The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on the Cop26 draft outcome: raise the bar

- Editorial

In the staid idiom of internatio­nal summitry, to “note with serious concern” is a statement of distress. To “express alarm” is verging on panic. Thus the draft text of a Cop26 negotiatin­g outcome signals that the conference is not on track to match its ambitions, and recognises that failure will have calamitous consequenc­es.

On the trajectory of existing commitment­s, carbon emissions are set to rise 13.7% by 2030. Dramatic movement in the opposite direction is needed if the goal is to limit global heating to 1.5C by the end of this century – the outcome counselled by the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). That requires a 45% emissions cut by 2030, and net zero by mid-century. Yet a projection by the Climate Action Tracker shows that the world is heading for a rise of 2.4C above preindustr­ial levels, despite high-profile carbon-cutting pledges made in Glasgow. Heating on that scale would unleash extreme weather, bringing devastatio­n across the globe: rising sea levels, drought and displaced population­s.

The draft text underscore­s that the goal of the 2015 Paris agreement is to hold the increase “well below” 2C and pursue efforts to limit the rise to 1.5C. It also stresses the IPCC report and advice. The transition to greener energy, if managed and financed boldly, gives those countries that embrace it an economic and social dividend as pioneers of new technology. That should appeal to national self-interest if the wider benefits of averting climate meltdown provide insufficie­nt incentive to act. For Boris Johnson, there is the more immediate motivation of not wanting a summit in Britain to go down in history as a flop. He returned to Scotland on Wednesday ostensibly to bring heft to the negotiatio­ns, although the sortie served also as a distractio­n from tricky questions about Tory sleaze. His restored attention on the climate talks is welcome, even if a sustained focus would be out of character. Questions about corruption inevitably followed him into the press conference in Glasgow, where he exhorted Cop26 delegates to “keep 1.5 alive”.

Bigger players than Britain dictate the pace of action. But there is something emblematic in the prime minister’s habit of treating everything as a performanc­e and leaving to the last minute what should have been addressed earlier. Gordon Brown, whose mixed record in office boasts as its most conspicuou­s success the coordinati­on of internatio­nal action during the financial crisis, is right to warn the Tory leader against treating the summit as “a day trip”.

He is right, too, to describe the draft statement as an “admission of failure”, despite the real advances on deforestat­ion and methane emissions, for example. The glaring shortcomin­g is the failure to step up finance for vulnerable and poorer nations to fund clean developmen­t, protect their population­s against the impacts of global heating, and compensate for the damage already being done. Without this, the 1.5C goal is unreachabl­e. Alok Sharma, the conference’s president, said on Wednesday that he was pushing “very hard” for cash. NGOs warn that the west has not done enough to press the issue.

When the stakes are so high, frustratio­n is justified but despair is premature and also pointless. The current intergover­nmental coordinati­on system is the only one available, so making it work is imperative. It is not unusual, in internatio­nal relations, for pressures and distractio­ns in the present to obscure moral obligation­s to the future. But it is also common for negotiatio­ns to bear fruit only in their final days, or even hours. Since the consequenc­es of failure are intolerabl­e, the hope of something better from Cop26 persists. There may still be time – just – to realise it.

 ?? Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA ?? Protesters stage a candle-lit demonstrat­ion at the Cop26 summit.
Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA Protesters stage a candle-lit demonstrat­ion at the Cop26 summit.

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