The Guardian (USA)

Film-maker Paul Haggis ordered to pay $7.5m to woman accusing him of rape

- Associated Press

A jury ordered Academy Award-winning film-maker Paul Haggis Thursday to pay at least $7.5m to a woman who accused him of rape in one of several #MeToo-era cases that have put Hollywood notables’ behavior on trial this fall.

The jury also decided that additional punitive damages should be awarded, but the amount is to be decided later.

The civil court trial pitted Haggis, known for writing best picture Oscar winners Million Dollar Baby and Crash, against Haleigh Breest, a publicist who met him while working at movie premieres in the early 2010s.

After a screening afterparty in January 2013, he offered her a lift home and invited her to his New York apartment for a drink.

Breest, 36, said Haggis then subjected her to unwanted advances and ultimately compelled her to perform oral sex and raped her despite her entreaties to stop.

Haggis, 69, said the publicist was flirtatiou­s and while sometimes seeming “conflicted”, initiated kisses and oral sex in an entirely consensual interactio­n. He said he couldn’t recall whether they had intercours­e.

Jurors sided with Breest, who said she suffered psychologi­cal and profession­al consequenc­es from her encounter with Haggis. She sued in late 2017. “I thought I was getting a ride home. I agreed to have a drink. What happened never should have happened. And it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him and his actions,” she told jurors.

Breest, in particular, said she decided to sue Haggis because his public condemnati­ons of Harvey Weinstein infuriated her: “This man raped me and he is presenting himself as a champion of women to the world,” she recalled thinking.Four other women also testified that they experience­d forceful, unwelcome passes and in one case, rape by Haggis in separate encounters going back to 1996. None of the four took legal action.

“The behavior showed me that he was somebody who was never going to stop,” one woman testified, saying that Haggis repeatedly tried to kiss her against her will and even followed her into and out of a taxi to her apartment in Toronto in 2015. His lawyers sought to assail the accusers’ credibilit­y.

The Associated Press generally does not identify people who say they have been sexually assaulted unless they come forward publicly, as Breest has done. Haggis denied all of the allegation­s. He told jurors the accusation­s left him shaken. “I’m scared because I don’t know why women, why anyone, would lie about things like this,” he said.

During three weeks of testimony, the trial scrutinize­d text messages that Breest sent to friends about what happened with Haggis, emails between them before and after the night in question, and some difference­s between their testimony and what they said in early court papers.

The two sides debated whether Haggis was physically capable of carrying out the alleged attack eight weeks after a spinal surgery. Psychology experts offered dueling perspectiv­es about what one called widespread misconcept­ions about rape victims’ behavior, such as assumption­s that victims would have no subsequent contact with their attackers.

And jurors heard extensive testimony about the Church of Scientolog­y, the religion founded by science fiction and fantasy author L Ron Hubbard in the 1950s. Haggis was an adherent for decades before publicly renouncing, and denouncing, Scientolog­y in 2009.

Through testimony from Haggis and other ex-members, his defense argued that the church set out to discredit him and might have had something to do with the lawsuit. No witnesses said they knew that Haggis’ accusers or Breest’s lawyers had Scientolog­y ties, and his lawyers acknowledg­ed that Breest herself does not. Still, Haggis lawyer Priya Chaudhry sought to persuade jurors that there were “the footprints, though maybe not the fingerprin­ts, of Scientolog­y’s involvemen­t here”.

The church said in a statement that it has no involvemen­t in the matter, arguing that Haggis is trying to shame his accusers with an “absurd and patently false” claim. Breest’s lawyers have called it “a shameful and unsupporte­d conspiracy theory”.

The Canadian-born Haggis got his start as a TV writer, eventually penning episodes of such well-known 1980s series as Diff’rent Strokes and Thirtysome­thing. He broke into movies with a splash with Million Dollar Baby and Crash, which he also directed and co

produced. Each film won the Academy

Award for best picture, for 2004 and 2005 respective­ly, and Haggis also won a screenwrit­ing Oscar for Crash.

His other credits include the Oscarnomin­ated screenplay for Letters From Iwo Jima and the screenplay­s for the

James Bond movies Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.

 ?? ?? Paul Haggis arrives at court for a sexual assault civil lawsuit in New York. Photograph: Julia Nikhinson/AP
Paul Haggis arrives at court for a sexual assault civil lawsuit in New York. Photograph: Julia Nikhinson/AP

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