The Guardian (USA)

How a wild week in Washington changed the game for Biden and Trump

- David Smith in Washington

Departing his small, unshowy home state of Delaware, Joe Biden roared into the sky aboard Air Force One, borne aloft by jet fuel and a dramatic uplift in his political fortunes.

A thousand miles away, some unexpected guests had just arrived at the opulent Florida estate of the US president’s predecesso­r, Donald Trump, but not for its champagne, sumptuous buffet or two pound lobsters.

At about 9am on Monday, FBI agents – said to number between 30 and 40, some wearing suits, most in T-shirts, casual trousers, masks and gloves – began a search of Mar-a-Lago for government secrets that should not have left the White House.

It was a tale of two presidents: Biden at his zenith, gaining praise for a “hot streak” and earning comparison­s with the master legislator Lyndon Johnson; Trump at his nadir, under criminal investigat­ion for potential violations of the Espionage Act and earning comparison­s with the 1920s gangster Al Capone.

And yet, such is the upside down nature of American politics in 2022, determinin­g who won and who lost the week was less clear cut. For Biden, to be sure, it was a much needed boost after months of Washington gridlock, miserable poll ratings and speculatio­n that he could face a challenger from his own Democratic party in the 2024 presidenti­al election.

But Trump, perversely, also appeared to end the week stronger within his party than he began it. He had faced growing dissent over damaging revelation­s from the congressio­nal committee investigat­ing the January 6 insurrecti­on. Yet his claim that his

home had been “raided” by law enforcemen­t prompted Republican­s to unite behind him with renewed zeal.

The upshot was that Biden, 79, and 76-year-old Trump had each received a political blood transfusio­n when they needed it most. If recent events proved anything, it was that they are still the most likely contenders for the White House in 2024. America’s gerontocra­cy is not done yet.

For a president long called a carnival barker and reality TV star reveling in spectacle, the FBI search on Monday began innocuousl­y enough, with neither Trump nor cameras present (his son, Eric, told Fox News that he had been the first to learn of it and informed his father).

The FBI agents had a search warrant as part of a justice department investigat­ion into the discovery of classified White House records recovered from Mar-a-Lago earlier this year. They wore plain clothes and were given access by the Secret Service without drama.

The agents reportedly seized 11 sets of classified informatio­n, some of which was marked “top secret”, along with binders, handwritte­n notes and informatio­n about the “President of France”. Trump denied a Washington Post article that said the search was for possible classified materials related to nuclear weapons.

It ended at about 6.30pm on Monday and word broke on social media a few minutes later, quickly followed by confirmati­on from Trump himself. In a characteri­stically hyperbolic statement, he fumed that Mar-aLago was “currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before… They even broke into my safe!”

Trump claimed the search was politicall­y motivated and attempted to draw a contrast with his old foe Hillary Clinton, but perhaps the most important sentence asserted: “It is prosecutor­ial misconduct, the weaponizat­ion of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperatel­y don’t want me to run for President in 2024.”

Like a herd of wildebeest, Republican­s stampeded thunderous­ly as one. “Weaponizat­ion”, “banana republic” and “dictatorsh­ip” were the go-to words of the week along with a blitz of fundraisin­g emails. Some in the party of law and order, which had castigated Democrats over the “defund the police” slogan, were now calling for the FBI to be defunded.

Senator Rick Scott of Florida, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, claimed that the government has gone the way of “the Gestapo”, the secret police in Nazi Germany. Congressma­n Paul Gosar of Arizona tweeted: “We must destroy the FBI. We must save America. I stand with Donald J Trump.”

Kevin McCarthy, the House minority leader, warned the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, to “preserve your documents and clear your calendar” because, if Republican­s take control of the House in November’s midterm elections, they will hold oversight investigat­ions into the justice department.

So far, so Maga. Perhaps more tellingly, even Republican­s who had previously distanced themselves from Trump felt compelled to toe the line. Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell demanded a “thorough and immediate explanatio­n” of what led to the search.

The former vice-president Mike Pence, who fell out with the former president over January 6, said “the appearance of continued partisansh­ip by the justice department must be addressed”. Other potential contenders for the Republican nomination in 2024, including Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, joined the chorus.

Opinion polls confirmed that the FBI search had given Trump at least a modest boost among Republican­s. A survey by Morning Consult found that 57% ofRepublic­an voters and Republican-leaning independen­ts would vote for Trump if the 2024 primary were being held today, up from 53% in midJuly. DeSantis fell from 23% to 17% over the same period.

This followed a run of victories for Trump-backed candidates in congressio­nal primary elections. In the spring and early summer, his record had been uneven with notable setbacks in states such as Georgia. But this month, his slate of election-deniers beat establishm­ent-backed candidates in Arizona.

The businessma­n Tim Michels won the Republican primary for governor of Wisconsin with Trump’s backing. Most of the 10 Republican members of Congress who voted to impeach Trump have either retired or lost. Liz Cheney, the vice-chair of the January 6 committee, will be on the Wyoming ballot on Tuesday and is widely expected to lose her seat.

A the recent Conservati­ve Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas, 69% of attendees said they wanted Trump as the Republican nominee in 2024, well ahead of DeSantis on 24%. Jim McLaughlin, who conducted the straw poll, said: “He’s more popular than ever.”

