The Guardian (USA)

Chile government apologizes to woman for forced sterilizat­ion

- John Bartlett in Santiago

The Chilean state has apologised to a woman who was forcibly sterilised by doctors because she was HIV positive.

The woman, known only as Francisca and then 20, was diagnosed with HIV in March 2002 while pregnant with her first child. But while she was under anaesthesi­a during a Caesarean section, doctors at a public hospital performed a surgical sterilisat­ion on the grounds that it would be irresponsi­ble for an HIV-positive woman to have more children. When Francisca woke up after the operation, she was informed by a nurse that she had been sterilised without her consent.

“This act of reparation reaffirms the Chilean state’s commitment to attempting to repair the damage caused by the actions of its employees,” said Antonia Urrejola, Chile’s foreign affairs minister, who presented the formal apology alongside President Gabriel Boric on Thursday afternoon.

“It also underlines this administra­tion’s commitment to making sure that women’s reproducti­ve rights and sexual and reproducti­ve autonomy are not affected in the way they were in [Francisca’s] case.”

In 2020, the UNAids programme estimated that there were 77,000 people living with HIV in Chile.

According to the organisati­on, women living with HIV are more likely to be victims of violence while undergoing reproducti­ve health procedures.

Social and economic inequaliti­es also exacerbate the risks for women. Francisca lived in a poor rural community and had never had access to sexual or reproducti­ve education.

She had received no guidance as to the risks, advantages, and alternativ­es of sterilisat­ion, despite a legal requiremen­t for informed written consent from the patient.

In 2007, Francisca filed a criminal complaint against the doctor, who claimed to have obtained verbal consent, and her case was dismissed a year later when a court ruled that it did not constitute a crime.

Two years later, the case was brought to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights by the

Center for Reproducti­ve Rights and Vivo Positivo, two organisati­ons acting on Francisca’s behalf.

On 3 August 2021, the Chilean state signed a settlement accepting its responsibi­lity.

The agreement made Chile responsibl­e for compensati­ng Francisca for the damages caused, providing a housing subsidy and healthcare for both her and her son, and committing to raise awareness of HIV and reproducti­ve rights.

“I receive the apology offered to me by the Chilean state… [but] it must be clear that I was not the only one,” Francisca said at the time.

“I am happy to know that my case can serve to end stereotype­s about people living with HIV, and to improve healthcare for other women.”

Reproducti­ve rights have only recently liberalise­d in Chile.

Until 2017, abortion was criminalis­ed in all circumstan­ces, even when it was necessary to save the woman’s life. It is now legal in three cases – when the mother’s life is at risk, in the event of a nonviable pregnancy, or if the pregnancy resulted from a rape.

Chile’s progressiv­e new government, led by President Boric, 36, has committed to strengthen­ing sexual and reproducti­ve rights.

The country has recently finalised a draft of a new constituti­on that could replace the 1980 document which was signed into law – although later reformed – under Gen Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorsh­ip (1973-1990).

The draft will be put to a nationwide plebiscite on 4 September. It enshrines an individual’s autonomy over their body, the right to sexual education, and paves the way for access to abortion.

 ?? Alberto Valdés/EPA ?? President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, right, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonia Urrejola, in Santiago, Chile, 19 April 2022. Photograph:
Alberto Valdés/EPA President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, right, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonia Urrejola, in Santiago, Chile, 19 April 2022. Photograph:

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