The Guardian (USA)

One in five applicants to white supremacis­t group tied to US military

- Maya Yang

One in five applicants to the white supremacis­t group Patriot Front claimed to hold current or former ties to the US military, according to leaked documents published and reviewed by the Southern Poverty Law Center and alternativ­e media collective Unicorn Riot.

Some 18 out of the 87 applicants, or 21%, said they were currently or previously affiliated with the military. One applicant, who claimed to be a former Marine, also said he currently worked for the Department of Homeland Security, according to the SPLC’s Hatewatch, a blog that tracks and exposes activities of American rightwing extremists.

A white supremacis­t and neo-fascist hate group, Patriot Front emerged as a rebrand of the neo-Nazi organizati­on Vanguard America in the aftermath of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia.

According to the SPLC, the Patriot Front “represents one of the most prominent white supremacis­t groups in the country” and is led by Thomas Rousseau, a 23-year old man based in Dallas, Texas. “A nation within a nation is our goal. Our people face complete annihilati­on as our culture and heritage are attacked from all sides,” Rousseau once said.

In January, Unicorn Riot published over 400 gigabytes of data that included “ostensibly private, unedited videos and direct messages [that] reveal a campaign to organize acts of hatred while indoctrina­ting teenagers into national socialism (Nazism),” the journalist collective said.

Group members and applicants expressed an open admiration for Nazi ideologies, with the latter expressing various motivation­s for joining the group.

One applicant, who said he lived in San Diego, claimed to be a current DHS employee and told Patriot Front he was inspired to join after he “found out about the Jews while in the marines”.

Another applicant used derogatory language about LGBTQ+ people and said he “first saw” them during his time in the military.

Someone else from Salt Lake City said he “shifted focus and questioned things” after his second deployment and went from being a Republican to joining the far right.

Applicants also touted their various skill sets, including “great landnaviga­tion, great physical fitness, able to clear rooms” and “basic medical training”. Others said they had been “trained in firearms”. One claimed to train people in “marine corps martial arts” and said he was the leader of the Kansas Active Club, an affiliate of the Rise Above Movement, a Southern California-based SPLC-designated hate group.

In addition to alleged military affiliatio­ns, the leak also revealed that the group targets minors. According to Unicorn Riot, Patriot Front recruits “members through the internet who are still legally minors, indoctrina­ting them with white supremacis­t ideology and even encouragin­g them to lie to their parents so the group can transport them across state lines for fascist events”.

Patriot Front’s official policies require members to be at least 17 and a half years old, but it “goes by a case by case basis” with certain members being below that age.

In the past year, there has been growing concern surroundin­g the farright radicaliza­tion of current and former military members. More than 80 defendants charged for their affiliatio­n with the deadly January 6 riots have been found to have ties to the military, with most being veterans.

Last March, the Pentagon released a report that cited domestic extremist groups posing an increasing threat to the military by attempting to recruit service members and in certain situations join the military to gain combat experience.

“Military members are highly prized by these groups as they bring legitimacy to their causes and enhance their ability to carry out attacks,” the report said. “In addition to potential violence, white supremacy and white nationalis­m pose a threat to the good order and discipline within the mili

tary,” it added.

In October, a House panel convened to discuss ways to address veterans being increasing­ly targeted for recruitmen­t by extremist groups.

“They provide them with a tribe, a simplistic view of the world and its problems, actionable solutions and a sense of purpose, and then they feed these vulnerable individual­s a concoction of lies and an unrelentin­g narrative of political and social grievance,” retired Marine Lt Col Joe Plenzler said at the panel.

A study last year by the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies found that in 2020, 6.4% of all domestic terror attacks and plots were committed by active-duty or reserve personnel, up from 1.5% in 2019 and none in 2018.

 ?? Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters ?? Members of Patriot Front, a white supremacis­t group, attend the annual anti-abortion ‘March for Life’ in Washington DC, on 21 January 2022.
Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters Members of Patriot Front, a white supremacis­t group, attend the annual anti-abortion ‘March for Life’ in Washington DC, on 21 January 2022.

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