The Guardian (USA)

‘A modern-day villain’: Joe Manchin condemned for killing US climate action

- Oliver Milman in New York

Joe Manchin’s decision to kill off sweeping US climate legislatio­n has been called “nothing short of a death sentence” for younger people and a livable climate on Earth, amid an outpouring of anger and despair from activists, scientists and even many of the US Senator’s Democratic colleagues.

Manchin, the centrist West Virginia senator who has become a millionair­e through his founding of a coal-trading company in his home state, dealt a crushing political blow to Joe Biden’s agenda on Thursday night when he made clear he would not support any spending to curb the climate crisis in a proposed bill.

The loss of Manchin’s swing vote in an evenly divided US senate means it’s now probable America will remain without legislatio­n to cut planet-heating emissions for several more years, imperiling national and internatio­nal climate goals and further escalating deadly wildfires, droughts, floods and heatwaves around the world.

“Given the US’s role as the leading all-time carbon polluter, it is difficult to see global action on climate without US leadership,” said Michael Mann, a climate scientist at Penn State University, who called Manchin “a modern-day villain, who drives a Maserati, lives on a yacht, courtesy of the coal industry, and is willing to see the world burn as long as it benefits his near-term investment portfolio”.

Biden and fellow Democrats have spent nearly two years trying to get Manchin to agree to a huge package of support for renewable energy and electric cars but now appear to have run out of time, with November’s midterm elections increasing­ly likely to see Congressio­nal

control switch to the Republican­s, who uniformly oppose action on the climate crisis.

“The stakes for this midterm election couldn’t be greater,” said Mann. “We’re talking about the future livability of our planet.”

Activists were scathing of Manchin and Democrats’ failure to pass climate legislatio­n during their control of both chambers of Congress and the White House with the advent of the Biden administra­tion.

“Senator Joe Manchin has written his legacy: blocking our best shot at a transition to affordable, American clean energy and a livable planet,” said Jamal Raad, executive director of the campaign group Evergreen Action. “Senator Manchin has betrayed the American public and the mandate given to the Democratic Senate to act on climate.”

Varshini Prakash, executive director of the youth-led environmen­tal Sunrise Movement, said: “This is nothing short of a death sentence … It’s clear appealing to corporate obstructio­nists doesn’t work, and it will cost us a generation of voters.”

Tiernan Sittenfeld, senior vice-president of government affairs at the League of Conservati­on Voters, added: “There truly aren’t words for how appalled, outraged, and disappoint­ed we are.”

Even some of Manchin’s party colleagues weighed in. Jared Huffman, a Democratic member of the House of Representa­tives, called Manchin a “wrecking ball” and a “very corrupted, compromise­d man”.

Scientists say the US, and the world, must cut emissions in half this decade, and get to net-zero emissions by 2050, to avoid breaching internatio­nally agreed temperatur­e limits and pushing the world into catastroph­ic climate impacts.

Last month was the hottest June on record globally, US space agency Nasa said on Thursday, and record heatwaves are ravaging the US, Europe and China. Meanwhile, huge sequoia trees that are thousands of years old are at risk from burning down in vast wildfires in California.

Biden, who has called the climate crisis “the greatest existentia­l threat of our time”, had hoped to pass a major bill to lower emissions via tax credit incentives for wind, solar and other lowcarbon energy, as well as support for electric vehicles and other measures.

But Manchin, who has received more money in political donations from the fossil fuel industry than any sitting senator, sank the broader Build Back Better legislatio­n last year and now has seemingly halted Democratic efforts to revive the climate measures in a new bill. Analysts say without any new bill, the US will fall about halfway short of its emissions-cutting target.

The West Virginia lawmaker has cited concerns over inflation, now at a 40-year high, as to why he has refused to commit to a new climate package that would have totaled about $300bn and stood as a crucial long-term strategy to stave off global heating.

“Political headlines are of no value to the millions of Americans struggling to afford groceries and gas as inflation soars to 9.1%,” said a spokespers­on for Manchin.

“Senator Manchin believes it’s time for leaders to put political agendas aside, reevaluate and adjust to the economic realities the country faces to avoid taking steps that add fuel to the inflation fire.”

Biden will now have to face the consternat­ion of other government­s, with a United Nations climate conference set to take place in Egypt in November, and try to craft a series of executive actions to make up the shortfall, although a recent supreme court ruling, in a case out of West Virginia, has limited the scope of his government’s response.

“Manchin’s decision is a bitter pill, for both US and global climate action,” said Paul Bledsoe, a former Clinton White House climate adviser, now with the Progressiv­e Policy Institute.

“Ironically, the bill he rejected would have created millions of new American jobs, jumpstarti­ng the US clean energy economy while reducing both emissions and long-term inflation, goals Manchin claims to embrace.”

 ?? ?? Manchin’s decision has been called ‘nothing short of a death sentence’. Photograph: José Luis Magaña/AP
Manchin’s decision has been called ‘nothing short of a death sentence’. Photograph: José Luis Magaña/AP

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