The Guardian (USA)

Peecycling: could donating your urine to farmers help feed the world?


Name: Peecycling.

Age: As a term, dates to about 2006; as a practice, centuries old.

Appearance: All yellow.

If this is about peeing while riding a bicycle, I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work. This is about saving and storing your urine.

Why would I want to do that? So the CIA can’t get it? So that it can be recycled.

Recycled as what? Fertiliser. Human urine is a rich source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. According to the Rich Earth Institute of Vermont, the urine one adult produces in a year – 125 US gallons (473 litres) – is sufficient to grow 320lbs (145kg) of wheat.

That’s a lot of wheat. And pee. Making it an especially welcome idea at a time when industrial­ly produced fertiliser is expensive and in short supply, thanks to sanctions against Russia, where a lot of it comes from.

If I can use my pee to humiliate Putin, then that weird dream I had last week will sort of come true. What’s more, those same nutrients, when flushed into wastewater systems, become contaminan­ts responsibl­e for creating environmen­tally damaging algal blooms.

So by saving my pee I could help the environmen­t, thwart Russian aggression and produce urine-rich bread? You’d also save about 4,000 US gallons (15,000 litres) of potable water annually, according to the Rich Earth Institute.

Let’s say I wanted to give my urine to a farmer. How would I go about that? If you live in Vermont, you can donate it by the jug. The foundation supplies free funnels and has a collection depot in Brattlebor­o. It can be “a little sloshy” at first, peecycler Kate Lucy told the New York Times, but you get used to it.

And if I’m outside the Brattlebor­o area? It’s largely an idea in search of the necessary infrastruc­tural adjustment­s. But there are some initiative­s in place: Paris plans to install urine-diverting toilets in 600 new apartments, using the collected pee to fertilise the city’s green spaces.

If fertiliser is so expensive, why I can’t I sell my pee for profit? The price of urine has risen recently – from $1 for 25 litres to about $6, but you’d be hardpresse­d to make a living as a sole provider.

In that case, I’ll just go in my own garden. Maybe not your front garden.

Do say: “If ever oh ever a wiz there was, this whizz of ours is one because, because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things it does.”

Don’t say: “I’ve seen them manage it in the Tour de France – how hard can it be?”

 ?? Photograph: Dan Brownsword/Getty Images/Image Source ?? No flush future … diverting urine to crop production could solve the fertiliser shortage.
Photograph: Dan Brownsword/Getty Images/Image Source No flush future … diverting urine to crop production could solve the fertiliser shortage.

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