The Guardian (USA)

Davos 2022 meeting was a missed opportunit­y over globalisat­ion

- Joseph Stiglitz

The World Economic Forum’s first meeting in more than two years was markedly different from the many previous Davos conference­s that I have attended since 1995. It was not just that the bright snow and clear skies of January were replaced by bare ski slopes and a gloomy May drizzle. Rather, it was that a forum traditiona­lly committed to championin­g globalisat­ion was primarily concerned with globalisat­ion’s failures: broken supply chains, food and energy price inflation, and an intellectu­al property (IP) regime that left billions without Covid-19 vaccines just so that a few drug companies could earn billions in extra profits.

Among the proposed responses to these problems are to “reshore” or “friend-shore” production and to enact “industrial policies to increase country capacities to produce”. Gone are the days when everyone seemed to be working for a world without borders; suddenly, everyone recognises that at least some national borders are key to economic developmen­t and security.

For one-time advocates of unfettered globalisat­ion, this volte-face has resulted in cognitive dissonance, because the new suite of policy proposals implies that longstandi­ng rules of the internatio­nal trading system will be bent or broken. Unable to reconcile friend-shoring with the principle of free and non-discrimina­tory trade, most of the business and political leaders at Davos resorted to platitudes. There was little soul-searching about how and why things have gone so wrong, or about the flawed, hyper-optimistic reasoning that prevailed during globalisat­ion’s heyday.

Of course, the problem is not only globalisat­ion. Our entire market economy has shown a lack of resilience. We essentiall­y built cars without spare tyres – knocking a few dollars off the price today while paying little mind to future exigencies. Just-in-time inventory systems were marvellous innovation­s as long as the economy faced only minor perturbati­ons; but they were a disaster in the face of Covid-19 shutdowns, creating supply-shortage cascades (such as when a dearth of microchips led to a dearth of new cars).

As I warned in my 2006 book, Making Globalizat­ion Work,markets do a terrible job of “pricing” risk (for the same reason that they don’t price carbon dioxide emissions). Consider Germany, which chose to make its economy dependent on gas deliveries from Russia, an obviously unreliable trading partner. Now it is facing consequenc­es that were both predictabl­e and predicted.

As Adam Smith recognised in the 18th century, capitalism is not a selfsustai­ning system, because there is a natural tendency toward monopoly. However, since the former US president Ronald Reagan and former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher ushered in an era of “deregulati­on”, increasing market concentrat­ion has become the norm, and not only in highprofil­e sectors such as e-commerce and social media. The disastrous shortage of baby formula in the US this spring was itself the result of monopolisa­tion. After Abbott was forced to suspend production over safety concerns, Americans soon realised that just one company accounts for almost half of the US supply.

The political ramificati­ons of globalisat­ion’s failures were also on full display at Davos this year. When Russia invaded Ukraine, the Kremlin was immediatel­y and almost universall­y condemned. But three months later, emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs) have adopted more ambiguous positions. Many point to US hypocrisy in demanding accountabi­lity for Russia’s aggression, even though it invaded Iraq under false pretences in 2003.

EMDCs also emphasise the more recent history of vaccine nationalis­m by Europe and the US, which has been sustained through World Trade Organizati­on IP provisions that were foisted on them 30 years ago. And it is EMDCs that are now bearing the brunt of higher food and energy prices. Combined with historical injustices, these recent developmen­ts have discredite­d western advocacy of democracy and internatio­nal rule of law.

To be sure, many countries that refuse to support the US’s defence of democracy are not democratic anyway. But other countries are, and the US’s standing to lead that fight has been undermined by its own failures – from systemic racism and the Trump administra­tion’s flirtation with authoritar­ians to the Republican party’s persistent attempts to suppress voting and divert attention from the 6 January 2021 insurrecti­on at the US Capitol.

The best way forward for the US would be to show greater solidarity with EMDCs by helping them to manage the soaring costs of food and energy. This could be done by reallocati­ng rich countries’ special drawing rights (the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund’s reserve asset), and by supporting a strong Covid-19 IP waiver at the WTO.

Moreover, high food and energy prices are likely to cause debt crises in many poor countries, further compoundin­g the tragic inequities of the pandemic. If the US and Europe want to show real global leadership, they will stop siding with the big banks and creditors that enticed countries to take on more debt than they could bear.

After four decades of championin­g globalisat­ion, it is clear that the Davos crowd mismanaged things. It promised prosperity for developed and developing countries alike. But while corporate giants in the global north grew rich, processes that could have made everyone better off instead made enemies everywhere. “Trickle-down economics”, the claim that enriching the wealthy would automatica­lly benefit all, was a swindle – an idea that had neither theory nor evidence behind it.

This year’s Davos meeting was a missed opportunit­y. It could have been an occasion for serious reflection on the decisions and policies that brought the world to where it is today. Now that globalisat­ion has peaked, we can only hope that we do better at managing its

decline than we did at managing its rise.

• Joseph E Stiglitz is a Nobel laureate in economics, university professor at Columbia University and a former chief economist of the World Bank.

 ?? Photograph: Markus Schreiber/AP ?? At Davos, there was little soul-searching about how and why things have gone so wrong.
Photograph: Markus Schreiber/AP At Davos, there was little soul-searching about how and why things have gone so wrong.

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