Yet even as Trump tightens his grip on the Republican base, his new status as the first former US president to suffer the indignity of having his home searched by the FBI offers another reason why moderate and independen­t voters could slip through his fingers.

Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, said: “There are two contrary effects. With Republican­s, or at least the Republican base, this has caused them to rally around not the flag but Donald Trump. It has strengthen­ed him within the party and discourage­d people like DeSantis, whether he admits it or not, and the others aren’t even on the radar screen at this point.

“But the contrary effect for not just Democrats but also independen­ts is it makes Trump less electable in 2024. People look at him and even if they like him they say his time has passed and he’s too controvers­ial, I’ve heard this a million times and I don’t think it’s exceptiona­l.”

Wendy Schiller, a political science professor at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, agrees that Republican­s’ fast and furious defense of Trump should not necessaril­y be taken at face value as the midterms approach.

She said: “They’re squeezing all of this enthusiasm out of his base, promising them all sorts of things, just to make sure that they get out and vote on 8 November.”

Schiller added: “They’re using Donald Trump to get to the promised land in November but, as soon as they get there, it’s not clear to me that they stay loyal to him particular­ly. They don’t have to. Once they get the Congress, particular­ly if they get the Senate, and if Ron DeSantis wins big in Florida for re-election, he doesn’t need Donald Trump to get the nomination or the presidency.”

Whatever their motivation­s, Republican­s’ rush of incendiary and reckless rhetoric also came with a dark and dangerous side. Pro-Trump online chatrooms filled with calls for violence and phrases such as “lock and load” while “civil war” trended on Twitter.

On Thursday an armed man wearing body armor tried to breach a security screening area at an FBI field office in Ohio, then fled and was later killed after a standoff with law enforcemen­t. The man is believed to have been in Washington in the days before the assault on the US Capitol and may have been there on the day it took place.

Trump’s legal perils – federal and state, civil and criminal – continue to mount. In a separate case, he sat for a deposition on Wednesday as the New York attorney general, Letitia James, wraps up a civil investigat­ion into allegation­s that his company misled lenders and tax authoritie­s about asset values.

Even as Trump invoked his fifthamend­ment protection against selfincrim­ination more than 400 times, Biden was at the White House celebratin­g another victory. He signed bipartisan legislatio­n to pour billions of dollars into care for military veterans exposed to toxic burn pits.

It was one of several victories for a president who just last month was being written off as a likely one-term president with an approval rating below 40% – worse even than Trump’s – because of inflation, a stalled agenda and a desire for generation­al change. The Axios website started a list of Democratic officials’ positions on whether they want Biden to run again in 2024, noting that two gave firm “no”s and 19 dodged the question.

But the narrative has shifted quickly in just a few weeks even as Biden battled a coronaviru­s infection and lingering cough. Congress, where Democrats have wafer-thin majorities, sent bipartisan bills addressing gun violence and boosting the nation’s high-tech manufactur­ing sector to his desk.

On Friday, the president secured what he called the “final piece” of his economic agenda with passage of a $740bn climate and prescripti­on drug deal once thought dead. In addition, petrol prices dipped below $4 a gallon for the first time since March, inflation appears to be stabilisin­g and the economy added 528,000 jobs in July, bringing the unemployme­nt rate to 3.5%, the lowest in half a century.

And Biden successful­ly ordered the killing of al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri in a US drone strike in Afghanista­n, the most significan­t blow to the terrorist network since the death of Osama Bin Laden. Democrats and the White House hope the run of victories will revive their their political fortunes in time for the midterms.

Bob Shrum, a veteran Democratic strategist, said: “When you combine what’s happened in the last month legislativ­ely with the supreme court decision overturnin­g Roe v Wade [the constituti­onal right to abortion], you may have a very different situation for Democrats going into the midterms and for Biden in the second half of his term and a possible re-election.”

Shrum, director of the Center for the Political Future at the University of Southern California Dornsife, does not buy the notion that Trump has been strengthen­ed by his latest crisis. “He’s still the dominant force in the Republican party but he’s not as dominant as he was a year ago. He might be able to win a plurality nomination, but I actually think he’d be a very weak Republican nominee. He literally could get into a position where running would be a part time occupation and defending himself in court would be the full time occupation.”

The 2024 election is an age away. Most commentato­rs agree that, despite all the unknowable­s facing both men, including those related to being older than any other American presidents in history, a Biden v Trump rematch remains the most likely scenario.

Michael Steele, a Trump critic and former chairman of the Republican National Committee, said: “Let’s settle this once and for all. Let’s stomp Trump’s ass into the ground one more time. He lost by 8m votes last time; he’ll lose by 16m next time. You want to play? Let’s play. Democrats, with all their navel gazing, whining and bellyachin­g about Joe Biden’s age and this and that, shut the hell up!”

Steele added: “The most likely outcome going into 2024 is that it will be a repeat of the 2020 election. All stakes remain the same, if not higher, and the American people are going to have to decide once and for all: are we down with autocracy or are we up with democracy?”

 ?? Photograph: Marco Bello/Reuters ?? Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.
Photograph: Marco Bello/Reuters Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.
 ?? Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP ?? Joe Biden, pictured with Kamala Harris, has seen a string of recent political victories.
Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP Joe Biden, pictured with Kamala Harris, has seen a string of recent political victories.

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