The Guardian (USA)

Canadian bill would fine workers $4,000 for each day they strike

- Leyland Cecco in Toronto

The premier of Canada’s most populous province is under fire for a “draconian” bill that would fine school support staff C$4,000 (US$2,900) a day for striking, prompting concerns that Ontario is eroding fundamenta­l workers’ rights – and setting a troubling precedent.

Doug Ford’s conservati­ve government tabled legislatio­n this week that would unilateral­ly impose a contract on education workers, and levy hefty fines for striking. The move escalates a bitter dispute over pay for education workers, including custodians, early childhood educators and educationa­l assistants.

Justin Trudeau has waded into the standoff, the prime minister sharply criticizin­g the Ontario government decision to “suspend people’s rights and freedoms”.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees, which represents 55,000 education workers, has called for an 11.3% raise for its workers – often the lowestpaid in schools – arguing that stagnant wage growth and high inflation have hit the lowest earners hardest.

The government has countered with a 2.5% annual raise for the lowestinco­me workers and 1.5% raises for others.

With little progress on negotiatio­ns and a strike planned on Friday, the government fast-tracked Bill 28.

If passed, the controvers­ial legislatio­n – which fines workers C$4,000 a day and the union C$500,000 for striking – would mark the first time in the county’s history that the right of workers to collective­ly bargain and to strike could be legally stripped away.

The government acknowledg­es its bill breaches the country’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code, but says its priority is averting a strike.

Ontario’s government is invoking a rarely used legal mechanism known as the notwithsta­nding clause, which allows provincial government­s to override certain portions of the charter for a five-year time period.

Quebec has long used the clause to pass its language rights laws, but most government­s have been hesitant to use the mechanism, said constituti­onal lawyer Ewa Krajewska.

“The Ford government has been much quicker to reach for the clause and the worry from a constituti­onal rights perspectiv­e is that it’s becoming increasing­ly normalized to invoke it,” she said. “And I’m concerned that every time there’s a bit of a blow-up about rights and legislatio­n, the government is just going to invoke the notwithsta­nding clause. The fact that they’re willing to go to it so quickly should give everyone pause.”

Canada’s justice minister called it “exceedingl­y problemati­c”, but Krajewska says there is little the federal government can do to stop it.

Lawyers say they are also troubled by the government’s pre-emptive use of the clause which would shield Bill 28 from judicial review.

“The Ford government is essentiall­y saying it is above the law. This is not just an attack on the fundamenta­l charter rights, human rights and labor rights of education workers. It’s also an attack on our constituti­onal democracy and the rule of law,” said Adrienne Telford, a constituti­onal and labour lawyer.

Canada’s top court recognised workers’ right to strike in 2015. In cases where employees are deemed essential, the right to strike is replaced by arbitratio­n.

Telford said that Ontario’s attempt to unilateral­ly impose a contract and working conditions was even more worrying.

“Workers weren’t even allowed to exercise their right to strike. It’s preemptive­ly taken that away. But what’s even more shocking is that the government isn’t replacing their fundamenta­l right to strike with the right to arbitratio­n,” she said. “Basically, this is an attempt by the government to avoid having to appear before an independen­t arbitrator and not get what it wants.”

Ford has long styled himself as a champion of the working class, but the row has prompted one union that previously endorsed him to call for the premier to reverse course.

Earlier this week, a branch of Labourers’ Internatio­nal Union North America, Canada’s largest constructi­on union, lobbied the province’s education minister to restore collective bargaining rights.

The Ontario Bar Associatio­n also condemned the move, calling the uncertaint­y surroundin­g fundamenta­l rights “potentiall­y destabiliz­ing” and prompting fears the short term gains won by Ford’s government could come at a cost to society “that might not be recognised until it’s too late”.

“In theory, government­s could just include the notwithsta­nding clause in every piece of legislatio­n that they have,” said Telford. “What is the point of fundamenta­l rights and freedoms if they can just be pre-emptively and overridden – and shielded from review by a court?”

• This article was amended on 3 November 2022 to clarify text related to the process by which provincial government­s can invoke the “notwithsta­nding clause” to temporaril­y override sections of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

 ?? Photograph: Cole Burston/Reuters ?? Doug Ford has come under fire for a bill that would fine education workers and unions for striking.
Photograph: Cole Burston/Reuters Doug Ford has come under fire for a bill that would fine education workers and unions for striking.

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