The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on moving the British embassy to Jerusalem: don’t do it


Donald Trump’s relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2018 was incendiary. Widely criticised, including by the British government, it sparked protests and clashes in which Israeli security forces killed dozens of Palestinia­ns. Though a superpower’s example offers cover to others, only four countries followed suit: Honduras, Guatemala, Kosovo – and Paraguay, which swiftly reversed course.

Yet Liz Truss last week said that she was considerin­g relocating the British embassy. The case against a move is logical, legal and practical as well as moral. East Jerusalem has been considered occupied territory under internatio­nal law since the six-day war in 1967, and the future capital of a Palestinia­n state. Mr Trump’s proposals for an unworkable “peace plan” committed to Jerusalem as an “undivided” capital – Israel’s position. But British policy remains unchanged. Moving the embassy would tear up the commitment to any meaningful two-state solution. It would tacitly condone the march of illegal settlement­s. Palestinia­n doors would slam in the faces of diplomats, the British Council and others: longstandi­ng suspicion of the UK has accelerate­d in recent years. Relations with other Middle East nations would suffer. All this for minimal, if any, benefit.

The prime minister’s remarks came on the sidelines of the UN general assembly meeting where Yair Lapid voiced support for a two-state solution – the first Israeli prime minister to do so since 2017. This is a return to the rhetorical status quo ante, without either intention or ability to act upon his words, while the reality on the ground makes a peace deal ever more distant. There is no prospect of serious talks with Palestinia­ns and minimal external pressure. While it may have been intended to sweeten his message on Iran, most have seen it in the context of November’s general election – Israel’s fifth in less than four years, and once again shaping up as a contest for and against former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (currently favoured by polls). The thinking is that Mr Lapid hopes to encourage voters on the left to turn out or, more likely, switch to him, keeping him at the head of the anti-Bibi bloc.

It may also smooth relations with Joe Biden, who hailed his remarks, but has shown little real interest in the future of Palestinia­ns. His administra­tion vowed to reopen the consulate in Jerusalem, which served Palestinia­ns, and the PLO mission in Washington; neither has happened. The president’s cursory trip to East Jerusalem and Bethlehem this summer looked like cover for his meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman.

Badly failed by their own leadership too, Palestinia­ns feel not only frustrated and angry, but betrayed. Ms Truss’s review is further confirmati­on that they are right. Her brief tenure has already demonstrat­ed that a policy’s badness, stupidity and unpopulari­ty are not obstacles to embracing it: the opportunit­y to “challenge conformity” – ignoring officials’ warnings – may even be a spur. This is still more likely when Palestinia­ns, rather than her own electorate, will pay. But Britain’s historical responsibi­lities, as well as internatio­nal law, demand that it does better. It should keep the embassy in Tel Aviv, and not add to the damage already done.

 ?? ?? Demonstrat­ors in front of the new US embassy in Jerusalem in 2018. Photograph: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images
Demonstrat­ors in front of the new US embassy in Jerusalem in 2018. Photograph: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images

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