The Guardian (USA)

Australia’s stances on climate crisis and asylum seekers ‘backwards’, Human Rights Watch says

- Christophe­r Knaus

Australia’s “backwards” positions on global heating and asylum seekers are becoming increasing­ly unacceptab­le to the world, a leading human rights group says.

Human Rights Watch launched its annual world report on Thursday, again finding “serious human rights issues” in Australia, despite its overall record as a strong, multicultu­ral democracy.

For the first time, Human Rights Watch focused on climate, an area where Australia was found particular­ly wanting. The report criticised Australia’s per capita emissions, among the worst in the globe, its huge exports of fossil fuels, and the tax breaks afforded to fossil fuel companies, which have increased 48% since the Paris agreement in 2015.

The report yet again slammed Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, including those transferre­d to Australia and detained in hotel rooms for extended periods, where “access to sunlight, space to exercise, and fresh air is limited”. The plight of asylum seekers was given recent global exposure by the short-term detention of tennis star Novak Djokovic.

Australia’s rates of Indigenous incarcerat­ion – accounting for 30% of all adult prisoners, despite making up just 3% of the general population – and the at least 11 deaths in custody last year were also condemned. The report included the shocking statistic that Indigenous children are 17 times more likely to be imprisoned than non-Indigenous children, and criticised Australia for ignoring calls by 31 United Nations member states to raise the age of criminal responsibi­lity to the internatio­nally recommende­d minimum of 14.

The tough travel restrictio­ns introduced during the pandemic were also highlighte­d. The report said the decision to deny Australian­s from returning home was a “punitive approach to travel that left tens of thousands of Australian families separated from their loved ones”.

Human Rights Watch highlighte­d the inconsiste­nt approaches taken to Australian­s living in India after the wave in May last year, compared to those living in the US and the UK after similar spikes.

“Strict and inflexible domestic travel restrictio­ns inside Australia left families separated and others unable to return home, with individual­s refused permission to travel across state borders for compassion­ate reasons or medical treatment, despite willingnes­s to abide by quarantine restrictio­ns,” the report said.

Human Rights Watch Australia researcher, Sophie McNeill, said the world increasing­ly struggled to comprehend why Australia took such “backwards” stances on issues like climate and asylum seekers.

“Increasing­ly, the rest of the world and Australian­s are just saying ‘this is unacceptab­le, we can’t continue like this’,” McNeill told Guardian Australia.

“We’re now seeing that with Australia’s climate policy, you’re increasing­ly getting that realisatio­n around the world how backwards Australia is on this. The Djokovic issue has also reminded us that we’re also this way on asylum seekers.”

Human Rights Watch’s report said universiti­es in Australia were failing to protect the academic freedom of students who spoke out about China and academics who criticised the Communist party. This, the report said, left them “vulnerable to harassment and intimidati­on by Chinese government supporters”.

“Chinese pro-democracy students in Australia alter their behaviour and self-censor to avoid threats and harassment from fellow classmates and being ‘reported on’ by them to authoritie­s back home,” the report said.

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The report also cited the work of the disability royal commission and its criticisms of the slow Covid vaccine rollout for people with disabiliti­es. It similarly cited the aged care royal commission, saying the pandemic had highlighte­d “systemic understaff­ing and gaps in regulation”.

“Many aged care facilities use dangerous drugs, often without informed consent, to control the behaviour of older people with dementia,” the report said. “The government has not banned the practice and has not conducted sufficient monitoring of facilities’ compliance with existing regulation­s.”

 ?? Photograph: Loren Elliott/Reuters ?? The plight of asylum seekers was given recent global exposure when Novak Djokovic was briefly detained at the Park hotel in Melbourne, where 32 refugees are being held in detention.
Photograph: Loren Elliott/Reuters The plight of asylum seekers was given recent global exposure when Novak Djokovic was briefly detained at the Park hotel in Melbourne, where 32 refugees are being held in detention.

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