The Guardian (USA)

Ice inadverten­tly posted personal informatio­n of 6,252 people in custody

- Maya Yang

US Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t said on Wednesday that it had inadverten­tly posted to its website the personal informatio­n of more than 6,000 people in its custody.

The informatio­n included names, nationalit­ies, detention centers where the people were held and unique numbers used to identify them in government records, according to Human Rights First, an advocacy group that discovered the leak on Monday.

All 6,252 people whose identities were exposed had earlier expressed fear of persecutio­n if courts denied their bids to remain in the US and were returned home, according to Human Rights First.

Eleanor Acer, the group’s senior director for refugee protection, said she worried that detainees or their families might be in danger in their home countries.

“In some countries people are targeted, retaliated against for seeking asylum,” the Associated Press reported Acer saying.

Ice said an Excel spreadshee­t was erroneousl­y posted “while performing routine updates” and was up for about five hours. It said it deleted the informatio­n 11 minutes after being notified.

“Though unintentio­nal, this release of informatio­n is a breach of policy and the agency is investigat­ing the incident and taking all corrective actions necessary,” Ice said in a statement.

It said it would tell detainees or their attorneys of the leak, which was first reported by the Los Angeles Times.

“This will allow noncitizen­s or their attorneys-of-record to determine whether the disclosure may impact the merits of their protection claim,” an Ice spokespers­on said.

The Los Angeles Times also reported that the government will notify individual­s who downloaded the informatio­n that they should delete it, and that Ice is monitoring the internet for potential reposting.

Diana Rashid, a managing attorney of the National Immigrant Justice Center, told the paper her organizati­on was concerned over the disclosure of the identity of one of her clients, a Mexican woman.

“We are deeply concerned about our client’s safety after Ice publicly shared this very sensitive informatio­n about her and thousands of others like her,” Rashid said.

“She is seeking protection from removal because she fears persecutio­n if returned to her country of origin. Revealing this informatio­n makes her more vulnerable to the persecutio­n and abuses she fears if deported.”

Heidi Altman, director of policy at the National Immigrant Justice Center, echoed similar sentiments, telling the paper: “The US government has a crucial obligation to hold asylum seekers’ names and informatio­n in confidence so they don’t face retaliatio­n or further harm by the government­s or individual­s whose persecutio­n they fled.

“Ice’s publicatio­n of confidenti­al data is illegal and ethically unconscion­able, a mistake that must never be repeated.”

 ?? US Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t building in Washington DC. Photograph: Eva Hambach/AFP/Getty Images ??
US Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t building in Washington DC. Photograph: Eva Hambach/AFP/Getty Images

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