The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on Liz Truss and Brexit: new chapter, same story


Since her appointmen­t as foreign secretary in September, Liz Truss has said little about the European Union. Her speeches exalt the UK as the broker of a global “network of liberty”, listing alliances with scarcely any reference to the club of democracie­s on Britain’s continenta­l doorstep. That omission partly reflects the ideologica­l temper of the Conservati­ve party, to which Ms Truss is highly sensitised. It also expressed divisions of labour in the cabinet when David Frost was in charge of post-Brexit negotiatio­ns with Brussels. But since Lord Frost’s resignatio­n, the European portfolio has returned to the Foreign Office. Silence on the subject is no longer an option for the secretary of state.

Her first interventi­on has been to restate Britain’s readiness to trigger article 16 of the withdrawal agreement, suspending its operation, if grievances regarding the Northern Ireland protocol are not satisfied. The terms demanded by Lord Frost for a renegotiat­ion still stand.

The pugnacious tone disappoint­ed those who had hoped that a change in personnel indicated a new willingnes­s to compromise. That prospect is not entirely lost. Ms Truss had to signal continuity in the negotiatin­g position. Anything else would have caused a commotion on the Tory benches and destabilis­ed an already wobbly government. That does not rule out a pragmatic shift in the coming months. The foreign secretary will not want Brexit to consume all of her political bandwidth, and the most efficient way to avoid that is to take her finger off the article 16 trigger.

There are two obstacles. One is Ms Truss’s ambition, scarcely veiled, to succeed Boris Johnson in Downing Street. That will involve pandering to Europhobic sentiment among Tory grassroots and backbench MPs, at the expense of sound diplomacy. The second is the disparate way that Brexit scatters its consequenc­es across Whitehall, beyond the institutio­nal reach of the Foreign Office. At the strategic level, that is the correct base for the developmen­t of European relations, but Mr Johnson’s Brexit was drafted in defiance of strategic thinking. He has explicitly ruled Britain out of institutio­nalised foreign policy cooperatio­n with Brussels.

Disentangl­ing Britain from EU membership has huge ongoing consequenc­es for border management, economic policy, trade, relations between Westminste­r government and the devolved administra­tions. There are prob

lems yet to be resolved around the replacemen­t of lost EU subsidies for agricultur­e and poorer regions. Fisheries will be a constant headache. Lord Frost’s portfolio also included questions of regulatory reform, exploring supposed benefits of Brexit by scrubbing the residue of Brussels form the statute book. Taken in the round, few cabinet ministers are unaffected, and it is unclear whether Ms Truss has the capacity or the will to coordinate the process. Much of the dayto-day engagement with Brussels will fall to her ministeria­l deputy, Chris Heaton-Harris, a hardliner who formerly chaired the perenniall­y dissatisfi­ed European Research Group of MPs.

Even with an applicatio­n of pragmatic will, the structural impediment­s to a more sensible European policy are great. The underlying reason is the longstandi­ng failure in government to understand or even engage with the full implicatio­ns of leaving the EU on the terms that Mr Johnson negotiated. Until that is fixed, the relationsh­ip will be unbalanced and uneasy. And fixing it is more a question of regime change than cabinet reshuffle.

 ?? Photograph: ?? ‘Liz Truss will not want Brexit to consume all of her political bandwidth.’
Photograph: ‘Liz Truss will not want Brexit to consume all of her political bandwidth.’

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