The Guardian (USA)

Georgia elections official downplays cybersecur­ity threats despite report

- Timothy Pratt

Georgia’s top election official is disregardi­ng a recently released report that identifies serious vulnerabil­ities in Georgia’s computeriz­ed election system, instead siding with a conflictin­g report and claiming that scientific findings about cybersecur­ity threats are no more than conspiracy theories.

The Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensper­ger, charged with overseeing elections, announced that despite the report’s findings, he will not update software to protect against the vulnerabil­ities before the 2024 presidenti­al elections.

The dueling reports were released by a federal court as part of a lawsuit. One, a 96-page report prepared by J Alex Halderman, and Drew Springall, computer science professors at the University of Michigan and Auburn University, respective­ly, is based on tests of the equipment used in the increasing­ly important swing state. The report, which had been sealed for two years by the court, found “vulnerabil­ities in nearly every part of the system that is exposed to potential attackers” which could allow votes to be changed, potentiall­y affecting election outcomes in Georgia, according to a summary by Halderman.

The other was prepared by Mitre, a research and developmen­t company, and paid for by Dominion Voting Systems, manufactur­er of the state’s electronic voting system. Mitre did not have the same access to test Georgia’s voting equipment, and claimed the vulnerabil­ities are unlikely to be exploited on a wide scale.

In justifying his decision not to update the state’s voting system, Raffensper­ger pointed to the Mitre report, which says the potential attacks Halderman identifies are “operationa­lly infeasible”.

Halderman called Raffensper­ger’s decision not to address the system’s vulnerabil­ities “irresponsi­ble and wrong”. Raffensper­ger has made several statements in recent weeks calling the computer scientists’ conclusion­s “theoretica­l and imaginary”, and conflating their warnings with “Stop the Steal” efforts post-2020 – leading Halderman to label the state’s officials as “vulnerabil­ity deniers”. Computer scientists from many of the US’s leading universiti­es signed a letter decrying the standoff, and urging Mitre to retract its report.

The scenario lands Georgia in a situation where top computer scientists and Trump-aligned election deniers appear to be sharing the same or similar concerns, even while one relies on groundbrea­king research, while the other has been discredite­d by courts and election officials alike.

US district judge Amy Totenberg had sealed the Halderman report since 2021 because of cybersecur­ity concerns, as part of a lawsuit that started before

the most recent presidenti­al election and rise of election deniers. But an agreement was reached earlier this month to release a redacted version, together with the Mitre report.

Halderman, who has researched digital elections equipment for decades, said court-ordered access to Georgia’s election equipment, manufactur­ed by Dominion, allowed them to do “the first study in more than 10 years to comprehens­ively and independen­tly assess the security of a widely deployed US voting machine, as well as the first-ever comprehens­ive security review of a widely deployed ballot marking device”.

“The most critical problem we found,” Halderman wrote, is a “vulnerabil­ity that can be exploited to spread malware from a county’s central election management system to every ballot-marking device in the jurisdicti­on. This makes it possible to attack the ballot-marking devices at scale, over a wide area, without needing physical access to any of them.”

Mitre’s countering report not only lacks any testing of voting machines, it also relies on a key premise, stated in a footnote on the first page: that no one besides election workers have access to the state’s voting hardware and software.

But records obtained by the Coalition for Good Governance – the group behind the ongoing lawsuit against Georgia’s election system – show that people associated with the effort to deny the 2020 election results visited rural Coffee county’s election department in early 2021, and the Trump attorney Sidney Powell was able to copy Dominion software and other data. These records, including surveillan­ce video, were reported by the Washington Post and are now under investigat­ion by the Georgia bureau of investigat­ion (GBI).

The Coffee county security breach and other issues led a group of 29 computer scientists from MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Georgia Tech and other US universiti­es to write a letter last week urging Mitre to retract its report, calling the company’s conclusion­s a “dangerousl­y misleading analysis”.

“Mitre embarrasse­d themselves,” Richard DeMillo, a computer science professor at Georgia Tech and one of the letter’s signers, told the Guardian.

The report is “based on representa­tions from the secretary of state about physical security, when right before our eyes, we can see video of people marching into Coffee county’s election department”.

Mike Hassinger, a spokespers­on for Raffensper­ger, pointed to the GBI investigat­ion when asked about the Coffee county incident and whether people other than election workers can access voting equipment.

