The Guardian (USA)

Biden trips and falls at Air Force Academy graduation ceremony


Joe Biden tripped and fell after handing out the last diploma at a graduation ceremony at the US Air Force Academy on Thursday.

He was quickly helped up and walked back to his seat unassisted, and the White House said the president was “fine”.

Biden fell during the commenceme­nt address at the event at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado, which lasted about five hours.

Biden, 80, tripped and fell to the ground as he turned to his left to shake an officer’s hand following his speech. He remained down for several seconds before an air force officer and two Secret Service agents helped him back to his feet.

As he got back on his feet, Biden pointed to the place on stage where he lost his balance. “He’s fine,” tweeted Ben LaBolt, the White House communicat­ions director. “There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands.”

Biden walked back to his seat unaided after pointing to an item on the stage.

Two small black sandbags were on stage supporting the teleprompt­er used by Biden and other speakers.

Biden announced in April he would run in the 2024 presidenti­al election for a second term, despite some low approval ratings and some concerns, and rightwing conspiraci­es, about his age.

Already the oldest president, Biden would be 86 before the end of a second term, nearly a decade older than Ronald Reagan was when he left the White House in 1989. Donald Trump is 76.

The day after he announced he was running, Biden said he was not concerned about running for a second term despite being the oldest president ever to do it.

“With regard to age … I guess how old I am. I can’t even say the number. It doesn’t register with me,” Biden said at a joint press conference with the visiting South Korean president, Yoon Suk Yeol, at the White House.

Biden has stumbled before going up the stairs and on to Air Force One. And he once got caught up in his bike pedals while stopping to talk to reporters near his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

Biden’s personal doctor said after the president’s most recent physical exam in February that Biden “remains a healthy, vigorous 80-year-old male, who is fit to successful­ly execute the duties of the presidency”. Dr Kevin O’Connor also documented the president’s stiffened gait, which O’Connor said was the result of spinal arthritis, a previously broken foot and neuropathy in the Biden’s feet.

During the event on Thursday, Biden thanked graduates for choosing “service over self”, and added that they now have the “great privilege” of leading in a world that will only get more confusing.

The president told the more than 900 graduates they will need the qualities of resilience, creativity, endurance and commitment that they learned at the academy to deal with a range of global challenges.

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