growing disbelief of Qiongyao and Jie – a couple from Wuhan – as they watch the virus travel around the world and witness countries’ differing responses to it is the most effective evocation I have seen of the profundity of the insanity. “The textbook is right here!” says a baffled Qiongyao, after describing their lockdown procedures, complete with footage of sanctioned trips through the utterly empty city. “And you don’t want to take it? I just can’t figure it out.”

After acknowledg­ing the shock and fear as Covid arrived on various shores, the film digs deeper into its effects.

It asks what the socio-cultural ramificati­ons, rather than simply the medical or practical consequenc­es, could be, in an attempt to look beyond the immediate future.

Its thesis is that upheaval – Mark Zuckerberg’s motto “move fast and break things” seems to apply as well to the pandemic as it does to the cutthroat world of big tech – provides the opportunit­y for change. Beyond the death and destructio­n, what Covid has most plainly done is stress-test our societies and illuminate their flaws – predominan­tly, the growing abyss between the haves and the have-nots.

In Bogotá, Colombia, the have-nots literally wave red flags to signal their need: so that the pandemic relief teams can identify those who need attention, people are asked to hang red towels, clothing, anything, out of their windows. Entire communitie­s turn crimson. The stark necessity of food parcels and other assistance for more people than the local government had realised were living so precarious­ly makes the economic divide abundantly clear.

On the most optimistic interpreta­tion – to which I would say the documentar­y makers lean – this need will be obvious to even the most wilfully ignorant. It ought to bring about vital overdue change. Carlos Valencia, whose job is implementi­ng the peace treaties designed to unify Colombia after 50 years of civil war, is impressed by the spirit of solidarity within deprived communitie­s, but fears for the effects on the pursuit of lasting peace.

Pandemic 2020 is a masterly mapping of the physical journey of the virus and the emotional landscape of those affected. It also manages to sketch possible routes for the future. Whether grief and rage will bring about revolution or a swift retreat to the status quo is unknown, but it was quite something to watch a film that dared even to contemplat­e non-worst-case scenarios. Maybe it is just a measure of how far our spirits have been crushed, but that itself felt like progress. On we go. And maybe, just maybe, upwards.

 ??  ?? Residents in Bogotá, Colombia, hang red fabric from their homes to alert the authoritie­s that they need Covid relief. Photograph: Fernando Vergara/AP
Residents in Bogotá, Colombia, hang red fabric from their homes to alert the authoritie­s that they need Covid relief. Photograph: Fernando Vergara/AP

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