The Guardian (USA)

Ex-Texas officer convicted of manslaught­er for shooting Atatiana Jefferson

- Staff and agencies

A former Texas police officer was convicted of manslaught­er Thursday for fatally shooting a Black woman through a rear window of her home in 2019, a rare conviction of an officer for killing someone also armed with a gun.

Jurors were also considerin­g a murder charge against Aaron Dean but instead convicted him of manslaught­er in the death of Atatiana Jefferson. The conviction comes more than three years after the white Fort Worth officer shot the 28-year-old woman while responding to a call about an open front door.

Dean, 38, faces up to 20 years in prison on the manslaught­er conviction. He had faced up to life in prison if convicted of murder. The judge told jurors Wednesday that they could also consider a manslaught­er charge.

The Tarrant county jury returned the verdict after more than 13 hours of deliberati­on over two days. That followed six days of testimony and arguments in which the primary dispute was whether Dean knew Jefferson was armed when he shot her. Dean testified that he saw her weapon; prosecutor­s alleged the evidence showed otherwise.

The case was unusual for the relative speed with which, amid public outrage, the Fort Worth police department released video of the 12 October 2019 shooting and arrested Dean. He’d completed the police academy the year before and quit the force without speaking to investigat­ors.

Since then, the case had been repeatedly postponed amid lawyerly wrangling, the terminal illness of Dean’s lead attorney and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dean shot Jefferson after a neighbor called a non-emergency police line to report that the front door to Jefferson’s home was open. She had been playing video games that night with her nephew and it emerged at trial that they left the doors open to vent smoke from hamburgers the boy burned.

Police body camera footage showed that Dean and a second officer who responded to the call didn’t identify themselves as police at the house. Dean and Officer Carol Darch testified that they thought the house might have been burglarize­d and quietly moved into the fenced-off backyard looking for signs of forced entry.

There, Dean, whose gun was drawn, fired a single shot through the window a split-second after shouting at Jefferson, who was inside, to show her hands.

Dean testified that he had no choice but to shoot when he saw Jefferson pointing the barrel of a gun directly at him. But under questionin­g from prosecutor­s he acknowledg­ed numerous errors, again and again conceding that actions he took before and after the shooting were “more bad police work”.

Darch’s back was to the window when Dean shot, but she testified that he never mentioned seeing a gun before he pulled the trigger and didn’t say anything about the weapon as they rushed in to search the house.

Dean acknowledg­ed on the witness stand that he only said something about the gun after seeing it on the floor inside the house and that he never gave Jefferson first aid.

Jefferson’s eight-year-old nephew Zion Carr was in the room with his aunt when she was shot. Zion testified that Jefferson took out her gun believing there was an intruder in the backyard.

Recounting the day of the killing, Zion said in court: “I was confused, because I didn’t know if … it was a dream and I wasn’t waking up still.” At one point when the defense lawyer was questionin­g him, he responded: “I don’t like talking about what happened.”

This kind of conviction is exceedingl­y rare, with few officers facing criminal charges for on-duty killings. And when officers are prosecuted for murder or manslaught­er, estimates suggest only 50% are found guilty.

Despite mass protests against police killings in 2020 and efforts at reforms, officers in the US continue to kill an average of roughly three people a day. The Washington Post’s records suggest the number of police killings has continued to increase in recent years.

 ?? Photograph: AP ?? Jefferson was with her nephew playing video games the night she was shot.
Photograph: AP Jefferson was with her nephew playing video games the night she was shot.

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