Hassinger also said that the “vulnerabil­ities identified in a lab are not real vulnerabil­ities, and do not pose risks” to the state’s election system. But DeMillo, who has worked in cybersecur­ity at Hewlett-Packard and the US Department of Defense, said: “If Alex Halderman can discover the system’s vulnerabil­ities, then nation states like North Korea and Russia can as well.”

DeMillo has testified as part of the lawsuit, now in its sixth year. In 2019, the Coalition for Good Governance’s efforts led Judge Totenberg to order the state to scrap its previous statewide computer election system, made by Diebold Election Systems, due to vulnerabil­ities – a first in election integrity court cases. Diebold no longer makes voting machines, and coalition plaintiffs have continued their efforts to force the state to use paper ballots filled out by hand for voting instead of touchscree­ns, as is done by nearly 70% of voters across the US, with computers available for people with disabiliti­es.

“Ballots filled out by pencil and paper are non-hackable,” said Marilyn Marks, executive director of the coalition. Georgia’s current system prints out a ballot after voters use touchscree­ns, and the ballot has a barcode that scanners read to record each voter’s choices.

In the months leading up to Georgia’s 2019 decision to change its election system to Dominion’s machines, a committee formed to advise the state on the decision ignored the recommenda­tions of its lone computer scientist, Georgia Tech’s Wenke Lee, who urged the state to move to paper ballots marked by hand.

But the state ignored the recommenda­tions and purchased machines from Dominion, another digital system, instead. “You can see that pattern of negligent, vulnerabil­ity denialism – of not facing facts,” Halderman said.

In a statement released on 20 June, Raffensper­ger said that “critics of Georgia’s election security” are probably either “election-denying conspiracy theorists or litigants in the longrunnin­g … lawsuit. These two groups make ever-shifting but always baseless assertions that Georgia’s election system is at risk because bad actors might hack the system and change the result of an election.”

The statement conflates conspiraci­sts like Cyber Ninjas – the now-defunct company that performed discredite­d “audits” in Arizona after the 2020 presidenti­al election – with cybersecur­ity experts who have decades of research to their names at leading universiti­es. Asked about the researcher­s’ claims, Hassinger dismissed the line of inquiry as an “appeal to authority fallacy” and said in an email that “election denialism comes in many forms”, again conflating researcher­s with conspiraci­sts.

Halderman told the Guardian he found Raffensper­ger’s 20 June statement “offensive”.

“Can they actually not tell the difference?” he asked. “Are they so incompeten­t? Scientists can’t sit quietly while a state like Georgia continues to ignore these issues.”

administra­tion, is figuring out [how to address] these deep systemic issues so that our communitie­s are safer.”

The attacks on the mosques have been detailed by groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair). They include someone breaking into the Oromo American Tawhid Islamic Center before that facility was destroyed in an arson attack in May. An arrest has been made in that case.

In April, authoritie­s arrested and charged 36-year-old Jackie Rahm Little with two arson attacks on mosques in Minneapoli­s. He was also accused of spraying graffiti on Representa­tive Omar’s city office and damaging a police vehicle assigned to a Somali-American officer.

Mohamed Ibrahim, the deputy director of Cair Minnesota, said the community was asking for more help.

“People are wary of sending their kids to the mosque,” said Ibrahim. “But we also have a strong portion of the community also saying we will not allow this to stop us from attending the mosque. So, a lot of community members are showing resiliency.”

Minneapoli­s’s mayor, Jacob Frey, said he spoke to mosque leaders, and police dispatched extra units when the incidents happened.

“Places of worship in Minneapoli­s are places of peace and are sacred for those who visit them – we intend to keep it that way,” he said. “To our Muslim community: we have your back, and we will show it in our actions. These crimes won’t be tolerated in our city, and we will continue to hold perpetrato­rs accountabl­e.”

Ellison said in a statement that he traveled across the state to different communitie­s to gather ideas on how to counter hate crimes and vowed to “do everything in my power as attorney general to ensure every Minnesotan lives with dignity, safety, and respect”.

At the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque, people said they were offering help and support to those who had been attacked.

Dirie said some mosques in the region decided to hold off broadcasti­ng the call to prayer until they had done more outreach to the community, in an effort to avoid more violence. In the meantime, he said people were invited to attend his mosque.

Ahmed Jamal, 52, was one of those who delivered the call to prayer. He said he did not feel frightened and added: “When I am calling, it makes me feel so happy.”

 ?? ?? Brad Raffensper­ger in Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 November 2020.
Brad Raffensper­ger in Atlanta, Georgia, on 6 November 2020.

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