The Guardian (USA)

In the post-9/11 era, America’s greatest threat isn’t jihadist terrorism any more

- Michael German, Elizabeth Goitein and Faiza Patel

The 20th anniversar­y of the September 11 attacks is a natural time to assess our nation’s response over the last two decades and chart a course for the future. Our single-minded focus on defeating terrorist groups claiming to act in the name of Islam over all other priorities, internatio­nal or domestic, has allowed vulnerabil­ities to fester.

The biggest problems our nation faces today have little to do with the terrorist groups that have consumed so much of our attention. Far-right militants launched a deadly attack on the US Capitol. Systemic racism continues, vividly illustrate­d by the killing of unarmed Black men by police. The mishandled coronaviru­s pandemic killed more than half a million Americans and put millions out of work. The opioid epidemic has claimed more than 500,000 lives, while 2020 saw a record number of gun deaths. Climate change drove natural disasters costing a record $22bn across the US in 2020.

Few people would likely argue that they feel more secure today than they did on 10 September 2001. It is time to recalibrat­e our priorities to ensure that we are protecting all Americans effectivel­y from the most significan­t threats to their health, safety and wellbeing.

Defining our priorities

When government officials claim that national security demands a particular action, few interrogat­e how national security is defined. Is it the territoria­l integrity of the nation? The physical safety of its people? Or something less tangible, such as the preservati­on of constituti­onal rights, economic prosperity, or the institutio­ns of democracy?

Absent a clear definition, the “national security” label is often affixed in ways that seem arbitrary, inconsiste­nt, or politicall­y driven. And yet the invocation automatica­lly elevates the issue’s priority of the issue, triggering increased government attention and resources regardless of any objective measure of the threat’s magnitude.

After 9/11, “national security” became nearly synonymous with preventing attacks from groups such as al-Qaida and Isis and any individual­s who identified with these groups’ stated goals. Congress practicall­y threw money at counter-terrorism efforts – by some estimates, the United States spent $2.8tn on counter-terrorism between 2002 and 2017. In the meantime, white supremacis­t violence was often treated as a civil rights or violent crime problem, far lower on the government’s list of priorities, even though this type of terrorism kills more Americans most years than any other. Only recently has the government labeled it a national security threat, with the attendant resources and attention.

Moreover, terrorist acts of all kinds are prioritize­d over problems that are generally not viewed through a national security lens but are far more damaging to public health and safety. Terrorism is typically responsibl­e for fewer than 100 fatalities a year – smaller than the number of Americans killed in bathtub accidents. In comparison, there are over 16,000 annual homicides, mostly by firearms. And the homicide numbers pale in comparison to estimates of American deaths due to environmen­tal pollution, substandar­d healthcare, and poverty.

The ‘liberty versus security’ paradigm

When something is labeled a “national security” threat, it is often assumed that the response will require extraordin­ary assertions of executive power and diminished protection­s for civil rights and civil liberties. This assumption has dominated our government’s response to 9/11. Yet it is rarely tested, as few counter-terrorism tactics have been evaluated for effectiven­ess using scientific, evidence-based methods. Indeed, in many instances, there is reason to believe these heavy-handed responses have been ineffectiv­e or even harmful.

Examples abound. The US invaded Afghanista­n and Iraq ostensibly to stem terrorism. Instead, the wars destabiliz­ed the regions, allowing new terrorist groups to flourish. Our 20-year military presence in Afghanista­n neither crippled the Taliban nor gave the Afghan government the means to resist it, as recent events have shown. Tactics that the military and CIA deployed in the name of counter-terrorism – including kidnapping, indefinite detention, torture, and targeted killing – tarnished America’s reputation as a champion of human rights, damaged relationsh­ips with allies, and provided fodder for terrorist group recruitmen­t.

At home, terrorism prevention efforts have included mass surveillan­ce, bloated and inaccurate watchlists, and racial, religious and ethnic profiling.

The benefits of these approaches have been assumed rather than proven. In the few instances where a cost-benefit analysis was conducted, programs designed to identify terrorists were found tobe ineffectua­l or counter productive.

For instance, two independen­t reviews of the NSA’s program to collect Americans’ phone records in bulk concluded that it resulted in little to no counter-terrorism benefit. A congressio­nal review of fusion centers – informatio­n-sharing hubs that try to turn state and local police into intelligen­ce agents – found that they are wasteful and do not produce valuable intelligen­ce. Government reviews of domestic terrorist attacks, such as the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood, concluded that important threat informatio­n had been missed because it was buried in a flood of collected data.

At the same time, these initiative­s have imposed heavy costs, not only on the nation’s treasury but on our democratic society and vulnerable communitie­s. Islamophob­ic and nativist counter-terrorism training materials and countering violent extremism programs have stigmatize­d American Muslims and immigrants. Ubiquitous “see something, say something” programs have trained Americans to be constantly suspicious of one another. These efforts have exacerbate­d existing divisions in the country and directly undermined the security of the communitie­s they target.

Looking beyond national security

Going forward, we must take a holistic approach to protecting our country and our people – one that prioritize­s the welfare of all Americans in accordance with an objective measuremen­t of the threats we face. The billions wasted on military and intelligen­ce programs that do not demonstrab­ly make Americans safer need to be reinvested in evidence-based solutions to our nation’s biggest problems.

This new approach goes beyond shifting resources within the category of threats traditiona­lly considered “national security” issues, or even bringing new categories under that umbrella. Instead, it situates national security threats – however designated – in the broader context of challenges to the health and resilience of our nation.

In his 1953 Chance for Peace speech, President Dwight Eisenhower warned about the opportunit­y costs of war: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies … a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.” His words are equally salient today.

Traditiona­l “national security” issues – terrorism, cybersecur­ity threats, espionage – will continue to require serious attention and responses. But an evidence-based approach to our problems will almost certainly entail rightsizin­g our bloated national security establishm­ent. Investing a fraction of the funds that were devoted to terrorism prevention over the last 20 years into the health, education, and welfare of the American people over the next 20 is the best way to build a society that is stronger and more secure.

Elizabeth Goitein and Faiza Patel are co-directors and Michael German is a fellow at the Liberty & National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law

This essay is co-published with the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law as part of a series exploring new approaches to national security 20 years after 9/11

 ?? Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images ?? ‘Terrorism is typically responsibl­e for fewer than 100 fatalities a year – smaller than the number of Americans killed in bathtub accidents. In comparison, there are over 16,000 annual homicides, mostly by firearms.’
Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images ‘Terrorism is typically responsibl­e for fewer than 100 fatalities a year – smaller than the number of Americans killed in bathtub accidents. In comparison, there are over 16,000 annual homicides, mostly by firearms.’

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